similar to: Not compressing 24 bit very well

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 140 matches similar to: "Not compressing 24 bit very well"

2007 Apr 02
FLAC 24 bit test results
Thanks to those who sent in results for the 24 bit FLAC test I created. Results were received for Windows, Linux, and Intel Mac. All results showed the identical poor compression ratio with the given test file. This indicates that the issue is likely not related to a certain platform/compiler. I also tested FLAC with various other options like integer only and turning off ASM optimizations (to
2010 Apr 08
Question on using elements of a vector
Hi So my particular problem is this: I have a row vector of length 5200 elements - specifically created by x<-rbinom(5200,1,0.5) y<-matrix(x,nrow=1,ncol=5200) y now, each element is either a 0 or a 1 - e.g. it could be (0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,1) e.t.c. when the element is a 1, i need to multiply a number (say 1000) by 1.005, and if it is 1 again, multiply it _again_ by 1.005. so
2010 Apr 08
Problem using elements in a vector
Hi So my particular problem is this: I have a row vector of length 5200 elements - specifically created by x<-rbinom(5200,1,0.5) y<-matrix(x,nrow=1,ncol=5200) y now, each element is either a 0 or a 1 - e.g. it could be (0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,1) e.t.c. when the element is a 1, i need to multiply a number (say 1000) by 1.005, and if it is 1 again, multiply it _again_ by 1.005. so for
2008 Sep 30
R's integrate function
Hello, I am trying to use R's integrate function to calculate the following integral for z=423: integrate(function(y,z){ sapply(y, function(y,z){ integrate(function(x,z) 1/x*dbeta(0.01,x/(0.005/1.005),(1-x)/(0.005/1.005))*dbeta(y,x/(0.005/1.005),(1-x)/(0.005/1.005))*(1-y)^z,0,1,423)$value }) },0,1,423)$value but I receive an error message saying that the maximum number of subdivisions is
2006 Sep 05
Not compressing 24 bit very well
Hi Josh, I am noticing a problem in my application also which does realtime encoding on pocket pc. Most 24-bit music content does not compress well. But I have noticed that rectangular waves that I have encoded have compressed fairly well, so it seems to depend upon the predictibility of the content. I would also be very interested in a fix for this. Gordon --- Josh Green <josh at
2008 Sep 05
Plot by column
Dear list, I have the following matrix. How can I make the following plot? 1. The x-axis has index 1:7, and the first column is plotted against index 1, second against 2, and so on. 2. I want the points from the left upper conner including the antidiagonal to be plotted with col=2, and the rest with col=3 [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [1,] 0.589 0.857 0.923 0.944 0.954 0.963
2009 Feb 04
newbie - difficulty calling user defined function from by()
Hi Folks: I'm new to R and am having trouble calling a user-defined function within the by() function. I have checked on-line help and the R documentation to no avail. I have a data frame with a sample subset represented here: > example.sample ACCT_GROUP_DIM_KEY MV_BASE TOT_DEBT TOT_EQTY 1 555586574850 1082576.3 685.00 2422.50 2 555586574850 1032994.2 2444.00
2007 Mar 12
Lmer Mcmc Summary and p values
Dear R users I am trying to obtain p-values for (quasi)poisson lmer models, including Markov-chain Monte Carlo sampling and the command summary. > > My problems is that p values derived from both these methods are totally different. My question is (1) there a bug in my code and > (2) How can I proceed, left with these uncertainties in the estimations of > the p-values? > > Below
2008 May 28
Grouped weighted.mean
Dear all -- I want to compute weighted.mean() for grouped rows. Data frame extract is just below. For each Key, I want the mean of IAC weighted by Wt. DP0[1:20,] Key IAC Wt 2 C3-PD030020050.PD030020050. 0.765 0.8590000 3 C3-PD030020050.PD030020050. 0.764 0.8449651 4 C3-PD030020050.PD030020050.
