similar to: clean up your cre dit report 4859UYZo9-12-11

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "clean up your cre dit report 4859UYZo9-12-11"

2007 Feb 05
simple rights question
Dear all, I got the following situation, a share called "Bureaus", with the follwong subdirs: /Bureaus/A /Bureaus/B /Bureaus/C etc. where A,B,C.. are the bureau names under all the bureau names are directories: A/Task1 A/Task2 A/Task3 A/Archive For all the bureau names. Groups: everyone is a member of "Domain Users", and that's always the primary group. And, a group
2007 Feb 08
simple right question
Dear all, I got the following situation, a share called "Bureaus", with the follwong subdirs: /Bureaus/A /Bureaus/B /Bureaus/C etc. where A,B,C.. are the bureau names under all the bureau names are directories: A/Task1 A/Task2 A/Task3 A/Archive For all the bureau names. I've got groups, a groups, everyone is a member of "Domain Users", and that's also always the
2014 Apr 26
jquery_ujs.js 404
I am getting this annoying error which relates to jquery_ujs.js not being served. Any clues? This is the site link: GET 404 (Not Found) index:11 GET net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT rev.js:4 Error in event handler for (unknown): Cannot read property 'state' of
2002 Apr 04
Basle/ Allerød: Survival Analysis in S-PLUS with Terry Therneau
SURVIVAL ANALYSIS IN S-PLUS by Dr Terry Therneau 14/15 May Aller?d, Denmark 16/17 May Basel, Switzerland Dr. Terry Therneau has worked in medical research statistics for over 15 years. He has written several papers on the use of residuals in the Cox model, and is the author of the survival routines found in S-PLUS, as well as the SAS routines COXREG and SURVTEST. Note: Due to his
2006 Jun 30
Authentication services for the general public - Electronic signatures
Does anyone know of any services that could be used to authenticate a user that would be a member of the general public? One of the projects we''re looking at here needs to have forms signed by parents of students. Since we simply can''t put every parent or guardian in our databse, we need a way to outsource the authentication. I''m wondering if there are any services that
2002 Jun 25
[Bug 293] New: sshd 3.3p1 doesn't work on Slackware Summary: sshd 3.3p1 doesn't work on Slackware Product: Portable OpenSSH Version: -current Platform: ix86 URL: OS/Version: Linux Status: NEW Severity: critical Priority: P2 Component: sshd AssignedTo:
2009 Jun 24
good small registrar?
Greetings, What are some registrars that members of this list have had good experience with? I was stepping through the godaddy checkout process, and being opted-in to a dozen different upsell features just left a bad impression. But I have no clue who else to go with. -Eugene -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2012 Nov 21
Lattice and a color problem
Dear all, i have the attached data called "new" as data.frame. First I have only three columns called Var1, Var2 and Freq and with bind I attached the column test for a color specification (TEST DATA below). With this plot function (require packages lattice) dotplot(reorder(Var1, rep(score, cl.count)) ~ Freq | Var2, data = DATA, origin = 0, type = c("p",
2012 Nov 22
ggplot2 and the legend
Dear all, i try to plot with ggplot2. Therefor I have an matrix with 3 colums. With cbind I add an additional column called "col". I need this column "col" because in a later step and want to specify here some plot details which I will get from another analysis If I want to plot with this code, I have the problem that the legend is wrong. Blue changed to green and green to
2014 May 02
Authors@R: and Author field
Hi to all Authors@R: c(person("fooa","foob", role = c("aut","cre"), email = ""), person("foo1","foo2", role = c("ctb"), email = "")) Author: fooa foob, with contributions from foo1 foo2 using r CMD check --as-cran .. (R 3.1
2003 Jan 16
Samba and MC/Service Guard
Samba friends, I work in Wal-Mart's IT department, specifically with Unix Servers of various flavors, but HP-UX is predominant in our Home Office environment. I recently built an two node HA cluster on HP 11.11 boxes. I want to be able to have Samba use the virtual name of my cluster. Currently Samba is configured to use the hardcoded box name, however if the box happens to go down, we
2013 Oct 15
discrepancy between r cmd check --as-cran and messages at submission
Dear r-devel list, I've observed at both of my submissions that issues arise at submission that were not pointed out by R cmd check --as-cran For example at my last submission: You have VignetteBuilder: knitr but there is nothing looking like a vignette in your source package.... We also see: * checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... NOTE Author field differs from that derived from
2003 May 22
getGroups, nested mixed model
Hi! First I would like to thank you for the help with my first question. However,I am afraid I am still into trouble. I think I have properly used the getGropus commad but seems to be a fatal error when calculating the fixed effects (see bellow) and I cannot understand why. Any inputs? Thanks in advance, /Jose hongos1=read.table("c:/temp/hongos1.txt", header=T) > attach(hongos1)
2023 Jun 03
bug in utils:::format.person
Thierry, thanks for this, this is a bug in utils:::.format_person_as_R_code(). This calls deparse() on the elements of the person object with the default width.cutoff = 60. As your comment exceeds this width, the erroneous formatting is produced. The simplest reproducible example I could come up with was: p <- person(".", comment = c(foo = ".....................",
2023 Jun 02
bug in utils:::format.person
Dear all, I think I found a bug in utils::format.person when using style = "R" with a vector of comments. The comment section is not parsed properly. Please find below the mwe and the session info. Best regards, Thierry maintainer <- person( given = "Thierry", family = "Onkelinx", role = c("aut", "cre"), email = "thierry.onkelinx at
2013 Sep 19
Vignette problem and CRAN policies
Hello, All: The vignette with the sos package used "upquote.sty", required for R Journal when it was published in 2009. Current CRAN policy disallows "upquote.sty", and I've so far not found a way to pass "R CMD check" with sos without upquote.sty. I changed sos.Rnw per an email exchange with Prof. Ripley without solving the problem; see below. The
2006 Oct 06
virtual host on latest centos 4.4
Good morning All, I have a slight issue with apache virtual hosts not working on my newly installed CentOS (4.4). I am very new to Linux, however I have experience with apache etc on 'w1nd0ws'. I've been round and round in the apache conf file and to no avail. Basically if I setup a virtual host the default then looks at it. Also, if I setup multiple virtual hosts they all look at
2012 Jul 09
Crontab overwritten by Puppet
Hello folks.. I suddenly found the crontab on one of my puppet clients overwritten. It had many entries, including one created by Puppet. Suddenly during one run it was overwritten, keeping only the Puppet entry and removing everything else. Nothing changed between the previous runs and the one that re-created the crontab in terms of configuration. I''m running Puppet 2.7.6. Fri Jul
2016 Feb 10
Method from package dependency is not updated due to lazy load?
Hi, not sure this is a bug or just an unavoidable undesirable side-effect -- or just me that does not do the right thing. Consider the code and output below. It creates 2 packages: * pkgA * pkgB that creates a method for a generic defined in pkgA Changes in a method for the generic in pkgA (after re-installing pkgA) are not reflected in pkgB, unless pkgB is re-installed against the new
2017 Sep 17
FW: CRAN check errors: drake 4.1.0 on r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang
Hello, The CRAN checks for the drake package (4.1.0) fail for r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang. This happened right when crayon 1.3.4 was released, but I suspect the problem is not with crayon or drake, but with base R-devel. I cannot reproduce the error myself, but I have copied a minimal working example (MWE) below that should theoretically isolate the problem. `find_namespaced_functions()`