similar to: Accepted metadata format(s?)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Accepted metadata format(s?)"

2004 Sep 10
ID3-style information
I have a CD collection of about 20 discs that I currently archive on my hard disk in MP3 format. No, I do not like lossy compression. No, I do not like closed standards. No, I do not like software patents (Fraunhofer). In fact, I do not even need compression at this point, as my hard disk capacity is greater than the sum total of the CDs' WAV-format sizes. However, I need its ID3
2004 Sep 10
Wanted: Ripper that uses ID3V2 and FLAC
I've been with FLAC since 0.7, and I've loved the FLAC files I've ripped with grip, converted from FLAC 0.8 to 0.9, and played constantly on my desktop. And then I noticed the truncated ID3 tags in my FLAC files. I at first thought the problem lied in FLAC; I posted to this list, hoping for a solution. But then I realized my trusty GRIP was the flawed program. Now re-ripping my
2004 Sep 10
deafening silence
if your talking id3v1, something along the lines of (in bash): for f in *.flac ; do tail -c 128 $f > tag && flac-0.8 -d $f ${f%*.flac}.wav && flac-0.9 -V ${f%*.flac}.wav $f && cat tag >> $f ; done should work. of course, test it before you set it loose on your whole collection. if you're on windows, my condolences... no wait, just get cygwin :) Josh ---
2004 Sep 10
Re: #130041: xmms-flac: breaks periodically
Asheesh Laroia wrote: > Anyone here have any ideas? Is there a trace I can add to the flac > plugin, or some diagnostic method? Is there some debugging routine I can > use to see what's going on? > I concluded some months ago that this is exactly what happens if you try to play a zero-length file with a .flac extension. After that, all .flac files are skipped. This may not be
2004 Sep 10
XMMS plugin doesn't see ID3V2 tags
I tagged some FLAC files with ID3V2 information (by the id3v2 program), but their metadata does not show up in XMMS. Anyone else have this problem? Anyone have a solution? (I tested the tags using the --list option of id3v2; they are there. XMMS and the FLAC plugin just don't seem to respect them.) -- Asheesh.
2004 Sep 10
ID3V1 and ID3V2 tags
Lo and behold, the new version of grip ( has ID3V2 support. I want to be able to rip from grip, extract the data from the FLACs into WAVs, normalize the WAVs, then re-encode them into FLACs. How can I make sure the ID3V1 and ID3V2 tags stored by grip are saved in between the FLACs? What shell commands can I use to store the tags in a temp file? Thanks for
2004 Sep 10
ID3-style information
--- Asheesh Laroia <> wrote: > However, I need its ID3 information. I need the client program > (i.e., > XMMS) to be able to look at a file and know its artist and title. > Those > are the only two required fields, as a matter of fact. > flac (the decoder) 'supports' ID3 and ID3v2 tags by ignoring them. The input plugins (including
2004 Sep 10
Re: #130041: xmms-flac: breaks periodically
On Sat, Apr 27, 2002 at 05:24:10PM -0400, Asheesh Laroia wrote: > XMMS-flac still breaks periodically. It just skips over FLAC files, > playing only the MP3 files in my playlist. Crash is the wrong word. If > anything, the flac plugin might be breaking; all I can tell is XMMS no > longer plays the flac files. I have to kill and re-run XMMS. This > happens every few hours of
2004 Sep 10
FLAC 1.0.5 beta1 released
make check > out 2> err bzip2 out bzip2 err Oh, look, errors. Huh. Check the end of "out" for details. -- Asheesh. -- What the world *really* needs is a good Automatic Bicycle Sharpener. On Fri, 3 Jan 2003, Asheesh Laroia wrote: > I have an Athlon Thunderbird 1Ghz sitting running all alone in my dorm > room while I'm at home for six weeks. I figure I'll run
2007 Oct 22
SEARCH TEXT does not seem to search headers
The RFC says <> this: TEXT <string> Messages that contain the specified string in the header or body of the message. But with the current hg tip (see linked rawlogs), SEARCH TEXT provides results disjoint from SEARCH FROM. I guess that's a bug?
