similar to: Set off high-pass filter

Displaying 9 results from an estimated 9 matches similar to: "Set off high-pass filter"

2010 Mar 23
information module Wilks' lambda criterion
Hi everybody, I was wondering if you can help me about a module. In fact, I'm looking for a package or module about Wilks' lambda criterion in R environment. I didn't find it in R website ( or If this module exists, could you show me the command line. Thank you very much for your help,
2009 Jun 03
classification table in logistic regression
Prof. Harrell, My name is Armida Carbajal, I'm a graduate student intern at Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) and am conducting some research for my thesis project at the University of New Mexico in Statistics for SNL. My project entails a logistic regression and I wanted to create a classification table like the one found in SAS using the function CTABLE. I was running out of ideas on
2012 May 04
Broadvoice Got SIP response 503 Service Unavailable
Hi, I'm running Asterisk @office. The Broadvoice service work fine with all 1.6 version and early 1.8 behind a NAT but about 2 months ago stop working. No made changes in the firewall NAT rules. Right now I'm @home via my Xlite softphone working fine without problems Any suggestions or thoughts? Alex Celi This is the info central*CLI> sip show peers Name/username
2006 Feb 28
Dereverberation - is it work?
Hello, I'm using Speex1.1.11.1 source code. I enabled dereverb by speex_preprocess_ctl(). I try different dereverb_level and dereverb_decay values and it seems to not work. I generate some test files in CoolEdit using reverb or echo and then preprocess it by speex_preprocess(preprocess, input, NULL); and output is the same as input:(. Denoising and VAD works very good. I tried dereverb with
2006 Aug 22
Please test upcoming release
Hi Jim, Actually, I don't see anything wrong with the internal structure having a different type than the interface, as long both types are big enough to hold the possible values (in this case 0 and 1). Though, as you pointed out, testenc needs to be fixed to use spx_int32_t instead of int. I'll change that. Jean-Marc Jim Crichton a ?crit : > st->highpass_enabled is typed
2006 Aug 23
Please test upcoming release
Jean-Marc, The trouble is that one cannot identify the type difference without reading the nb_celp.c source file, and this parameter is treated differently than other, similar parameters. It would seem like the most intuitive approach would be to match the interface to the structure. This is a trivial point, of course. I have attached a patch to the two TI interface files, which adds the
2007 Aug 29
high-pass filter issues
Hi, I am using 1.2beta2 on a C5416 doing narrowband in the decode function I am having a problem with the execution of my program vectoring off to random interrupts that are not used. I have tracked down the error to the highpass function called in nb_decode -very close to the end of the function-context: it is called here: ln 1719 for me if (st->highpass_enabled) highpass(out,
2006 Aug 17
Please test upcoming release
Hi everyone, I'm about to release version 1.2-beta1 (which I could have called 1.1.13), which includes many, many changes. It would help if everyone could give the svn version ( a try and see if it works fine. I'll check my email next week when I'm back from some vacations and if nothing bad has been reported, I'll make the release. Have fun,
2010 Mar 24
R-help ordinal regression
Dear colleagues, i am carrying out an ordinal regression model. I try it on SPSS but I "flirt" with R as well. I have a few questions. 1. What is the most reliable/tested/trusted package for ordinal regression in the R world? 2. Also, I have a statistical question. What is the danger of having to many 'empty cells' in ordinal regression? How many empty cells are too many? Do