similar to: Icecast config

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "Icecast config"

2009 Jan 21
Paravirtualized Debian (on CentOS host)
In order to create a paravirtualized guest/DomU, should i use the same distro as the host/dom0 is? Or is it possible to install a paravirtualized Debian (as a guest / DomU) into a CentOS (host / Dom0) ? Juan Pablo On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 8:42 AM, Ferenc Wagner <> wrote: > Juan Pablo Torres <> writes: > > > Im trying to install a
2008 Jan 17
Res: vector generation
hi Juan, It is not so elegant, but work fine. I know that our colleagues can do it on a simple line. z<-c(526,723,110,1110,34,778,614,249,14) v1<-NULL v2<-NULL for (i in 1:(length(z)-1)) { for (j in i:length(z)) { v1<-rbind(v1,z[i]) v2<-rbind(v2,z[j]) } } df<-data.frame(cbind(v1=v1,v2=v2)) names(df)<-c("v1","v2") df$ratio<-df$v1/df$v2 Kind regards,
2005 Sep 27
About Coda Package
Dear R users: I am using the package coda (the last verison in CRAN) to analyse the output from a MCMC Bayesian analysis. And I get unconsitented results. I have export the chain using the read.table function and after I have transformed this data frame to an mcmc object using the mcmc function. I am interested in three variables, when I use the function effectiveSize I have these figures:
2017 Jun 14
Migration de Samba 4 PDC AD to another Samba4 (4.6.1 -> 4.6.5)
Buen día Agradeciendo de antemano a mi consulta Cual es el procedimiento correcto o que pasos debo de seguir para realizar un respaldode Usuarios,Grupos,Computadores  y Politicas alojadas en un Servidor Samba 4 que actua como PDC - AD, a otro recién instaldo Samba 4.6.1 -> 4.6.5 (over  Ubuntu Server 16.04 x86_64) Gracias Good day Thanking you in advance for my inquiry What is the correct
2009 Apr 07
matrix filtering and reordering
I have two matrixes, red: a 123 c 200 d 400 e 650 g 127 f 100 and blue: a 10 b 20 c 30 d 40 e 50 f 60 g 70 is there any easy way to get the next matrix: a 10 123 b 20 0 c 30 200 d 40 400 e 50 650 f 60 100 g 70 127 i.e. to add in the third column of blue the [,2] values of red corresponding to the file with same [x,1] value of blue, adding a cero in the case that there is no [x,1]
2010 Sep 01
Error: Domain ''winXP'' does not exist.
Hi, I''m tying to load a full HVM enviroment with windows XP to test my first xen VM. This is my config file <>when i run the command : xm create winxp.cfg i got Error: Domain ''winXP'' does not exist. Somebody can help me with this? i did read docs about config files, everyting seems to be in place thanks --
2007 Jul 05
help with vector construction
Hi all, I want to make a vector with the third column of a matrix, but only for the 2+3n rows of the matrix, with n being an entire number from 0 to a million. How can I do that in an easy way? Thanks in advance, Juan Pablo [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Sep 02
How to change default interface from eth0 to eth3?
I got this message when i''m trying to create the VM. Error: Device 0 (vif) could not be connected. Could not find bridge device xenbr0 Is there a way to change de interface from eth0 to eth3? thanks -- *-----* *Juan Pablo Lopez Bergero* *Cell: 15-3957-3455* * * _______________________________________________ Xen-users mailing list
2005 May 13
Converting a S-plus file.
Hello all. I've got a little file which is from S-Plus. The problem is I don't own a copy of said program, and R won't read it. I wonder if there's a caritative soul here who could export the file to some other format (csv, or even excel!) and send it back to me. Thanks in advance. Juan Pablo
2009 Jan 19
Paravirtualized Debian
Hello list; Im trying to install a paravirtualized Debian, but as an absolute newbie i´m, i don´t know what to put when the wizard asks me to give an "Install Media URL". Thanks in advance; Juan Pablo _______________________________________________ Xen-users mailing list
2007 Feb 27
ordered matrix question
Hi all, Is there an easy way to generate an object wich will be the same matrix, but ordered by de cfp value? The data frame consists of numeric columns: "Block" "X" "Y" "cfp" "yfp" "ID" 0 524 244 213.41795 7.18482109 1 0 556 270 65.383904 9.568372661 2 0 528 316 40.789474
2006 Sep 13
Retrieving value computed in inner function call
Dear R users, Consider the following example function: f = function(a,b) { g = function(x) a*x + b h = function(x) g(x)^2 + x^2 opt = optimize(h,lower = -1, upper = 1) x.min = opt$minimum h.xmin = opt$objective g.xmin = g(x.min) return(c(x.min, h.xmin, g.xmin)) } In my real problem the function that plays the role of "g" is costly to compute. Now, to
2009 Jan 26
Hello list; I´ve updated my windows 2k3 GPLPV drivers from 0.9.9 to 0.9.12-pre13. But now, i have two xen block devices; (of course, one of them is not working and is marked with the yellow exclamation). How can i fix it, or how can i uninstall the GPLPV drivers in order to make a clean install? Thanks Juan Pablo _______________________________________________ Xen-users mailing list
2008 Jan 17
vector generation
Dear Contributors: I have the next vector: "Z" 526 723 110 1110 34 778 614 249 14 I want to generate a vector containing the ratios of all the values versus all the values of the z vector. I mean a vector containing the values of 526/723, 526/110, and so on, 723/723, 723/110, and so on, and so on. Is this doable in a simple way?? Thanks in advance again, Juan Pablo Fededa
2008 May 15
value transformations in a vector
Dear contributors: I have vector A composed of numbers wich have values equal to 1 and different to 1. I want to transform de components with a value=1 to a component of value=0, and those with a value different to1, to a value=1. Then I want to take out the components=0. Thanks in advance, Juan Pablo [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Nov 22
more outrageous plotting
Dear Contributors: I have the next matrix: "X" "Y" "Z" 1 2 526 2 5 723 3 10 110 4 7 1110 5 9 34 6 8 778 7 1 614 8 4 876 9 6 249 10 3 14 I want to order the matrix from bigest Z (1110) to lower Z (14). Then I want to asign a color scale vector from blue ( bigest Z) to orange
2008 Jan 24
two histograms in the same graph
Dear Contributors: I have two vectors x and z, and I want to display the histograms of both vectors in the same graph, x in red bars, z in blue bars. If you have any clue on how to do that, I will be very glad to hear it!!!!!! Thanks in advance again, Juan Pablo Fededa [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2003 Jan 13
replace NA´s
hey what should I do to replace in a data frame NA?s with zeroes? Thanks in advance Juan Pablo
2006 Jul 31
math symbols and text with mtext()
Dear R users, Two questions: 1) Is there a way to simplify the mtext() line below ? beta=c(1,-1) m=5 plot(1) mtext( bquote(paste( beta == .(paste( "(", paste(beta, collapse=", "), ")" )) )), outer=TRUE,line=-3) 2) How do I get the embedded carriage return "\n" below to work, i.e for the text that follows it to appear on the next line? beta=c(1,-1) m=5
2005 Mar 02
Problems installing gems using rails
Hello I''m trying to use rubyonrails, but had some troubles: First, there was an issue with gems (it did not finished the installation): # gem install rails Config file /root/.gemrc does not exist Attempting local installation of ''rails'' Local gem file not found: rails*.gem Attempting remote installation of ''rails'' Updating Gem source index for: