similar to: Shorewall 2.2.0 RC3

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "Shorewall 2.2.0 RC3"

2005 Jan 07
Shorewall 2.2.0 RC4 New Features: 1. A listing of loaded iptables kernel modules is now included in the output of "shorewall status". Problems Corrected. 1. Several problems associated with processing the IPSEC column in /etc/shorewall/masq have been corrected. -Tom --
2005 Jan 17
Shorewall 2.2.0 RC5
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 I''m hoping that this will be the last RC and that I can release 2.2.0 on February 1. I appreciate your help in testing this RC. Problems Corrected: 1. The AllowTrcrt action has been changed to allow up to 30
2004 Dec 29
newnotsyn question
Hi, I''m running shorewall-2.0.8-1mdk with iptables-1.2.9-7.1.101mdk on kernel-2.4.22-30mdk, Mandrake 10.1 (kernel- is installed, but I haven''t rebooted yet). I get a significant number of newnotsyn packet denials from existing, valid connections. Most of these seem to be on port 80 and port 25, and directionality doesn''t seem to matter (I run
2004 Dec 06
OT Linux/Gateway alternative for WAN compression/accelerator
I''m building a 10 branch/1 headquarter network with Shorewall/Linux as gateway on all locations. The TI guy asked me if there is a way to ''cache'' TCP/UDP traffic between them. I crawled on Internet and I only find very expensive solutions for this. Some of them appeared in this comparison article: Does anyone
2005 Jan 12
Shorewall 2.0.15
My sincere apologies for the messed up 2.0.14. I didn''t realize that I had merged a change from 2.2.0 but hadn''t tested it. 1. The range of ports opened by the AllowTrcrt action has been expanded to 33434:33524 to allow for a maximum of 30 hops. 2. Code mis-ported
2005 Feb 02
Shorewall 2.0.16
This release back-ports the DROPINVALID shorewall.conf option from 2.2.0. 1) Recent 2.6 kernels include code that evaluates TCP packets based on TCP Window analysis. This can cause packets that were previously classified as NEW or ESTABLISHED to be classified as INVALID. The new kernel code can be disabled by including this command in your /etc/shorewall/init file: echo 1
2005 Jun 05
Shorewall 2.4.0
Note: Because of the short time that has elapsed since the release of Shorewall 2.2.0, Shorewall 2.0 will be supported until 1 December 2005 or until the release of Shorewall 2.6.0, whichever occurs first. -Tom -- Tom Eastep \ Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool
2005 May 05
Shorewall 2.3.0 WARNING: This is a development release and may be unstable New Features in version 2.3.0 1) Shorewall 2.3.0 supports the ''cmd-owner'' option of the owner match facility in Netfilter. Like all owner match options, ''cmd-owner'' may only be applied to
2005 Jan 03
Shorewall 2.0.14 New Features: 1. Previously, when rate-limiting was specified in /etc/shorewall/policy (LIMIT:BURST column), any traffic which exceeded the specified rate was silently dropped. Now, if a log level is given in the entry (LEVEL column) then drops are logged
2005 Feb 16
Shorewall 2.2.1
This release just rolls up the fixes for the few problems that have surfaced in the first two to three weeks of Shorewall 2.2 availability. If 2.2.0 is working ok for you, there is no reason to upgrade. So far I''ve been very pleased with the stability of the 2.2 release and attribute much of that to the new release model.
2005 Feb 05
Hot Fallover
Hello List: Recently our shorewall FW server went dead (PS failure) & brought the entire system down. Luckily we are testing the FW and other servers, so we did not loose anything. Now we have decided to setup two Shorewall FW servers with a primary & another fallover FW server. I have done some research cruised the Internet and found that a product ''UCARP''
2005 May 02
streaming from the sound card
Hi, I'm trying to set up Icecast and Ices to stream from my sound card's line-in. I'm using ALSA. I'm experienced in Linux but haven't spent much time on multimedia and I'm new to streaming. Platform is Mandrake 10.1 with kernel held to 2.4. The sound card is working and I can record to file using sox. Ices and Icecast both start okay, and aren't logging any
2004 Nov 07
2 is available again.
Although it took considerably longer than I had planned, the upgrade of my firewall has been completed. -Tom -- Tom Eastep \ Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool Shoreline, \ Washington USA \ PGP Public Key \
2005 May 20
Shorewall 2.2.5
This will be my last 2.2 release. It contains a couple of small bug fixes that I had laying around. 1) Previously, if PKTTYPE=No in shorewall.conf then pkttype match would still be used if the kernel supported it. 2) A typo in the ''tunnel'' script has been corrected
2004 Aug 06
how to define a dozens of interface as one zone
hi, we use openvpn as for our vpn endpoints and we''ve got about 70-80 vpn connections which means we have tun0 - tun80 interface. i''d like to define one zone for all of our vpn connections how can I do that? actualy our local zone is (not 16) and all of the vpn''s are in our should i define somehow the local zone as but in
2005 Mar 12
Shorewall 2.2.2 (Corrected)
I forgot to add the last new feature to the previous announcement. Shorewall 2.2.2 is now available. Problems Corrected: 1. The SOURCE column in the /etc/shorewall/tcrules file now correctly allows IP ranges (assuming that your iptables and kernel support ranges). 2.
2005 Apr 13
I have an "old and decrepit" install of Shorewall, installed from a Debian package. I''m having a problem, so in order to get support, I''m working on upgrading to the most recent stable version. What I''d like to do, is to test the new version with my configuration files, without actually installing it -- just untarring it. Is this possible? How can I
2004 Aug 10
[OT] Bandwidth reporting tool recommendations
Hi, Also, does anyone have a recommendation for a reporting tool that shows bandwidth use, for each IP and each interface on a Shorewall FW? Tried BandwidthD, but couldn''t get it to compile on Mandrake10... NAAT might fit the bill - if it doesn''t mess-up my shorewall setup... Thanks for any suggestions, Richard.
2005 Mar 09
WebGUI Scripts announcement
Dear Shorewall Users, having noticed that the request for a WebGUI is growing, after a very short conversation I''ve had with Tom, I''d like to let you all evaluate the Web interface to Shorewall I''ve written, integrating the original weblet package made available for the LRP project. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Preamble
2005 Apr 07
Shorewall 2.2.3 Problems Corrected: 1) If a zone is defined in /etc/shorewall/hosts using <interface>:!<network> in the HOSTS column then startup errors occur on "shorewall [re]start". 2) Previously, if "shorewall status" was run on a system whose kernel lacked