Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "You are on your own"
2003 Aug 21
Shorewall with headbeat ?
Hi all
Sorry of my english, hope you understand :)
My Shorewall is runnig just fine, and problem with local access to dmz is
solved (another mail to list, another day..)
I have a setup with heardbeat on http server, and now i want to get on my
firewall as well.
I just want to know if any have tried that, and get it to work ?
Please have a nice day :)
Outgoing mail is certified Virus
2006 Jun 29
re-direct to "more" or "less"
Dear list,
sometimes my function generates too much data and shows them on screen, i
cannot view first several lines until program ends and I have to scroll my
mouse up to get them. Is there any re-direction function in R to pipeline
outputs to "more" or "less" type functions?
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2005 Mar 16
IPSwitchBoard BETA
Hi all,
I have just published my last few weeks of hard work: IPSwitchBoard BETA.
Please let me know what you think and post comments on the Wiki.
Thank you
2006 Nov 03
SV: ip address in CDR
You can use the CDR(userfield) value, to save the ip's in the CDR record.
-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: asterisk-users-bounces@lists.digium.com [mailto:asterisk-users-bounces@lists.digium.com] P? vegne af Benjamin Jacob
Sendt: 3. november 2006 06:18
Til: Asterisk Users Mailing List - Non-Commercial Discussion
Emne: [asterisk-users] ip address in CDR
Hello ppl,
Any way to store
2011 Dec 14
How can I get RVM/Passenger/Apache2 to play nicely together
Hello all,
Can anyone point me to any solid documentation on how to set up a
production server using RVM, Passenger, and Apache2? I have been at
this for a week with absolutely no luck at all so I thought I would
post here to see if anyone has managed to get this to work and written
down the steps they used.
Right now with my current implementation, I am getting a 404 error
when I attempt to
2012 Feb 06
Can't complete the Getting Started tutorial due to ExecJS::RuntimeError in Home#index
I have just installed Rails 3.2.1 on my Xubuntu using the gem system
and I try to make the tutorial http://guides.rubyonrails.org/getting_started.html
and on section 4.3 Setting the Application Home Page I get the
following error
ExecJS::RuntimeError in Home#index
Showing /home/xonx/rails/blog/app/views/layouts/application.html.erb
where line #6 raised:
2007 Sep 27
different colors for two wireframes in same plot
Hello R,
According to:
g <- expand.grid(x = 1:10, y = 5:15, gr = 1:2)
g$z <- log((g$x^g$g + g$y^2) * g$gr)
wireframe(z ~ x * y, data = g, groups = gr,
scales = list(arrows = FALSE),
drape = TRUE, colorkey = TRUE,
screen = list(z = 30, x = -60))
i have two wireframes in one plot.
How could i change the color of the top - one to transparent (or only the grid).
2007 Oct 24
analytical solution to Sum of binominal distributed random numbers?
Frede Aakmann T?gersen wrote:
> Perhaps
> http://stinet.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?AD=ADA266969&Location=U2&doc=GetTRDoc.pdf
> is something that you can use?
Thanks a lot - that might help.
> Best regards
> Frede Aakmann T?gersen
> Scientist
> Faculty of Agricultural Sciences
> Dept.
2006 Jun 07
SV: I can hear only one way when I use nokia e-60 withX-lite
Be aware that the Nokia E60, E61 and E70 does not support NAT.
Just to be shure that you know that.
A clever choice from Nokia, so that users has to have some local equipment from the telco.
-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: asterisk-users-bounces@lists.digium.com [mailto:asterisk-users-bounces@lists.digium.com] P? vegne af John Joseph
Sendt: 7. juni 2006 13:59
Til: Asterisk Users
2007 Sep 27
including images in a plot
Does anyone know if it is possible to incorporate image files (e.g., jpgs
or gifs) in an R graphic?
I would like to make a scatterplot in which each point is a small picture
of the animal represented by each value. Each picture would be a graphics
file. Is there some way to use such files as plot symbols in R?
Steve C.
2006 May 08
I have a problem with the export of a simulated matrix (nrow=1000, ncol=492). I want to obtain a .txt file with fixed format data (five character for example).
I've tried to use the instructions: options(digits=5) followed by write.table(...), but the .txt file reports always the data with different lenght, whereas the matrix in R gives right result (i.e. the elements have the same lenght).
2006 Oct 17
About compositional data analysis
The compositional data xi=(x_i1,x_i2,...,x_in), for each fixed i , xij>0,
and sum(xij)=1;
I want to compare the mean( u_i) of several groups
H0: u_1=u_2=...=u_N
H0: u_11=u_21=...=u_N1
Are there any ANOVA tpye tools to do this work in R?
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2007 Jul 05
getting values from arrays using which()
Dear R-Help,
I have an array 1260x1260, upper triangle consisting of numbers between 0 and 100, and lower triangle all NA. I can extract the index of those values say above 99 using the following code:
which(myArray>=99 , ind.arr=T)
which returns:
row col
5475 252 253
45423 764 765
46902 777 778
34146 611 962
50681 1220 1221
Now I would like to if poss print the actual value
2007 Sep 21
text formatting
Dear all,
Does R have any functions for C/Fortran style text formatting when a
number needs to be output right-justified in a fixed length field?
say '%2d %3d %5.3f'
or like python .rjust(n) and .zfill(n)
I can do it paste(), but it is very clumsy.
Thank you very much
2008 Sep 17
Exact test in nxm contingency table
I am trying to find a permutation test that works on a general nxm table. The data set is small enough to have cells with too small counts to make chi2-approximation invalid. If the table was a 2x2 contingency table I would like to use a Fsher exact test (fisher.test) but that wont work in this general table.
Does there exist a general function for this test.
Best regards,
2006 Feb 02
SV: usernames with capitals
I cant use an editor to mass update and change usernames as this is a part of an automatic useradd routine
written in an ancient legacy application which calls useradd and usermod, we have been using this software for more than 15 years, so its hard for me to argue for a rewrite, so im forced to bend the OS instead
it isnt a problem on redhat 8.0, so somewhere in the patches for
2005 Oct 03
Hello, I am using library fda and I can not run a lot of functions because
I receive the error:
Error in bsplineS(evalarg, breaks, norder, nderiv) :
couldn't find function "spline.des"
do you know how I can fix that? Thnaks. Liliana
2008 Feb 15
How to estimate the parameters of differential equations from data
Hello list
I have a theoretical differential equation model (two coupled differential
equations) describing the acidification of dairy cultures in milk:
dX/dt = f(H, param)*X
dH/dt = g(param)*dX/dt
pH = -log10(H)
I also have actual data of the same.
I would like to estimate the parameters of the theoretical model from real
data, but don't know how to go about it in R (I'm fairly new
2008 Jul 07
I am trying to upgrade to samba 3.2 with the experimental package for
rhel5 64 bit from sernet. it tells me i have to install
libtalloc.so.1()(64bit) first. where do i get this? "yum provides
libtalloc.so.1" does not find anything.
2006 Feb 03
pbinom with size argument 0 (PR#8560)
Full_Name: Uffe H?gsbro Thygesen
Version: 2.2.0
OS: linux
Submission from: (NULL) (
Hello all.
returns the value NaN. I had expected the result 1. In fact any value for q
seems to give an NaN. Note that
returns the value 1.