similar to: Short Title Bar

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "Short Title Bar"

2017 May 12
Strange Metadata Truncation in 2.43
I recently upgraded from 2.41 to 2.43. I feed my Icecast server with either a live stream or from EZStream. I am now finding that track title metadata never exceeds thirty characters. Is this new, or have I got something wrong in the 2.43 configuration? I am actually using the same one I used for 2.41, and I don't ever remember seeing anything in the XML that controls length of metadata
2008 Jan 28
Scheduling same worker/method at different times with different args
I need to run the same worker''s method twice per day with different arguments. Unfortunately, only the second entry in the schedule is firing. I created an experimental worker to verify this: Worker: class ExperimentWorker < BackgrounDRb::MetaWorker set_worker_name :experiment_worker def create(args = nil) # this method is called, when worker is loaded for the first time
2004 Sep 10
[Flac-users] Fingerprint one character short
I've got a directory of flac files that all pass the test, however one of the files has a 32 character long fingerprint, as opposed to 33. I've never seen this this normal? -- # Paul - # - Audio Hangout # My PGP Key - 0x144F725A
2019 May 01
Webm files written without duration in header
Dear all I am streaming live with webm with ffmpeg to icecast 2.4.2. After the stream ends, I am unable to determine the duration of the file using ffprobe or mediainfo. Not sure but it seems that this has to do with headers? Should icecast be writing the duration into the header or should this somehow be passed from ffmpeg? The requirement is really to determine the duration of the streamed
2019 May 01
Webm files written without duration in header
Dear all I am streaming live with webm with ffmpeg to icecast 2.4.2. After the stream ends, I am unable to determine the duration of the file using ffprobe or mediainfo. Not sure but it seems that this has to do with headers? Should icecast be writing the duration into the header or should this somehow be passed from ffmpeg? The requirement is really to determine the duration of the streamed
2002 Nov 10
building a formula for glm() with 30,000 independent variables
I would like to use R to perform a logistic regression with about 30,000 independent variables. That's right, thirty thousand. Most will be irrelevant: the intent is to use the regression to identify the few that actually matter. Among other things, this calls for giving glm() a colossal "y ~ ..." formula with thirty thousand summed terms on its right hand side. I build up the
2010 Oct 22
Problem with Aggregate - Sum, limit on number of criteria
Hello, It appears there is a limit in the number of criteria that can be put into the Aggregate sum function. (It looks like it is 32). My code is; HSfirst=aggregate(count,
2008 Oct 06
[LLVMdev] -instcombine broken with fastcall
I found this with LLVM 2.3 and reproduced with svn as of about thirty minutes ago and they both fail in the same way. If you run this code through opt -instcombine define fastcc i64 @fibo(i64) { switch i64 %0, label %2 [ i64 0, label %8 i64 1, label %8 ] ; <label>:2 ; preds = %1 %3 = sub i64 %0, 1 ; <i64> [#uses=1] %4 = call i64 @fibo(i64 %3) ; <i64> [#uses=1] %5 =
2009 Aug 05
Wine Unbearably Slow
After using Wine without any significant hitches for over a year, I've just come across one. Every time I load any application (even winecfg), it takes between thirty seconds to one minute for it to load. During this time, normal functions take forever or don't work at all (selecting folders, opening a file, etc.). Sometimes it will load and work just fine, but often the program continues
2006 Apr 30
format numbers as words
Does anyone know if there is a function available which can format any entered number as words? eg: ''1234'' would be ''One Thousand Two Hundred and Thirty Four'' In the past, I would have said this is a tall order, but from what I''ve seen with playing with rails for a short time, I don''t know what to expect. :) Thanks for any help, Damien
2014 Apr 14
Re: LXC + USB passthrough = Operation not permitted
Dear Fil, I am not sure if my answer can help you. I had ever asked a similar question to Daniel and I was using a thirty-party card. As a container uses a shared kernel with the host, so hostdev mode='subsystem' doesn't make sense. Maybe you can try to use hostdev mode='capabilities'. Please see Hope this helps Cheng
2010 Aug 18
wake up getamail on imap request
Hi, i've set up a little mailserver for my homeoffice, and after some problems everything works fine for me, I've some virtual users which get their mail delivered via getmail, and I can access my mails from my windows mailclient. The only issue I'm still facing is, that I don't like to run getmail as a cronjob that connects to my online mailboxes every minute or so,
2012 Jul 23
file and on SayNumber() app
Hello, I use the SayNumber() with variable. for example the number 1234 - asterisk play the number without and. -- Executing [888 at from-internal:1] Set("SIP/103-0000035d", "LANGUAGE=en") in new stack -- Executing [888 at from-internal:2] SayNumber("SIP/103-0000035d", "1234") in new stack -- <SIP/103-0000035d> Playing
2004 Oct 25
Segfaults in Icecast 2.0.2
Hello, Using Icecast version 2.0.2, I'm seeing segfaults when I connect a particular encoder to the stream. I already have three encoders connected, serving six streams without a problem, but adding the seventh stream crashes Icecast everytime after a period of ten to thirty seconds. All but one of the encoders are Darkice encoders and the encoder which crashes Icecast is also Darkice. So
2008 Feb 25
union of two data frames
I have a thirty thousand row data frame imported from excel and a 60,000 row data frame imported from excel. they share a common subset of the same data and I would like to combine the two into one data frame merged together on the data in common. I have looked at the help file for merge and intersect and cbind and rbind etc... And I can't figure it out. Thanks in advance Stephen --
2014 Jan 15
If it's possible for a third-party PCIe card to be shared by multiple containers
Dear all, I have a thirty-party PCIe card in my host which can work properly in native mode. I wonder if this card can be shared by multiple containers. As far as the network interface is concerned, too many efforts have been made for it. Two dedicated cgroup resource schedulers/subsystem(net_cls, net_prio) have been provided at the kernel level, and libvirt has also done a lot of work on
2014 Jan 16
Re: If it's possible for a third-party PCIe card to be shared by multiple containers
Dear Daniel, The thirty-party PCIe card is based on the Xilinx’ FPGA which is off the shelf, the main features are as follows: 1) x8 Gen3, 8Gb/s per lane/direction 2) MSI and legacy interrupt support 3) Scatter-gather packet DMA engine provide by Northwest Logic We hope multiple Linux Containers to access the PCIe card in time division mode, for example, during slot 1, lxc1 read/write the PCIe
2009 Apr 12
Convert string to time
One variable contains values (1.30 - one hour and thirty minutes, 1.2 (which is supposed to be 1.20 - one hour and twenty minutes)). I would like to convert to a minute variable so 1.2 is converted to 80 minutes. How?
2005 Feb 14
Hackers on my Web server
I have discovered that a gamer has hacked into my web server through a backdoor left open by my predecessor. I have closed the door, but when I try to delete the folders left behind I receive "Access Denied", or when I try to take ownership I receive "Unable to Find File...". I have removed most of the files to obtain enough space to continue operations but would like to remove
2013 Jul 01
Yum hangs while doing update
About thirty minutes ago I started an update. Everything downloaded fine. But when it came to "Running Transaction", it hung: .... Running rpm_check_debug Running Transaction Test Finished Transaction Test Transaction Test Succeeded Running Transaction Updating : xulrunner 1/18 And there it sits still. There's plenty of disk space. The load on the CPU is under