similar to: ices 0.4 playlist updating...

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "ices 0.4 playlist updating..."

2005 Jan 14
ices 0.4 can't find playlists...
Maybe I'm misunderstanding ices' ices 0.4 only capably of handling a single playlist? Do I need to run multiple instances of ices in order to process multiple playlists? My issue is that I need to stream mp3 audio, not ogg (iTunes doesn't support .ogg yet natively), and if I'm reading the docs correctly, ices2 only supports .ogg, not .mp3. Is this correct,
2005 Jan 06
ices config problems
*** the following config: <input> <module>playlist</module> <param name="type">script</param> <param name="file">/radio/getnextsongpath</param> </input> gets me: Could not find a valid playlist file. Ices Exiting... *** the following header of the config file: <?xml
2004 Oct 18
problems with directory listing
hello together i'm setting up a icecast2 server for our online radio with hi and lo bandwith streams. now i have some problems with directory listing. i found some other mails on this list with similar problems without answers hwo are usefull for me. i don't get any errors or something else about yp directory touches in my logfiles (loglevel is set to 4, debug). so i don't know
2006 Jan 17
Problem with Fallbacks
Hi All, I've got a problem with fallbacks and I just cannot seem to find the answer anywhere, I've been looking for weeks. Here's the situation: Stream is working fine and listeners are happy. Then, the stream stops and the fallback takes over, great everyone is still happy. BUT....Even though the stream has come back online the fallback continues to play over and over and never
2006 Feb 13
Config ICECAST server in Wndows XP Pro
Hi, we are using Windows xp Pro in our Company. we want to implement voice stream server , we are very much interest on ICECAST server. We have download and installed ICECAST Server. But Facing problem with config Icecast server. We search in net there is no any clear documents about this server. Can you please guide to config Icecast. If you hav any clear document of Icecast server
2004 Nov 24
Refresh Ices 0.4.?
Brendan Cully wrote: >>kill -SIGHUP <icespid> >>But this don't work! :( > > That should work. Hmm ... How can I recognize, that the changes are detected? I Changed the playlist, sent the kill -SIGHUP command, and watched the cue File. But nothing changed. Or ... did ices finished playing the current song and starts after that the new song from the new playlist?
2005 Mar 22
status.xsl (fwd)
Hi, Sorry, made a typo when trying to approve this. Apologies to the sender. Geoff. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2005 15:20:06 +0000 From: Ben Edwards - Trinity <> To: icecast list <> Subject: status.xsl I have seen some reference to changing status.xsl to only include active mount points. I'me not an xsl hacker.
2006 Feb 09
Two sources on one PC
Hi guys, there is a solution to connect two sources (radio) on one PC with two audio-cards? I use winXP with OddcastV3 Thanks Luigi -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2005 Mar 24
Log analysis
Hi everyone, Ok, so I admit I'm asking this to avoid having to do my own research. but I'm also asking in the hopes of avoiding doing my own scripting. ACB Radio is looking at moving across to Icecast. There's really not a lot to stop us at this point. But we are keen to retain access to total listener hours, average listen time and amount of data served per mountpoint. I
2005 Mar 09
Mountpoint problems...
I can't figure out exactly what to put as my Icecast webroot directory, nor what to tell my Winamp Oddcast plugin to name as the mountpoint. I'm a n00b here and barely know what these words even mean, lol, but I can get the Oddcast to log in to the Icecast and people can go to the .m3u file I put into the mountpoint, but it either just cycles songs or doesn;t play. I noticed that it only
2004 Nov 28
osx and icecast
I've got two quick q's about icecast. If these two q's have already been answered, could someone let me know when so I know where to look in the archives? Here's the siutation. Macamp has now gone bunk and I need to broadcast my dj show from my home to a server that has NullSoft shoutcast. The dj's normally use winamp's shoutcast plugin to broadcast to the shoutcast
2004 Dec 31
Live streaming from Mac OS X
Hi Geoff! Thanks for ur reply Is there a way to tell icecast that the stream is mp3 ? Mac OS X has another way of live streaming using Quicktime Broadcaster, however, i am not able to make it work with MPlayer2. It works file with a quicktime client. There seems to be some issues with the SDP files that Quicktime creates for playing the audio and mplayer. Nicecast is kindof exactly what i
2005 Feb 02
fallback mount from diferent mountpoint
hi people, i want do change our fallback stream. we have used a fallback mount at the same port that runs our stream. now we have a second stream on a different port. what is the way to mount this stream to fallback mount ? <mount> <mount-name>/</mount-name> <username>*****</username> <password>*****</password>
2005 Jan 14
Reencoding mp3pro in mp3pro or mp3 with ices
Guten Tag Geoff Shang, Am Freitag, 14. Januar 2005 um 13:22 schrieben Sie: GS> Carsten Henkel wrote: >> if i reencode a stream that is in mp3pro (streamed with sam) to a >> lower bitrate by using ices/lame, is the reencoded stream mp3 or mp3pro GS> MP3. LAME does not do MP3Pro. And in fact, the stream that is reencoded GS> will also only be a reencode of the
2004 Dec 31
Icecast not streaming from playlist. (Newbie)
Hi all, I'm new to the streaming audio thing, but have been a linux user for 7 or 8 years. Here's some background: I work in a really EMI-nasty environment that prevents receiving radio broadcasts. In order to listen to sporting events, local news, etc. I planned to set up icecast to stream live audio snatched from a radio at home, and listen to it at work. I installed icecast,
2005 Jan 13
ices 0.4 can't find playlists...
Hello, I've compiled and successfully run icecast2 with ices on a single stream. But I'm running into problems running multiple streams from ices to icecast... I used the <playlist>...</playlist> syntax to run a single stream, but the docs on seem to suggest using the <input>...</input> syntax instead. I've actually tried it both ways, with
2005 Mar 27
URL format for Icecast2 metadata updates
Hi, What's the URL format for Icecast2 metadata updates? I thought this info would be in the source docs somewhere but apparently not. I've got a client which lacks Icecast2 native metadata updates and even for a C hack like myself, this should be pretty easy to add given the shoutcast code that already exists in there. I just need the format. Geoff. -- Geoff Shang
2004 Dec 31
Live streaming from Mac OS X
I am trying to stream live audio from a Mac OS X ibook to a linux machine running mplayer2 using instructions story=20020704134818926&query=live+itunes+streaming I managed to compile everything (Icecast 2.2.0, libshout2, etc). To compile icecast, i had to use "fakepoll.h" header file from to get around with
2005 Mar 03
Using aoTuV with Oddcast
Hi, Excuse my ignorance, I'm primarily a LInux user and don't have a Windows install on any hardware that's actually working at the moment. Is it possible to use aoTuV B3 with Oddcast? Is this simply a matter of replacing a DLL? If so, are there any precompiled DLLs anywhere, or is anyone with the appropriate tools prepared to cook one up for me? I have people who are probably
2006 Feb 06
elegant way of re-encoding?
Hi, Now that I've been able to look at streamtranscoder 3.0, I see there's absolutely no documentation whatsoever. I've not compiled it, but I note that previously when you ran it first time, it would create a sample config file for you to edit. Maybe it still does this. Oddsock's flash demo may shed more light on this, but I can't use it so don't know. Geoff. --