similar to: [Flac-users] command line util to read tag info

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "[Flac-users] command line util to read tag info"

2004 Sep 10
[Flac-users] metaflac: "memory access error"
Hello all, I used metaflac to add replay-gain to a lot of flac-files. But with few of them metaflac exit and sais "Speicherzugriffsfehler" which I translate to "memory access error" or somethin like this. The problematic files has the same size like the other ones and I dont know why metaflac has a problem with them. I tested them with flac and the files seems to be ok. I use
2018 Feb 04
libFLAC optimizations request
I wasn’t suggesting that you run metaflac, but that you examine its source to see how it creates new FLAC files without the Vorbis comment. As far as I know, metaflac uses the standard libFLAC and creates files without the Vorbis overhead. My quick review of the source seemed to indicate that calling FLAC__metadata_object_new(FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_VORBIS_COMMENT) will create the comment, but I
2018 Feb 04
libFLAC optimizations request
Correction, the flac command-line does create a 40-byte Vorbis comment by default. I just never noticed it before. I’ve been using —no-padding all these years for minimal file sizes without realizing that I could save another 40 bytes. Anyway, since metaflac can remove the Vorbis comment using the standard library, then you should be able to create a solution without modifying libFLAC. Brian
2013 Jan 10
Fixing corrupt flac files
So, let's provide some information then :-) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- soa2ii at thor /mnt/files/music/Slime/Alle gegen Alle $ flac -aF 02\ St?rtebecker.flac flac 1.2.1, Copyright (C) 2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007 Josh Coalson flac comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome
2014 Dec 05
metaflac --no-utf8-convert complains about UTF
This is 1.3.1 on OpenBSD/amd64. The --no-utf8-convert option of metaflac(1) does not work for me: $ metaflac --no-utf8-convert --set-tag="Artist=?ou?l??ek" aladin.flac aladin.flac: ERROR: tag value for 'Artist' is not valid UTF-8 (You probably can't see the Czech letters properly in my mail, but that's beside the point.) Indeed, it is not valid UTF8 (it's LATIN2),
2004 Sep 10
reading vorbis comments with FLAC++?
Well, I'm quite frankly stumped. I'm writing a program that recurses into directories and reads (among others) FLAC files and should be able to read the vorbis comments ARTIST and TITLE from the file. A while back, I was popen()ing to metaflac, because I didn't want to mess with libFLAC. But now, it's the weekend, so I can mess around with this. Here's the code in question:
2007 Jul 25
Bug: flac --replay-gain thinks that I used --no-padding
Josh Coalson <> wrote: > --- Scott F <> wrote: > > > If I use flac to encode with the --replay-gain > > option, I get a warning about the --no-padding > > option... > > > > "NOTE: --replay-gain may leave a small PADDING block even with > > --no-padding" > > > > ...even though I'm
2004 Sep 10
flac-1.0.3_beta released
I have just released a source distribution which is the candidate for the 1.0.3 release. At this time I would ask anyone who is willing to help test it to do the following: 1. download the tarball and unzip it: 2. do ./configure && make && make check This will build all code and run all the tests.
