similar to: "Blanks" in the interface file

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: ""Blanks" in the interface file"

2004 Oct 04
Appreciate help with Shorewall and VPN
Hello all, I had setup shorewall before succesfully with a normal LAN to internet connection. Now I''m connected to the internet via VPN and I got problems with configuring Shorewall. Any help is appreciated. This is my setup: - Gentoo Linux laptop (kernel gentoo-dev-sources- with Shorewall 2.0.4 (setup for Standalone one interface) and iptables 1.2.11 - VPN client is
2004 Nov 29
(anonymous post) I have a simple 2 interface firewall setup and all is good, almost. I am hosting virtual websites and DNS behind shorewall no problem. However I am trying to use SFTP via a different port number and have no luck even though Putty works well. Is there anything weird to sftp and shorewall? My lab uses a different firewall (firestarter) and it works OK. I am using; DNAT net
2005 Jul 20
Using ASPI with a pure IDE setup?
Hello everybody! I'm using Wine with EAC (Exact Audio Copy). So I setup my computer (kernel 2.6.12) with ide-scsi emulation. EAC works this way. But other native programs started making trouble. The biggest issue is that I can't write to CD/DVD anymore. I can write using ide-scsi in kernel 2.4 but in 2.6 it doesn't work anymore. Is there a possibility that aspi calls work with a pure
2008 Mar 10
When starting shorewall its display rfc1981 error
Hello , The folllowing is the error problem: Validating interfaces file... ERROR: The ''norfc1918'' option may not be specified on an interface with an RFC 1918 address. Interface:eth2 The shorewall interface file: net eth2 detect tcpflags,routefilter,norfc1918,nosmurfs,logmartians P.S. I tried to remove norfc1918 from interface
2004 Aug 05
Not able to access website
Hi, Trying to figure out why I cannot get access to Their site is up because I can browse using a different firewall. Trying to find out where the logs are located and what log files it would write to if it were to deny browsing to a website. I can see the [UNREPLIED] when using the shorewall status. Was hoping to know what logfile it is writing it to. Thanks in advance, Elmer
2005 May 25
Newbie going through a probably stupid thing
Believe me: Read the FAQ Checked over and over This might be toooooo stupid to be documented. Please bear with me. Any help ? Situation: single card standalone "firewall" (used like a "personal firewall"). Have sshd running on the FW. Want the sshd daemon to be accessible only from 2 LANs: 1) My other home LAN machine 2) IBM intranet machines ( Whatever I have
2005 Jan 11
Squid and DMZ (ProxyARP)
Hello All, I have a question about setting up the shorewall firewall for squid, I followed the instructions on "Using Shorewall with Squid" --> "Squid Running in the DMZ" section. For some reason I am unable to get the program to work. I am able to have the squid work properly by using squidclient program, but once I setup the firewall to use the redirect I am unable to
2004 Nov 29
norfc1918, routefilter and routestopped
Hi, Using shorewall for the first time (a woody .deb of version 1.2.12). After reading the docs, I still have a couple of questions regarding some parameters from the interfaces file. 1) Is rfc1918 not just a specific implementation of routefilter ? The sample file in two-interface.tgz uses them both, but they seem to at least overlap. Since my internal network will be, will
2006 May 16
Traffic Routing/Shaping Problem
Hi, I''m trying to use Shorewall (3.0.6) to accomplish what I thought was going to be fairly simple. Unfortunately, I can''t get the dmz to work correctly, and I''m getting martians logged against the interface at issue. Any help I could get would be greatly appreciated! A picture of my physical setup is attached. I have also attached a shorewall dump. To make a long
2009 Mar 09
Shorewall Rules and Configurations
Hi, I need a help... I''m a beginner with shorewall. I have two shorewall firewalls, each with a link. FW (a) - w/ openVPN eth0 = eth1 = eth2 = public IP eth3 = tun240 = /etc/shorewall/zones all zones declared as ipv4 /etc/shorewall/interfaces #ZONE INTERFACE BROADCAST OPTIONS tlm eth0
