similar to: icecast2 connect / reconnect

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2004 Aug 06
icecast2 connect / reconnect
Michael Smith wrote: > What does the server log say about why the connection is refused? there are two sources replaced at 4:00 AM, /tilos_low.ogg and /tilos_high.ogg related section from error log: <p>[2002-10-03 04:00:00] INFO source/source_main Removing source following disconnection [2002-10-03 04:00:00] DBUG source/source_main Source exiting [2002-10-03 04:00:00] INFO
2004 Aug 06
ices2 routinely abandons one of its streams
Hi everybody, I'm in charge of an ices2 setup that's broadcasting a local radio station on the Net, and I'm currently under fire because one of our streams has been down twice in two days, forcing me to restart ices2 on each occasion. Our client is understandably unhappy about this. OUR SETUP: I've got ices2 installed on a local machine, broadcasting to an icecast server across
2004 Aug 06
icecast2 ogg vorbis client request headers
This may be of help, im tailing the error log file and im getting these errors [2004-04-01 19:14:35] DBUG source/source_main Client added [2004-04-01 19:14:38] DBUG source/source_main Client had unrecoverable error with new data, probably due to client disconnection [2004-04-01 19:14:38] DBUG source/source_main Client removed <p><p>Dave St John Mediacast1 Administration Need
2004 Aug 06
time out issues with icecast2
Hi. I am having a strange problem where the source times out during anicecast2 stream -- I was using mp3pro at 32khz and even some other speeds. I have set the source timeout for 1 minute, but it still times out or says connection reset by peer. Now the strange thing is that I also had a windows media stream on the same source machine going to a wm server and it had no problems! So can someone
2004 Aug 06
[Fwd: Re: Newbie Problem] said: > Okay so how does this work then with the <mount> tags ? If I want to have > users point their Winamp to http://x.x.x.x:8000, what does <mount> require > ? > In icecast, you shouldn't specify this, unless you want non-default settings on this mountpoint, but not on any others. In your source client, you should specify the mount as
2004 Aug 06
Unable to get shoutcast sources to work
Hi: I have some people who want to be able to broadcast using a shoutcast DSP plugin with MP3, to an icecast2 server. But we can't get it to work. Since I can't be bothered booting one of our boxes into windows to try the shoutcast DSP itself, I decided to use darkice in shoutcast mode. I know this works with shoutcast servers. anyway, it connects, but only briefly, and then is
2004 Aug 06
Re-7: Newbie-Question
Ok, I converted my sample .mp3-file to ogg which worked properly. But still no music. I checked the logs and found the folowing: INFO main/main icecast server started (looks good) INFO connection/_handle_source_request Source logging in at mountoint "/example1.ogg" DBUG source/source_main Source creation complete DBUG source/source_main Disconnecting source due to socket read error:
2004 Aug 06
Can connect to example1.ogg but not example1.ogg.m3u
I have just finished setting up ices2 => icecast 2 on RH9 linux. Have 10 or so .ogg tracks in a playlist. Also downloaded a full copy of winamp 5. If I point my browser at then winamp opens, and just says Connecting... - it never actually plays anything. If I use the open URL feature in winamp and give it Then winamp connects to the
2004 Aug 06
time out issues with icecast2
on Friday 08/15/2003 Michael Smith( wrote > On Friday 15 August 2003 02:01, John Covici wrote: > > Hi. I am having a strange problem where the source times out during > > anicecast2 stream -- I was using mp3pro at 32khz and even some other > > speeds. I have set the source timeout for 1 minute, but it still > > times out or says connection reset by
2004 Aug 06
metadata handling
I'm trying to using metadata now in my application that uses libshout, and am seeing curious behaviour. my icecast2 log says: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= [2003-04-03 08:45:50] INFO connection/_handle_source_request Source logging in at mountpoint "/cajun" [2003-04-03 08:45:50] DBUG source/source_main Source creation complete [2003-04-03