2012 Feb 02
Fix cuesheet.c to allow to run to completion
Erik, I'll resync and have another look. Earl ________________________________ From: Erik de Castro Lopo <mle+la at> To: flac-dev at Cc: Earl Chew <earl_chew at> Sent: Wednesday, February 1, 2012 10:30:21 PM Subject: Re: [flac-dev] Fix cuesheet.c to allow to run to completion Earl Chew wrote: > When reading the INDEX
2004 Sep 10
metaflac bug
metaflac --import-vc-from ... used on flac file without vorbis comment destroys the file. This patch fix it. -- Miroslav Lichvar -------------- next part -------------- --- src/metaflac/main.c.orig 2002-09-28 14:45:49.000000000 +0200 +++ src/metaflac/main.c 2002-10-06 23:36:26.000000000 +0200 @@ -1754,20 +1754,24 @@ found_vc_block = true; } while(!found_vc_block &&
2018 Nov 25
libflac doesn't find more than one metadata block
Hello, I'm currently doing a little music player using libflac and libao. What I've currently done works as it should, but I have a problem where only one metadata block is detected, even if there are more (it doesn't have the last attribute set to true). This is using flac 1.3.2 on Gentoo amd64. The main code file is attached, it mainly follows the examples given with the libflac
2014 Sep 25
Patch to improve malformed vorbiscomment handling
Here's a patch to allow flac and metaflac handle files with malformed vorbiscomment metadata block. -------------- next part -------------- diff --git a/src/libFLAC/metadata_iterators.c b/src/libFLAC/metadata_iterators.c index d50df39..39cb276 100644 --- a/src/libFLAC/metadata_iterators.c +++ b/src/libFLAC/metadata_iterators.c @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ static FLAC__Metadata_SimpleIteratorStatus
2007 Jul 25
FLAC: ERROR, MD5 signature mismatch
Hi I have downloaded a FLAC file somewhere and when trying to decode it to WAV it gives the error message: ERROR, MD5 signature mismatch So my question is now: are FLAC files that give the error message above still decodable to WAV (and how can you do this, because flac.exe doesn't want to decode the file), even if there is a MD5 signature mismatch, or is this not possible at all? thx
2013 Jan 07
Tag flac as flac 1.2.1_git
I know Erik is busy with maintenance and wants to get a release out soon. In the meantime, is it appropriate to tag HEAD as 1.2.1_git and include this in the CLI tools (flac, metaflac, etc)? This would make it easier to allow programs in development to test against git flac and older flac versions. For example, sample rates above 48kHz (for ReplayGain) is available in git flac but not 1.2.1.
2004 Sep 10
FLAC 1.0.4 beta released
On Thu, Sep 12, 2002 at 10:54:04PM +0200, Miroslav Lichvar wrote: > I tried tagging using metaflac with some iso-8859-2 chars, but these > chars were replaced by '#' chars, something wrong is here. Ok, here is simple patch, it works for me, but I'm not familiar with this stuff. BTW, metaflac --list prints comments in raw utf8, it can screw terminal easily. -- Miroslav Lichvar
2006 Sep 07
test_metaflac fails in make check for flac 1.1.2 after --add-padding is performed
Josh, I applied this patch and all the "make check" tests passed (but I do not have valgrind and I did not use --enable-exhaustive-tests during configure, so it isn't all the tests). Do you see anything suspicious about it? --- flac-1.1.2.oldBuild/src/flac/decode.c 2005-01-24 20:13:46.000000000 -0800 +++ flac-1.1.2/src/flac/decode.c 2006-09-06 23:36:26.000000000 -0700
2004 Oct 03
[ Bug#274700: flac: --export-vc-to should quote strings containing spaces]
----- Forwarded message from Wolfgang Rohdewald <> ----- Date: Sun, 03 Oct 2004 19:24:38 +0200 From: Wolfgang Rohdewald <> Resent-From: Wolfgang Rohdewald <> To: Debian Bug Tracking System <> Subject: Bug#274700: flac: --export-vc-to should quote strings containing spaces Package: flac
2004 Sep 10
newbie questions re flac on win32 eac and id3v2
Firstly, a big thank-you to Josh for FLAC. Someone mentioned it in a post on Slashdot, so I came over to sourceforge for a look-see. This is just the sort of thing I've been looking for. Can anyone relate any general tips for using flac on Windows for the purpose of archiving cd's? If I can nail down a solid, easy-to-use process, I'm happy to write it up and contribute it to the
2018 Feb 01
libFLAC optimizations request
Hello all I am using libFLAC in a corner application, compressing *a lot* of small signals. First is a general question: in our application we have signals in range 5-10 MHz, potentially 40MHz! Is there any potential problem with that?? The mac sample rate is limited in flac, but it doesn't really seem to be a problem. The output is stored as blob in a sqlite database, it *never *needs to be
2006 Feb 25
convert metaflac tags to utf-8?
Hi, I realize that this is not strictly flac-related, but... I've got my collection in flac now, and at the end of the endeavor, I realized that (I think...) I've managed to have a few different encodings in the tags, one way or another. For instance: [root@localhost Zen Arcade]# metaflac --list 01-Something\ I\ Learned\ Today.flac > 1 [root@localhost Zen Arcade]# metaflac