similar to: allow ssh access from net to fw?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "allow ssh access from net to fw?"

2008 May 11
Message flooding of syslog
Greetings; My syslog is getting 100s of thousands of messages like the following (these are just a sample); (BTW I am running Debian/lenny) > May 11 12:41:31 gatekeeper kernel: BANDWIDTH_IN:IN=eth1 OUT=eth0 SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=127 ID=37901 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=1307 DPT=80 WINDOW=17640 RES=0x00 ACK URGP=0 > May 11 12:41:31 gatekeeper kernel:
2005 Feb 01
Shorewall problem
I am getting the following message when Shorewall stops can anybody shed any light on this message and where I should be looking? Thanks root@bobshost:~# shorewall stop Loading /usr/share/shorewall/functions... Processing /etc/shorewall/params ... Processing /etc/shorewall/shorewall.conf... Loading Modules... Stopping Shorewall...Processing /etc/shorewall/stop ... IP Forwarding Enabled
2003 Mar 23
Shorewall 1.4.1
This is a minor release of Shorewall. WARNING: This release introduces incompatibilities with prior releases. See Changes are: a) There is now a new NONE policy specifiable in /etc/shorewall/policy. This policy will cause Shorewall to assume that there will never be any traffic between the source and destination zones. b) Shorewall no longer
2004 Sep 24
hopeless - smb over bridged firewall
Dear List! I use a shorewall 2.0.8 on a Debian sarge system. I use a DSL connection to the Internet (ppp0 - eth1 to the modem) and a bridge to the local lan. The bridged config i''ve made with bridge.html from the shorewall site. The Bridge is between local net and a openvpn tap device. This works. I ccan make tunnels, and a can make a lot of things through the firewall. I can get a list
2004 May 07
mark ack with shorewall 2.x
Hi! how can I mark ack packets with shorewall 2.x? (In 1.x I have done it with own rule in common file) TiA CU
2004 Dec 15
[Fwd: 2 ftp serwers problem]
-- Tom Eastep \ Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool Shoreline, \ Washington USA \ PGP Public Key \
2004 Sep 20
After upgrade people can no longer connect
Hello Tom, I''ve been using Shorewall for years without problems. My previous version of shorewall was 1.4.6b-1. Everything worked just fine. Today I upgraded using rpm to 2.0.8-1. After update no one can connect to any interface from net. Server can connect to outside world fine and those described in routestopped have no problem connecting. Any help correcting this problem would be
2004 Sep 02
Traffic shapping Bug ?
hello , i''m currently trying to set-up Traffic Shapping with Shorewall and I have strong feelings that I found a bug. I may be mistaken, but I tried everything and can''t get it to work. I''ve turned ON TC_ENABLED=Yes and CLEAR_TC=Yes when i start shorewall ( shorewall start ), i get this message : Setting up Traffic Control Rules... TC Rule "2 eth1 tcp
2005 May 25
Newbie going through a probably stupid thing
Believe me: Read the FAQ Checked over and over This might be toooooo stupid to be documented. Please bear with me. Any help ? Situation: single card standalone "firewall" (used like a "personal firewall"). Have sshd running on the FW. Want the sshd daemon to be accessible only from 2 LANs: 1) My other home LAN machine 2) IBM intranet machines ( Whatever I have
2013 Apr 19
Can't connect to DSL modem on em1
Shorewall 4.5.15 3 Interface setup em1 p3p1 p4p4 ppp0 Hi, Since changing to NetworkManger on Fedora 18 I can no longer connect to the DSL Modem, which is connected to Interface em1. When the NetworkManger brings up the interfaces and ppp0, it no longer assigns an IP to em1. If I have ppp0 disabled and NetworkManger brings up the interfaces, em1 gets an IP of Then when I get
2012 Dec 29
How could I open Port 1701 for VPN l2tp/ipsec
Hello Mailinglist, please excuse my bad english - but I am not a native speaker. My Network looks like this: Internet --- dyn. IP --- Firewall (shorewall) --- LAN (192.168.X.X) No I try to connect my iphone (from mobile Internet G3) over VPN (l2tp/ipsec) with the firewall. But I can´t open the necessary Port 1701. /var/log/syslog ... Dec 30 00:24:29 router kernel: [226128.293757]
2004 Jul 25
Openvpn, bridge and shorewall
Hi, I have a Linux firewall based on shorewall with 2 NIC and ADSL (ppp0). My ppp0 ip is fixed. The internal NIC, eth1, is bridged with tap0, tap1 and tap2 to form br0. br0 subnet is The firewall is configured to masq internal traffic and block whatever needs to be blocked. It is also configured to tunnel openvpn v1.6. I have a roaming laptop running XP. I can create a tunnel
2004 Dec 04
vpn-zone wide open
Hello! I am using shorewall shorewall-2.0.11-1 on fedora core2 (iptables-1.2.9-95.7). My box has 2 physical nic´s plus one virt. ipsec interface for a freeswan-vpn connection. A few days ago, portsentry spit out a lot of connections from windows clients (port 135, 445). Ooops. I review my shorewall settings but could not find a mistake. So I took a win-client and established a second
2009 Jun 18
Redirect port 80 away from Shorewall?
Hi There, Due to shortage computer, I need to install Apache to my Shorewall box ( But the real web server is on another box ( I tried to put rule: DNAT net loc: tcp 80 But everytime www connection coming in, it will hit my shorewall Any solution? Cheer Access Yahoo!7 Mail on your mobile. Anytime. Anywhere. Show me how:
2011 May 24
L2TP ppp+ when using ppp0 for WAN
Hi, i connect to the internet over my eth4 interface using pppoe. The internet always comes on ppp0. I am trying to setup an L2TP/IPSEC VPN and i am reading I notice in the example the interfaces file is given as: #ZONE INTERFACE BROADCAST OPTIONS net eth0 detect routefilter loc eth1
2004 Nov 08
nessusd on shorewall
Hi, I have shorewall version 1.4.10g on Redhat 9 Local clients are on eth1 in subnet eth0 is for the outside (over xdsl with includes a ppp0 interface). Nessus (nessusd) is installed *on the firewall* and managed trough nessus (the client or frontend) running on one of the internal machines. When I was running a scan against I observed several entries like
2005 Feb 01
Shorewall configuration - ''run_iptables''-problem
[This email is either empty or too large to be displayed at this time]
2012 Jan 19
net2fw:DROP for L2TP VPN
Hi, I am trying to get L2TP roadwarrior VPN working from but i am making a mistake somewhere, appreciate a fresh set of eyes to help. I have the following interfaces: ppp0 - interneteth0 - local networkrem - client openvpnl2tp - ppp for lt2p clients I am getting the following error logged when trying to connect into the server with L2TP from a remote
2012 May 08
Shorewall, TPROXY, Transparent Squid and Multiples ISP
Hello, I wonder if someone could use the TPROXY with Shorewall and transparent Squid  with using the routing rules on shorewall (tcrules) for hosts / networks (LAN) with multiples providers (WANs) directly from the internal network on port 80 (with TPROXY transparent squid or REDIRECT). On this issue, the routing rules is not work propertly because the source is the
2011 Aug 05
Configuration for ppp0 and wlan0 (Standalone laptop - Debian Squeeze)
Hello, I would appreciate any feedback/suggestions on my Shorewall configuration for a standalone laptop Debian Squeeze configuration for ppp0 and wlan0, set out below: ------------------ My current system: ------------------ I have successfuly configured Shorewall on my standalone Debian Squeeze laptop for a ppp0 (Mobile broadband) connection using GNOME PPP, works great (refer to