2004 Aug 06
icecast2 ogg vorbis client request headers
Can anyone shed some light as to what icecast2 accepts as a client request methods for ogg vorbis, apparently there is a difference bettween the way icecast2 handles mp3 and ogg vorbis. php example for mp3 that works fwrite($fp,"GET /mymp3 HTTP/1.1\nUser-Agent:$HTTP_USER_AGENT\n\n"); php example for ogg that doesnt work fwrite($fp,"GET /mymnt.ogg
2004 Aug 06
Client has fallen too far behind
Hello, Anybody got any idea what could be causing this: [2004-04-14 00:15:28] DBUG source/source_main Client has fallen too far behind, removing [2004-04-14 00:15:28] DBUG source/source_main Client removed is this just a bad connection to the icecast server? When I ping the server is get a reply of 20ms and no packet loss. i'm using: -icecast2 -ezstream to create a mp3 stream to the
2018 Aug 24
Client auth failed with ""
Hello, We are using url authentication and getting the item bellow at the log: [2018-08-24 23:26:05] INFO auth_url/url_add_listener client auth ( failed with "" I put try/catch and reviewed all my code ensure always return a proper status and header error code, so what trigger this kind of error? Regards, Thiago --------------
2004 Aug 06
Master vs Relay
Luke Stodola wrote: >Since you want to allow users to connect to any of the three servers, I >don't think you need to deal with "relay-password". Leave your working >server alone, and on the new servers put > > <relay> > <server>serverA </server> > <port>8000</port> > <mount>/foo.ogg</mount>
2004 Aug 06
WinAmp3 & Icecast2 compatibility?
Hello folks I'm having trouble playing ogg streams with WinAmp3. I run Icecast2 & Ices2 (both compiled from CVS about two weeks ago) on a Linux box, the files being streamed were encoded with oggenc (from oggutils1.0, managed 80kbitrate...) The problem is that WinAmp3 won't actually play the .ogg stream. When I give it the URL (http://myserver:8000/mount.ogg) it says
2004 Aug 06
Problem with Icecast2/Ices streaming MP3.
Hello everyone, I am running Icecast 2.0.0 with ices-3.0. I run ices on a machine which has all the mp3 files I am playing and stream these mp3 to Icecast which is running on another machine. Every now and then, say 2 hours. Ices keeps churning out errors saying updating meta data and socket errors and keeps retrying and after some time it suceeds for one file and then when playing the next file
2004 Aug 06
perl libshout
Hi, I've just completed a conversion of the perl Shout-1.0 library to something that will talk to an icecast2 server. I'll be submitting the results for inclusion back to the icecast site. One thing is missing: proper metadata support. this feature has changed since icecast 1; previously it was a single string. now, it's a linked list of key/value pairs.
2004 Aug 06
client disconnects after one song is played
I'm using the latest CVS source under Linux using a playlist of ogg files. When I use a client to connect on the same machine, there is not any disconnect (xmms and zinf). When using a client on a Windows machine, I get mixed results. Zinf on windows will play thru the current song but then stops when the song is finished and does not play the next song being streamed (see log below).
2010 Nov 01
Camera MJPEG to Icecast
Dear All ... I have AXIS camera with output mjpeg format. I try to relay it to outside world using ffmpeg and it work The recipe is taken from Now .. I want to do it the otherway with Icecast I try with wget -nv -O - http://root:root at | ffmpeg2theora -a 0 -f mjpeg -o /dev/stdout |
2004 Aug 06
Icecast source number problem, ices frozen after reconnect attemps failure (icecastkh13 iceskh48)
Hello, I had a problem with ices kh48 and icecastkh13. I usually restart them by cron at 00:00. ----------1---------- This night, icecast told ices "Too many sources" for radio-bro-gwened.ogg... All right, I've just seen that my config file is wrong for icecast (I have 3 sources): <sources>2</sources> But, with this configuration, I can have 3 sources: