similar to: streaming ogg from WinAmp

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "streaming ogg from WinAmp"

2004 Aug 06
streaming ogg from WinAmp
Mitchell expunged ( > Hi list, > > I was just wondering if there was a way to stream using ogg format from > WinAmp. Second item down, OddcastDSP. -Steve <p> -- Progress (n.): The process through which the Internet has evolved from smart people in front of dumb terminals to dumb people in front of smart
2004 Aug 06
Unofficial Icecast HOWTO posted
Absolutely!! That was one thing that I was missing and would have like to have included. You can either send me the data or let us know the link. If you wouldn't mind adding to this HOWTO and I will post a link to your page so that people would know where I got the original files. Sounds good. KJ <p>On Wed, 2003-02-12 at 10:37, adam wrote: > looks great! :-) > > if you like i
2004 Aug 06
Trouble Connecting with Winamp
Hi all, I built the latest Win32 version of Icecast last night (need I say why its so cool?). I am using it with OddcastDSP and it connects and streams to Icecast just fine. However, when I try and connect to the server I get an HTTP/1.0 404 error. The log shows this: - - [21/Feb/2003:19:51:08 Eastern Standard Time] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 404 109 "(null)" "-"
2004 Aug 06
(no subject)
Hi Adam, Thanks for your responce. I was planning on doing both, the encoding and serving, form the same machine, and I'm not sure I see any stability gains by splitting it up. Understand having, for example, a file server and mail server on different machines, so if one goes down you can still use the other. But in this case, one service depends on the other (the server has nothing to
2006 Mar 09
hi, In the list archives I saw a discussion about theora png thumbnails for the status page. I tried the patches posted against the latest SVN but no joy in getting it to work. Is there a version compatible with the latest SVN sources, or should I try patching an older version of Icecast? adam -- Adam Hyde ~/.nl selected projects the streaming suitcase
2004 Aug 06
xmms and icecast2
hi, I was wondering if anyone can help me. At the moment I am finishing off a project that is more or less a stream management system, kind of like a web jukebox with a time-based scheduling facility and several other 'radio-like' features... I am using xmms-shell to control the replay of ogg files. I also use noxmms to kill the gui of xmms so I can run the application from a remote
2004 Aug 06
mini browser and winamp info
Hi, Can anyone point me at a url where i can learn to: 1. display the name of the ogg stream in the winamp window (is this to do with the oddcast config or with the .pls file?) 2. show a url automatically in the winamp minibrowser when the ogg stream plays <p>many thanks adam <p><p><p>Adam Hyde XS4ALL Internet B.V. mobile : + (31) 06 2903 6248 Eekholt 42 1112 XH
2004 Aug 06
adhoc streaming
<div style='background-color:'><DIV class=RTE>Hi there </DIV> <DIV class=RTE> I wonder if you can be of any help? I'm looking at streaming mp3 audio from a pc, over to a laptop. Communication will be through a wireless 802.11 b link. I have already configured the ip number and pinged them to ensure a connectionand have download the m3m mp3 encoder and
2004 Aug 06
streaming ogg from WinAmp
>===== Original Message From "Mitchell" <> ===== >Also what is a recommended quality to stream ogg at so that modem listeners >can pick it up with out many skips. I found that 32k was fine in most >instances when using mp3, but not sure how that would relate to the ogg >format. Quality -1 + Mono tends to hover around 32Kbps. Or Quality -1 +
2006 Mar 22
static file streaming
Hi, I have installed the Icecast2 on my Ubuntu Linux and I was not able to figure out how I could stream static mp3 files. Can anybody help me? What should I do to do this? I put the mp3 file in the webroot and I tried to retrieve it with the " http://host:port/try.mp3" URL but I could only download it (as a whole) but not as a streamed media. Do I have to convert the mp3 to another
2006 Mar 06
Modify MP3 Files From Shell
hey Andy, you could use sox something like sox old.mp3 new.mp3 fade t 3 0 0 you need to first compile sox with libmad or libmp3lame adam ..on Mon, Mar 06, 2006 at 10:30:27PM -0000, Andy Woolley wrote: > Hi All, > > Sorry about the off topic post but I'm having trouble finding anything that > will work, thought one of you guys might have a
2006 Mar 06
setting up yp server
hi, Is there anyway I can get the sources for the YP server as implemented by Ir is there somewhere else I can source them? kind regards, adam -- Adam Hyde ~/.nl selected projects the streaming suitcase r a d i o q u a l i a Free as in 'media' email : mobile : +
2005 Nov 02
2004 Aug 06
(no subject)
Hi, I am the current webmaster at WUML ( a college radio station. We are looking to purchase a new web cast server which we are planning will run IceCast, but it is a little unclear on the system requirements that IceCast requires. I read somewhere that IceCast can run on as little as a 486 with 32mb of ram but that sounded like those specs were for streaming mp3s saved on that
2004 Aug 06
streaming ogg player embedded in web page
Hi List, For the last week I have been have playing with icecast 2.0.0 and ices for a streaming project I am working. The streaming is working with multiple sources and fallback using XMMS and Winamp as the clients. All work splendidly. Next on my todo list is find a simple Ogg player that I can embed in a webpage and play from the icecast stream. I have so far looked at jlGui Applet 2.2 which
2006 Mar 18
<savefile> directive for Icecast2?
Hi all, Hope you can advise. I am aware you can use the <savefile> feature of IceS2 to save a copy of live streams. I have several sources for my Icecast server that are remote and which I do not have access to the hard drive. Is there any way to save a copy of the stream at the Icecast Server rather than the IceS2 source? If it can't be done by the server itself, I know there are
2015 Mar 09
[LLVMdev] LLVM 3.6: problems building on Windows using MSVC 2013
Hi, I have been using LLVM+Clang in my project for some time and it has been working just fine up to now (I am currently using version 3.5.1). However, with version 3.6 having just been released, I thought I would give it a try and update my code to use MCJIT rather than the now discontinued JIT. Well, this proved to be a relatively smooth process, and everything is now working fine on
2002 May 06
SCP file corruptions
Hi, I apparently was asleep at the wheel using scp, and accidentally copied a file onto itself. Scp generated an Input/Output error and did not perform the copy. However, now the file is corrupt. Is this a but? Is there anyway to fix the file I messed up? Thanks, Don Gathman 208.396.6675
2015 Mar 09
[LLVMdev] LLVM 3.6: problems building on Windows using MSVC 2013
Sorry, I am using CMake+JOM or CMake+Ninja, if Ninja is available on the developer’s machine. Either way, it fails in both cases with a message similar to the one I included below (which was obtained using CMake+Ninja). Just in case, my (current) CMakeLists.txt file can be found at here
2004 Aug 06
Icecast2 / Ogg / oddcastDSP / Winamp2 Constant Prebuffering
Sounds like WinAmp isn't storing a large enough buffer, or Icecast isn't putting a long enough buffer between what it recieves from Oddcast & what it transmits to clients. I've never had such a problem, though. Could be your connection? >===== Original Message From John Farnsworth <> ===== >Hrm, but it works fine (and the mountpoint is /dnumusic.ogg).