2004 Sep 21
squid on DMZ using proxyarp
sorry, i''m confuse where to post my problem.. i was post to shorewall-users, but must read to support.html this''s my problem ----------- i have squid running on DMZ zone and my network using ProxyARP on eth1 and eth2 mylinuxbox slackware 9.2 my network can access to internet normal, but can''t redirect to squid server from firewall. sometimes my network can connect
2005 Jul 07
DNAT with 2 ISP''s
Hi, I have 2 internet nic''s with differents ISPs. eth0 = isp1 eth3 = isp2 My internal network is eth1 # /etc/interfaces net eth0 detect routefilter,norfc1918,blacklist net eth3 detect routefilter,norfc1918,blacklist loc eth1 detect # /etc/policy loc net ACCEPT net net DROP
2003 Oct 28
Re: Problems with rules since upgrading to 1.4.7b
On Tue, 2003-10-28 at 13:41, AdStar wrote: > Hi Tom, > > I''ve upgraded my firewall to 1.4.7c (and copied the firewall/functions from > the CVS over for the accounting names) > > I still get this reject in my logs. > Oct 29 08:35:08 pyro Shorewall:FORWARD:REJECT: IN=eth1 OUT=eth1 > MAC=00:02:b3:61:64:6e:00:02:b3:5f:c3:5c:08:00 SRC= DST= >
2012 May 16
ARP requests are interpreted as a martian
Shorewall I have 5 interfaces on a centos box, the first two are internal on two different subnets, the next two are two different ISP''s and the last one is a private network for testing and administration. The second internal subnet (eth1) is rejecting all the arp requests to it and I get the following in the log files ever second or two - May 16 05:28:54 services kernel:
2006 Apr 02
Hello all. First of all, please be a bit indulgent to my poor English :-). Second, this message is "kinda" BIG, so if you don''t like BIG messages, simply don''t read it :-). I''ve read and, however I still a bit confused how to organize what I need :-). I''ve a
2005 Apr 27
Shorewall and PPPoE
Hi, I''m new to shorewall and iptables. I installed shorewalls ver. 2.2 two days ago and it''s working now, but I have some questions concerning pppoe. I have my ISP''s connection to internet trough PPPoE over an ethernet card. On the ethernet card I have a static IP and I have access to all other ISP''s clients wich are in the same subnet (it''s a small
2004 Oct 22
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name
I''m trying to setup Shorewall 2.0.8 with the one-interface settings on my LFS (kernel 2.6.5) system. I''ve read the troubleshooting guide, recompiled my kernel with just about every netfilter/iptables module I could find, but I''m still getting this error: # tail /tmp/trace + prefix=Shorewall:smurfs:DROP: + ''['' 22 -gt 29 '']'' +
2004 Dec 29
No response on port 80 with Shorewall
I have problem getting answer on http request from all my local subnets but not from local subnet. Ping and requests on ports 21 22 23 25 110 works fine. I logged port 80 in rules files and I got accept entry same for local subnet and other subnets. Local subnet is 192.168.6 Dec 29 09:52:40 zinfsrv2 kernel: Shorewall:loc2fw:ACCEPT:IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:09:6b:07:ca:cc:00:10:b5:fa:bd:71:08:00
2004 Aug 15
Error: iptables: No chain/target/match by that name
Hi, I have a problem installing Shorewall 2.0.7 on a box, when I launch it I have: Initializing... Shorewall has detected the following iptables/netfilter capabilities: NAT: Available Packet Mangling: Available Multi-port Match: Available Connection Tracking Match: Available Determining Zones... Zones: net loc Validating interfaces file... Validating hosts file... Validating Policy
2003 Mar 03
losing connection
Tom, or whomever reads this, when I say disconnect I mean close out IE6, sorry for so unclear on this point. My IP address never changes unless I unplug the modem. I have had the same IP address for ... well since I had to reset it to hook it up to my Linux box.which was 2 weeks ago. If I set DHCP on my eth1 interface that will contradict the static address I have assigned to it,