Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "[Fwd: [PATCH] IPSET parsing buglet]"
2005 Sep 20
Fwd: [PATCH] Another iptables-save buglet
This bug will prevent ''shorewall restore'' from working if you have "!<single
IP address>" in the ORIGINAL DEST column.
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: [PATCH] Another iptables-save buglet
Date: Wednesday 14 September 2005 15:09
From: Tom Eastep <teastep@shorewall.net>
To: netfilter-devel@lists.netfilter.org
The conntrack
2005 May 06
Behavior of SAVE_IPSETS
After I''ve played with ipsets for several days, I''m beginning to become
disenchanted with the way the SAVE_IPSETS=Yes works.
I spent almost an hour configuring a bunch of ipsets to be just the way
that I wanted them only to wipe them out with a "shorewall restart" :-(
So, I think that I will change the implementation as follows:
a) The ipset contents will only be
2005 May 05
Shorewall 2.3.0
WARNING: This is a development release and may be unstable
New Features in version 2.3.0
1) Shorewall 2.3.0 supports the ''cmd-owner'' option of the owner match
facility in Netfilter. Like all owner match options, ''cmd-owner'' may
only be applied to
2005 May 15
Shorewall 2.3.1
This is the latest development release and may be found at:
This release changes the way that SAVE_IPSETS=Yes works to try to make
it harder to shoot yourself in the foot. Read the release notes carefully.
In addition, there are two problems corrected:
1) A typo in the
2008 Jul 25
Re: Bug in shorewall auto start
Adam Chapman wrote:
> If I can show that the problem exists from the shorewall startup script
> are you interested in the problem then?
I have replied to Adam off-list about this but let me say publicly that I
don''t believe that this can be solved in the init scripts in any general way.
Adam says:
> I''d like to not have to rely on a domain name to get
2004 Sep 23
Fwd: RE: 2.6 kernel ipsec and shorewall
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: RE: [Shorewall-users] 2.6 kernel ipsec and shorewall
Date: Thursday 23 September 2004 07:44
From: "Jonathan Schneider" <jon@clearconcepts.ca>
To: "''Tom Eastep''" <teastep@shorewall.net>
I must have been up too late working on this, looking at it the next day I
noticed I completely forgot
2005 Nov 18
Shorewall 3.0.1
Sorry for the back-to-back releases but there have been quite a few bugs found
in 3.0.0 so it seems like a good idea to make 3.0.1 available now.
Problems Corrected in 3.0.1
1) If the previous firewall configuration included a policy other than
ACCEPT in the nat, mangle or raw tables then Shorewall would not set
the policy to ACCEPT. This could result in a ruleset that rejected or
2004 Nov 02
Shorewall 2.2.0 Beta 2
Problems Corrected:
1. The "shorewall check" command results in the (harmless) error
/usr/share/shorewall/firewall: line 2753:
check_dupliate_zones: command not found
2. The
2004 Nov 02
Shorewall 2.2.0 Beta 2
Problems Corrected:
1. The "shorewall check" command results in the (harmless) error
/usr/share/shorewall/firewall: line 2753:
check_dupliate_zones: command not found
2. The
2004 Sep 29
Re: Shorewall-users Digest, Vol 22, Issue 65
I have 2nic firewall . I had to open some ranges of udp and tcp ports . I
faced a problem that although all the ports are open Some functionality was
not working . Any body used shorewall with H323 Voip traffic DNATed . Any
help is appretiated .
----- Original Message -----
From: <shorewall-users-request@lists.shorewall.net>
To: <shorewall-users@lists.shorewall.net>
2007 Nov 28
[Fwd: Re: Port 3001 still have problem]
Hash: SHA1
As I pointed out to Wilson in a private message, this appears to show
that no other connection requests (other than port 3000) are being sent
from the client to the server (or at least no other connection requests
are being received by the Shorewall box).