2007 Nov 10
1.0beta7 still has SEARCH TEXT not search the FROM
I just tried out 1.0beta7 and erased all my indexes and with fts and fts_squat enabled, and when I SEARCH TEXT in Dovecot, it does *not* find messages where the thing I SEARCH for appear only in the From: header. Timo, can you confirm or deny that you still see this behavior? I did clear my indexes before doing it. -- Asheesh. -- Man is the measure of all things. -- Protagoras
2004 Sep 10
deafening silence
This will post-pend id3v1 tags. I thought they were found at the beginning of files. If not, then it looks fine to me. I may add some parentheses, though, like (tail -c 128 ${f} > tag) && (flac-0.8 -d $f ${f%flac}wav), etc. That decoding line should be "${f%.flac}", no "*", right? For simplicity's sake, I'm not going to take off the "." at the
2004 Sep 10
deafening silence
This will post-pend id3v1 tags. I thought they were found at the beginning of files. If not, then it looks fine to me. I may add some parentheses, though, like (tail -c 128 ${f} > tag) && (flac-0.8 -d $f ${f%flac}wav), etc. That decoding line should be "${f%.flac}", no "*", right? Same with the encoding command: flac-0.9 -V ${f%flac}wav $f Seem better? (-8
2009 Jan 31
Replication status
I remember last year we discussed Dovecot replication a bit on this list, e.g. . Has there been any development related to this, and can I help at all? The more I think about the hacks I'm employing to synchronize mail, the more I realize I want this. So hopefully I can put either some money or some time where my mouth is. --
2004 Sep 10
deafening silence
I haven't seen too much feedback since the 0.9 release, which probably means one of three things: 1. it works perfectly and nobody has any complaints! 2. nobody is using 0.9. 3. the list is having problems. I mention #3 because at least one person has been blocked by sourceforge's new filter. Anyone...anyone? __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get email
2008 Mar 07
Sorting a folder (by THREAD) takes a long time
My email workflow with Dovecot is that mail gets delivered to INBOX, where I handle it and then move it into a folder called archive. I have alpine set to use the Default sort of "THREAD" of a folder. After moving a (few) mail(s) from INBOX to archive, archive takes a long time (10-50s) to load while alpine tells me: [Sorting "archive" ... ] (I
2008 Mar 19
Automatic Debian repository now provides source packages
Hello Dovecot users, Last week I announced my automatic Debian repository for dovecot-1.1. Asheesh Laroia requested source package support and as promised I built it this weekend. Now that it has succesfully released new packages for Timo's latest changes I have activated the new script. To use the source packages you must add the following line to your /etc/apt/sources.list deb-src
2004 Sep 10
Distributed FLAC encoding
Is there any software that acts like the 'flac' binary but actually does the decoding on a remote host? I'm interested in having at least one faster machine contribute, but preferably more than one. Since the application is ripping CDs, perhaps different machines could take on different files? It would be *amazing* if different hosts could process different parts of the same file.
2004 Sep 10
Re: xmms-flac problem
On Tue, Jan 22, 2002 at 09:16:28PM -0500, Asheesh Laroia wrote: > I have MP3 files and FLAC files in my playlist. It's about 800-900 tracks > long. > > I'll start XMMS 1.2.6, and it'll work for some arbitrary amount of FLAC > files. Usually, that's between twenty and a hundred. Then, with no > warning, it will skip over all the FLAC files and play only the
2007 Oct 21
Assertion failed: (pos < input->size)
Oct 21 10:04:05 alchemy dovecot: imap-login: Login: user=<paulproteus>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, TLS Oct 21 10:05:44 alchemy dovecot: IMAP(paulproteus): file message-decoder.c: line 289 (message_decode_body): assertion failed: (pos < input->size) Oct 21 10:05:44 alchemy dovecot: IMAP(paulproteus): Raw backtrace: imap [0x80c8e10] -> imap [0x80c8d1c] ->