2003 Jan 20
make check for R-1.6.2 on IBM AIX
Dear all, The 'make check' step fails for the pacakge mva on IBM AIX. The tail of the Rout log file looks like: > for(factors in 2:4) print(update(Harman23.FA, factors = factors)) Call: factanal(factors = factors, covmat = Harman23.cor) Uniquenesses: height arm.span forearm lower.leg weight 0.170 0.107 0.166
2007 Mar 13
lme4 and mcmcamp
Dear R users I am trying to obtain p-values for (quasi)poisson lmer models, using Markov-chain Monte Carlo sampling and the command summary. > > My problems is that p values derived from both these methods are totally different. My question is (1) there a bug in my code and > (2) How can I proceed, left with these uncertainties in the estimations of > the p-values? > > Below is
2008 Jan 08
Problem in anova with coxph object
Dear R users, I noticed a problem in the anova command when applied on a single coxph object if there are missing observations in the data: This example code was run on R-2.6.1: > library(survival) > data(colon) > colondeath = colon[colon$etype==2, ] > m = coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ rx + sex + age + perfor, data=colondeath) > m Call: coxph(formula = Surv(time, status) ~ rx +
2011 Apr 08
Avoiding a loop
Friends. I cannot simplify this much, and I think the loop is unavoidable. As a recovering C programmer I want to avoid loops and in cases like this I almost allways can by using an apply function. But I suspect in this case there is nothing I can do. It is a finance example where a price series is compared to a moving average. If the price goes above the average, plus a bit, buy the
2007 Aug 01
Hi, I'm having trouble using the constrOptim function to generate the 9-component vector argmin of the function ELfsds: ELfsds <- function(pvechat){ LG=0 for(i in 1:9){ LG=LG+log(pvechat[i]) } return(-LG) } with accompanying gradient function: gradfunc <- function(thetavec){ g=1/(9*thetavec) return(g) } The constraints on the optimization problem are: 1 - components of
2012 Jul 12
trellis margin sizes in absolute units
Dear R users, I have a lot of experience with traditional R graphics, but I decided to turn to trellis as it was recommended for spatial graphs by the sp package. In traditional R graphics I always first set the size of the device region absolute units (e.g. mm) and then I firmly fix the inner margins with mai and the outer margins with oma also in absolute units. What is left from the device
2011 Nov 22
glht for lme object with significant interaction term
Dear all, I'm working on some data from an experiment on the breeding behavior of birds. In short, I have been measuring how the time spent on performing a certain task (variable 'mean_on_active') differs over time (variable 'day', 2 levels) across three experimental categories (variable 'treat'; levels 'C', 'R', 'E'). The model shows a
2012 Feb 28
[LLVMdev] Proposed implementation of N3333 hashing interfaces for LLVM (and possible libc++)
Hello folks, TL;DR: This is my proposed hashing interface based on a proposed standard hashing interface. It also is implemented with a much faster and higher quality algorithm than the current one. This is an *early draft* of the code, looking for initial feedback. There has been recent interest in improving the quality and consistency of LLVM's approach to hashing. In particular, getting
2012 Jul 02
How to get prediction for a variable in WinBUGS?
Dear all,I am a new user of WinBUGS and need your help. After running the following code, I got parameters of beta0 through beta4 (stats, density), but I don't know how to get the prediction of the last value of h, the variable I set to NA and want to model it using the following code.Does anyone can given me a hint? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.Best
2002 Aug 27
PDF output problem
Hello, I'm quite new to R, but I've already stepped into this problem: I open a PDF device with: pdf("Name-%d.pdf", width=10, height=10, onefile=FALSE) And draw 4 histograms in a row, expecting the pdf device to automatically number them from 1 to 4. What I get back is only 2 images with names "Name-1.pdf" and "Name-2.pdf" that contain the two last
2015 Feb 04
Interpretación de coeficientes en un cox proportional hazards con variable strata
Buenas. Abajo pongo la salida de un modelo de cox , dónde he estratificado por una variable de país (Countryb) y por otra (Q6). Además hay interacción entre la variable mobilityPDurG2 (es una variable 0,1, y 0 es la categoría de referencia) país. La categoría de referencia para país es "united kingdom". Mi duda surge si quiero calcular el hazard ratio para los que tienen un 1