Wilson: Are you sure that the client is supposed to open port 3001 on
the server and not the
2005 Jan 03
RE: Outlook Web Access behind shorewall firewalldoesn''t work
Thanks for such a quick reply Tom!
Any suggestions then as to what I might do other than putting a second
nic in the SBS and opening it up for web access? I don''t like the idea,
but since MS SBS includes fireall that is actually what MS suggests.
-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Eastep [mailto:teastep@shorewall.net]
Sent: January 3, 2005 3:05 PM
To: Shorewall Users
Cc: Boyd
2005 Mar 30
RE: Shorewall and an inline IDS(snort-inlineorhogwash)
Plus I would like to let you know that it works like a charm.
Snort can now see those packets.
-----Original Message-----
From: shorewall-users-bounces@lists.shorewall.net
[mailto:shorewall-users-bounces@lists.shorewall.net] On Behalf Of
Thibodeau, Jamie L.
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2005 9:25 AM
To: Mailing List for Shorewall Users
Subject: RE: [Shorewall-users] Shorewall and an inline
2006 Oct 13
Re: Tc rules Help with multiISP + squid& squidguard...
In policy
Dump.rar join
-----Message d''origine-----
De : shorewall-users-bounces@lists.sourceforge.net [mailto:shorewall-users-bounces@lists.sourceforge.net] De la part de Tom Eastep
Envoyé : jeudi 12 octobre 2006 21:22
À : Shorewall Users
Objet : Re: [Shorewall-users] Tc rules Help with multiISP + squid& squidguard...
Joffrey FLEURICE wrote:
2005 Mar 15
New feature for Shorewall 2.2.3
The following is taken from the Release notes for 2.2.3 (which will be
released in a month or so).
2) There has been ongoing confusion about how the
/etc/shorewall/routestopped file works. People understand how it
works with the ''shorewall stop'' command but when they read that
''shorewall restart'' is logically equivalent to ''shorewall
2005 Feb 24
Re: 2.2 shorewall installation fails on suse 9.2
Laurent Moix wrote:
> Hi,
> I try to install shorewall 2.2 on suse 9.2.
> # rpm -ivh --nodeps /root/shorewall-2.2.1-1.noarch.rpm
> Preparing... ########################################### [100%]
> 1:shorewall ########################################### [100%]
> shorewall: unknown service
> shorewall: not a runlevel service
2004 Nov 06
shorewall.net Down Time
Tomorrow morning, the following systems will be unavailable while I
upgrade the OS on my firewall:
a) shorewall.net
b) lists.shorewall.net
c) cvs.shorewall.net
d) rsync.shorewall.net
The upgrade will begin around 0700 PST (-0800) and will like take two
hours or so.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Tom Eastep \ Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool
Shoreline, \
2007 Mar 26
Re: Expected handling of [SYN] when expecting[SYN, ACK]?
Hi Tom,
Many thanks for that, that''s really helped. Netfilter is indeed dropping
the packets as invalid.
Thanks and regards,
-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Eastep [mailto:teastep@shorewall.net]
Sent: 23 March 2007 18:05
To: Shorewall Users
Subject: Re: [Shorewall-users] Expected handling of [SYN] when
expecting[SYN, ACK]?
Frances Flood wrote:
> Basically, if the
2004 Nov 15
[OT] Graphics problems -- update
In my SuSE updates this morning, I found "Bug fixes for i810/Radeon
graphics drivers"...
Tom Eastep \ Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool
Shoreline, \ http://shorewall.net
Washington USA \ teastep@shorewall.net
PGP Public Key \ https://lists.shorewall.net/teastep.pgp.key
2004 Dec 30
I''m off the list for a couple of days
I need a break.
Happy New Year,
Tom Eastep \ Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool
Shoreline, \ http://shorewall.net
Washington USA \ teastep@shorewall.net
PGP Public Key \ https://lists.shorewall.net/teastep.pgp.key