similar to: [Shorewall-users] Redirect loc::80 to fw::3 128 not work (fwd)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "[Shorewall-users] Redirect loc::80 to fw::3 128 not work (fwd)"

2002 May 14
[Shorewall-users] Redirect loc::80 to fw::3128 not work (fwd)
I''m beginning to believe that the use of the last column in the rules file to designate redirection/forwarding is too subtle for many users. For 1.3, I think I''ll do something like the following: Current rule: ACCEPT net loc: tcp 80 - all New rule: FORWARD net loc: tcp 80 Current rule: ACCEPT net fw::3128 tcp 80 - all New rule: REDIRECT net
2002 Mar 07
port forwarding not working!
Ok, I hate to be the newbie posting a dumb question, but I can''t get port forwarding to work... in interfaces I have: net eth0 detect dhcp loc eth1 routestopped in rules I have: # # Forward FTP connections to 2021 to # ACCEPT net loc: tcp 2021 21 So, the end result should be that
2002 May 14
Redirect loc::80 to fw::3128 not work
The rule: ACCEPT loc $FW::3128 tcp www doesn''t work propertly, the http access does not redirect to squid but directly exit. what''s wrong? Thanks ------- Dario Lesca ( -------------------------------------- @@@@@@@ this is my shorewall-1.2.13 config: #[/etc/shorewall/common.def]-----------------------------------------------
2011 Jan 12
how to change strip text of effect plot
Dear r heper, How can I change the strip text, for example (16,23] in the following example, to other more informative text such as "high level" on the fly? library(effects) Cowles$ex2 <- cut(Cowles$extraversion,3) mod.cowles <- glm(volunteer ~ sex+neuroticism*ex2,data=Cowles, family=binomial) eff.cowles <- allEffects(mod.cowles) plot(eff.cowles,
2010 May 04
help overlay scatterplot to effects plot
I have a process where I am creating a effects plot similar to the cowles effect example. I would like to add the point estimates to the effects plot, can someone show me the correct syntax. I have included the "R" effects example, so you can show me the correct syntax. Thanks mod.cowles <- glm(volunteer ~ sex + neuroticism*extraversion, data=Cowles, family=binomial)
2002 May 13
RE: [Shorewall-users] SMTP outbound problem (fwd)
I think we should add an FAQ entry for tcp_ecn. I remember Tom giving a good description in one of his many responses and there is mention of it in the pptp page, but I could not find the response from Tom about different tcp stacks. Thanks, -- Steve Herber work: 206-261-0307 Systems Engineer, AMCIS, UoW home: 425-454-2399 ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Sat,
2003 Jan 01
Season Greetings to all Tom, in your faq, u have this noted: While I am currently using the HTB version of The Wonder Shaper (I just copied wshaper.htb to /etc/shorewall/tcstart and modified it as shown in the Wondershaper README), I treid this with wondershaper, using Bearing Leaf 1.0 stable i even changed the tc command to run_tc, and tried it in both angles, and i receive the following..
2003 Aug 17
Shorewall with MS Windows PDC
Hi, I have a network with 4 NIC, one external, DMZ, and two internal, B & C. It has been setup correctlly and working now. The problem I have now, is any client workstation running on network B, MSWindows 2K / XP / NT cannot connect to the primary domain controller which is in network C. The clients cannot even see the network domain in the explorere window. I believe the problem is
2002 Feb 07
X windows
How would i allow xwindows and xdmcp through would it be ACCEPT net -> fw all 117 and ACCEPT net -> fw all 6000:6100 ? and for that matter how would i stop x traffic from leaving the fw machine? REJECT fw -> net all 6000:6100 ?
2002 Nov 20
Proxy ARP
Hi all! I posted earlier about the proxy arp configuration =, = and was probably not sufficiently knowledgeable on the subject. I''ve = gone through a bunch of documents on proxy arp, subnetting with proxy = arp and the documentation at shorewall, and have come up with a setup = that would be perfect for the job at hand
2003 Feb 25
Exchange Server in DMZ
I would like to place an exchange 5.5 server in my DMZ. Can anyone tell me how I can set this up to allow LAN clients to be able to connect to Exchange and also so I can admin the box from the LAN with Terminal Services? Thank you.
2005 Feb 28
3.0.11 pthread_once errors
I have installed Samba 3.0.11 on OpenBSD 3.6. It is linked with MIT Kerberos 1.4, which was installed to /usr/local/kerberos. Whenever i run a Samba application (any of them; i get these messages when starting any of the smbd, nmbd, or winbindd daemons, as well as user applications such as smbclient) i get a screen full of errors. Everything so far seems to be working, but the errors are a
2002 Dec 31
Big Brother with Shorewall loc dmz zones?
How would I use Big Brother with Shorewall and my loc and dmz zones to monitor hosts in both zones? If Big Brother''s server is on my LAN (loc) is it "safe" to forward the bb port from the dmz to the LAN? What would the security risks of this be? Common sense says that it may not be a good idea to forward stuff from the dmz to the LAN, but I''m inexperienced and unsure
2002 Oct 12
All my shorewall files have a coment at last line: "#LAST LINE ... DO NOT REMOVE" But not common.def. Is this file corrupt? F. __________________________________________________________________________ Encontre sempre uma linha desocupada com o Discador BOL! Ainda n=E3o tem AcessoBOL? Assine j=E1!
2002 Jun 13
Red Code, Nimbda et. al
Hello, we are interested to learn how Shorewall can be configured to look into a packet''s payload, say to look for footprints of Red Code or Nimbda (for example). From the site web page features section we understand Shorewall only looks into the packet''s header. Your enlightening answer will be appreciated. Regards Jose.
2002 Jan 19
Wish list
While the subject is new features, here''s something I''d like to see. I''d like to have a way for shorewall to be able to monitor a log file and take an action when a condition is met. For instance, if Shorewall could monitor /var/log/httpd/access_log for entries which I have defined (and know to be an attack), and then take an action such as blacklisting a host or domain
2004 Jun 14
Member Server in Active Directory
I'm trying to join a Samba 3.0.4 (compiled from source on Debian) to an Active Directory as a member server. I believe Kerberos is configured correctly as kinit creates a ticket for the realm. Executables appear to have support for Kerberos and LDAP (smbd -b | grep KRB and grep LDAP) return OK. When I try to join the AD with net ads join -U myadminusername I'm prompted for my
2002 May 14
2 is back up
Let me know if there are any problems. -Tom -- Tom Eastep \ Shorewall - iptables made easy AIM: tmeastep \ ICQ: #60745924 \
2002 Apr 08
Parameterized Samples Withdrawn
Although the parameterized samples have allowed people to get a firewall up and running quickly, they have unfortunately set the wrong level of expectation among those who have used them. I am therefore withdrawing support for the samples and I am recommending that they not be used in new Shorewall installations. -Tom -- Tom Eastep \ Shorewall - iptables made easy AIM: tmeastep \
2002 Sep 20
Rsync of several directories doesn't delete files
Hello. I'm trying to use rsync to keep a backup of a web server (named "www") on a separate machine (named "backup"). "Www" is running Trustix Linux 1.5 (kernel 2-2-20-2tr) with rsync 2.5.4 protocol 26. "Backup" is running OpenBSD 3.0. Rsync is using OpenSSH 3.1p1 as the transport. Files that are deleted from "www" are not deleted from