similar to: [IceS] No crossfade Yet ?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "[IceS] No crossfade Yet ?"

2004 Nov 28
Touching directory with Icecast2
Hello, Is there a way to touch Shoutcast directory with an Icecast server ? Is for a mp3 stream. The server is already serving ogg stream but our foundation got a new member that did not know about ogg, and he needs time to encode his tracks to ogg, and then we should temporarily relay his mp3 stream, but we want to be dired by SC directory ... How to ? :-) -- ASPO Infog?rance
2005 Feb 08
multiple sources, multiple passwords
Hello, Is it possible to have one password per source with Icecast 2.2.x ? How to ? -- ASPO Infog?rance Unofficial FAQ fcolc LUG sur Orl?ans et alentours (France). T?l : 02 34 08 26 04 / 06 33 26 13 14
2005 May 18
problem to exclude
Hi, I want to mirror NetBSD on this server: The problem is I dont want to mirror old versions (1.5.x) There are 1.5* branches as subdirs of 'packages' and others at the root of the server called 'NetBSD-release-1-5' and 'NetBSD-1.5.3'. I want to avoid to sync them. The command I use to sync is: - - - - - - - - - - -
2005 Mar 20
VCD tracks to theora
Hello, I am looking for a way to convert VCD tracks to theora. I'd rather a command line tool. What would you suggest me? I already found I can do that with mplayer, by ripping to yuv and wav, then using the encoder_example to compress to theora, but would there be another better way? -- ASPO Infog?rance Unofficial FAQ fcolc
2004 Oct 01
CPU load
Hello, >From time to time my computer freezes. I noticed it freezed when i transcoded from mp3 to ogg, with mp32ogg. Then later I noticed it freezed too when I encoded from wav to ogg with oggenc. When I use mp32ogg or oggenc, the CPU load is 99% during the process and the computer freezes after 10 minutes. But, I tried to load the CPU and bzip2 a large file during 30 minutes, but the
2005 Feb 08
relaying streams
Hello, We're part of a LUG (Linux User Group) based at the University of Orleans in France. We have several dedicated servers for our foundation (we made the LUG a foundation, for administrative and papers...) We are able to relay some video or audio streams. We have, for the mooment 3 servers, with both 6Mbps (yes it's not huge, but it's better than nothing :-) ) The condition on
2004 Nov 08
servers available _now_ .
Hello :-) I had a look at the servers that can stream Theora. I saw that ffmpeg was greatly appreciated. What's your opinion ? Is there any chance that IceCast can do it (What source would be used? Ices?) ? I really want to support Xiph products. I saw that page but it's a bit old now, may be things have changed :-) Well,
2004 Dec 30
XML parsing error I can't find
Hello, I'm running Debian/Linux and installed the Debian package of Icecast. It's 2.2.0 one. I got a parsing error I can't detect. When launching Icecast : [...] Starting icecast2: Starting icecast2 Detaching from the console I/O warning : failed to load external entity "/etc/icecast2/icecast.xml" FATAL: error parsing config file (/etc/icecast2/icecast.xml) XML config parsing
2005 Mar 09
Streaming live from windows
Sorry, Forgot to say that I am looking for free software On Wed, 9 Mar 2005 16:31:10 +0100, Carsten Henkel <> wrote: > Guten Tag Mohamed Eldesoky, > > Am Mittwoch, 9. M?rz 2005 um 16:19 schrieben Sie: > > ME> I want to do live streaming from the mic from windows machine. > ME> Which applications do you recommend ?? > > sam3
2005 Mar 05
freebsd port
I know that icecast is already ported to freebsd but how can I get the ported source before it's actually compiled or whatever?
2005 Mar 17
Thoggen 0.3 'Leopard' released
Hi, Thoggen 0.3 has just been released. Get it from: ? In addition to the source tarball there is also a .deb package for debian sid available. ------------------------ ?What is Thoggen? ------------------------ Thoggen is a DVD backup utility ('DVD ripper') for Linux, based on Gtk+ and GStreamer. It creates ogg/theora video files and features an
2005 Oct 17
source for Ogg//Theora + ezstream.
On Mon, 2005-10-17 at 13:36 -0500, oddsock wrote: > even if you aren't re-encoding, you still need to tell ezstream what > content-type to use (via the <format> setting) when connecting to icecast. The subtype of the stream is told as Vorbis in the icecast stats page. I provide you the content of my simple ezstream config file.
2005 Oct 17
source for Ogg//Theora
Hi, I got an Icecast server that streams only ogg/vorbis for the moment. Now, I want to try to stream video. I saw this: I dont need on-the-fly encoding, the files (of the playlist) are already Ogg/Theora, right resolution. I deactivated encoding, but Icecast only streams the audio part of the video file. I both have the latest version of ezstream, and
2005 Oct 18
IceS & Ogg/Theora
Hi, I looked at the changelog of IceS, and saw nothing about sourcing Ogg/Theora to icecast. Would you know of it is planned or not? I use ezstream for te moment but I need the "script feature" of IceS: the media to play is what a script outputs on STDOUT. For the moment, ezstream only supports a simple m3u file. Thank you. -- Administration & Formation ? l'administration de
2005 Oct 19
IceS & Ogg/Theora
On Tue, 2005-10-18 at 22:44 -0500, oddsock wrote: > ezstream will read from stdin if you use "stdin" as the <filename> in your > conf file. What kind of data does it expect on stdin? just a file name? how will it trigger/request another filename when the current one is over? Thank you for your contributions :-) -- Administration & Formation ? l'administration de
2005 Oct 17
source for Ogg//Theora + ezstream.
> >Icecast only > >streams the audio part of the video file. > sounds like you didn't have theora installed when you built icecast. Check > the config.log for your compile, and you'll probably see that theora > support was disabled. In the general section of the ezstream configuration file (before of <encode> ... </encode>), setting <format> to
2023 Feb 22
Flags/tags lost when moving e-mails to another folder
I faced the same issue and had to change from maildir to sdbox storage. The imap labels are now stored centrally per folder in an index file and not the filename anymore. Moving mails from one folder to another keeps the lable intact now. Am 22.02.23 um 11:20 schrieb Alexis Ben Miloud--Josselin: > Hi, > > I have an issue with e-mail tags/flags. The IMAP user is using > Thunderbird or
2023 Feb 22
Flags/tags lost when moving e-mails to another folder
Hi, I have an issue with e-mail tags/flags. The IMAP user is using Thunderbird or Roundcube with Thunderbird tags. When the user (with an IMAP client) moves an e-mail from a folder to another, tags set on the e-mail are lost. When we check the filesystem, we can see the "a" tag: -rw-rw---- 2 test mailusers 2498 Dec 29 15:31
2015 May 22
Disconnecting call for lack of RTP activity in 301 seconds
Hello, I noticed that a call on hold is disconnected after 5 minutes, whatever the value of the "rtpholdtimeout" parameter in sip.conf. Tested from v1.8.10.0 to The version is not affected. I don't know between and Does anybody has a solution to increase the timeout of a call on hold ? Is this a bug or a new parameter ? Thanks. --
2005 Oct 17
source for Ogg//Theora + ezstream.
if you are getting this error, then you have either mistyped THEORA in your ezstream config file or you are not using the latest (0.2) version of ezstream. even if you aren't re-encoding, you still need to tell ezstream what content-type to use (via the <format> setting) when connecting to icecast. oddsock At 01:35 PM 10/17/2005, Rakotomandimby Mihamina wrote: > > >Icecast