similar to: 0.6 release

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "0.6 release"

2004 Sep 10
0.6 release
Josh, Those speed improvements are great. Quick test on an 365MB wav of Neil Young's eponymous 1st album on a PIII 650E (Coppermine) under FreeBSD 4.2: User Sys MB shorten23 0:46s 4.0 208.3 shorten31 1:24s 5.3 208.6 flac CVS 4:21s 7.5 199.2 It's getting near to be a useful replacement for shorten. Only 3x slower. Any idea why it uses so much more sys time? I would've thought
2004 Sep 10
FLAC status
Hi, How's the testing going? I compressed 194 individual .wav files (totaling 8.54GB) which contained tracks ripped from many varied albums. I unflacced them and compared their md5 signature with the same from the original .wav. They were all perfect. I didn't use the -V option just in case of any chance of mis-reporting. I hope to test it with the complete collection of ~41GB
2004 Sep 10
Re: flac and pipes problems (was: Possible bug)
I'll rearrange a little and respond: --- Mark Powell <> wrote: > Also, when flac takes input from stdin it fails to > fill in the wav size > fields correctly, whereas shorten has no problems > with this: i.e. >... > You can see it puts a data chunk size of zero in > there. > OK, this has been fixed in CVS. > Flac refuses
2015 Aug 10
Shared folders with Centos-7 guest in VMware-10 using open-vm-tools
Eero Volotinen <eero.volotinen at ...> writes: > > try modprobe vmhgfs > under open-vm-tools, the only module I know about is vmtoolsd and it is running: [root at imp yum.repos.d]# systemctl status vmtoolsd vmtoolsd.service - Service for virtual machines hosted on VMware Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/vmtoolsd.service; enabled) Active: active (running) since Thu
2017 Jan 27
Matrix package breaks as.matrix method
Hi, The Matrix package and the as.matrix method do not seem to be compatible inside of a package. Here's an example. I've created a simple package "mat" that defines an eponymous class and as.matrix method on that class. All is well, unless that package has the Matrix package in its Depends or Imports (and imports, e.g. the "Diagonal" function). Then my as.matrix
2008 Sep 24
function can permanently modify calling function via substitute?
Dear R-devel: The following code seems to allow one function to permanently modify a calling function. I did not expect this would be allowed (short of more creative gymnastics) and wonder if it is really intended. (I can see other ways to accomplish the intended task of this code [e.g. via instead of substitute below] that do not trigger the problem, but I don't think that is
2007 Mar 14
How to transform matrices to ANOVA input datasets?
Hello, R experts, I have a list called dataHP which has 30 elements (m1, m2, ..., m30). Each element is a 7x6 matrix holding yield data from two factors experimental design, with treatment in column, position in row. For instance, the element 20 is: dataHP[[20]] col1 col2 col3 trt1 trt2 trt3 [1,] 22.0 20.3 29.7 63.3 78.5 76.4 [2,]
2004 Sep 21
Asterisk(OS X) & X-Lite
I'm new to Asterisk and have installed it on OS X. I am trying to use an X-Lite softphone to connect through Asterisk to FreeWorld Dialup and am not having any luck. I have looked at several settings pages at but have had no luck. I am on a school network which I assume has some security but the particulars are unknown as they are not very helpful. It is necessary to
2004 Sep 10
beta 10 candidate checked in
On Fri, 25 May 2001, Josh Coalson wrote: > I have checked in all the latest into CVS and am going to start the > test suite again. if all goes well I will probably release this as > beta 10. > > anyway, try it out and let me know if anything bad happens! it > should be a short jump from beta 10 to 1.0. I've just checked out the latest from scratch. There is no configure
2004 Sep 10
beta 10 candidate checked in
On Tue, 29 May 2001, Josh Coalson wrote: > > AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(flac, 0.9) > > > > I've never had to run autoconf manually before so I'm not really sure > what > > I'm doing. > > > hmm... not sure what the syntax error is; did you run aclocal first? No. Had no idea I had to. I've gleaned from someone else's message that I should be doing
2024 Feb 21
Network issue
Hi Stephen, Thanks again for getting back to me, Ivan Krylov responded also and suggested windows binaries and I must confess I was only familiar with installing from files via the package sources (apart from the conventional install.packages method), so the solution was as simple as installing via the binaries. Thanks again, best wishes, James From: stephen sefick <ssefick at>
2017 Jan 29
R-devel Digest, Vol 167, Issue 25
Hi, Short answer: import 'as.matrix' and export your method(s) for it. From WRE: "All S4 classes to be used outside the package need to be listed in an exportClasses directive. Alternatively, they can be specified using exportClassPattern.(46) in the same style as for exportPattern. To export methods for generics from other packages an exportMethods directive can be used."
2005 Jan 21
Powell resigns
Breaking News - Powell resigns as FCC Chair Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Michael Powell announced his resignation today (January 21, 2005) and will step down in March. In a brief statement on the FCC's website ( Powell said, "Having completed a bold and aggressive agenda, it is time for me to pursue other opportunities and let someone else take the reins
2004 Jul 30
FWER + multiple linear models
Could someone kindly help me with the following question: when I analyze microarray data I need to fit multiple linear regression models between genes and clinical patameters followed by estimation of the p-values. What's the solution to implement Westfall and Young's algorithm + resampling into the scheme: lm -> stepAIC -> anova. Actually permcor works fine for me in the case of
2017 Jan 30
Matrix package breaks as.matrix method
Georgi, Brilliant, thank you very much for the helpful reply and explanation! I added 'importFrom("Matrix","as.matrix")' to my NAMESPACE and all worked fine! As my 'as.matrix' method is used entirely internally to the 'testmat' function (and not "used outside the package"), I don't think I actually need to export it. In my case, testmat is
1999 Dec 06
Fwd: Re: openssh on a non-PAM system?
FYI. Maybe ppl with access to Solaris can look at this. Niels. From: mark at (Mark Powell) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: openssh on a non-PAM system? Date: 6 Dec 1999 14:10:21 -0000 Message-ID: <82gg4d$15ta$1 at> In article <x7zovrqhrv.fsf at>, Dan Lowe <dan at> wrote: >mark at
2004 Sep 10
FLAC 0.6 released
I've released FLAC 0.6. The big improvements are: - encoding speed in default mode (-6) is at least 3x faster - a new "loose mid-side" adaptive algorithm should help -1 and -5 modes - a new analyze mode for developers - a autoconf/libtool-based build system (thanks to Matt Zimmerman) - bug fixes related to pipes Check the new comparison page. FLAC has the best ratios of any open
2005 Mar 22
RE: Asterisk-Users Digest, Vol 8, Issue 150
The update worked like a charm! Hold music is as cheesy as ever! Thanks much, this list is a life saver! Dan ------------------------------ Message: 2 Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2005 09:16:59 -0600 From: Eric Wieling <> Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] Redhat 9 Music on hold To: Asterisk Users Mailing List - Non-Commercial Discussion <>
2024 Feb 20
Network issue
Hi Stephen, Thanks very much for getting back to me. My problem is described below. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, James Hi, Sorry for bothering you because I know that your time is voluntary, but I would really appreciate some help. I work in a hospital in part of Ireland?s national health service, a service which was struck by a massive cyber attack a couple of years ago. Since
2004 Sep 10
flac worse than shorten ON SOME FILES
had to fix the subject... was getting under my skin! yeah, could you put up the FLAC version of the worst track that is less than 20 megs compressed? (I'll have to grab it with a 56k modem). by worst I mean the one where shorten beats flac by the most. also: 1. what version of shorten are you using? 2. what command-line options for flac and shorten did you use on this track? thanks, Josh