similar to: Speexdec says: 'This doesn't look like a Speex file' (am I missing headers?)

Displaying 9 results from an estimated 9 matches similar to: "Speexdec says: 'This doesn't look like a Speex file' (am I missing headers?)"

2013 Feb 12
Speexdec says: 'This doesn't look like a Speex file' (am I missing headers?)
Hello, guys! I'm a novice at programming, learning about the speex and its applications now. Specifically, my current goal is to encode microphone input on iOS device in real-time, saving result to a file frame-by-frame. So far, I've managed to: 1) compile speex static library (it works, at least for iPhone/iPad, but not on iOS simulator; this is fine for now); 2) encode pcm data from
2013 Feb 12
Speexdec says: 'This doesn't look like a Speex file' (am I missing headers?).
Hello, guys! I'm a novice at programming, learning about the speex and its applications now. Specifically, my current goal is to encode microphone input on iOS device in real-time, saving result to a file frame-by-frame. So far, I've managed to: 1) compile speex static library (it works, at least for iPhone/iPad, but not on iOS simulator; this is fine for now); 2) encode pcm data from
2013 Feb 12
Speexdec says: 'This doesn't look like a Speex file' (am I missing headers?).
Hello, guys! I'm a novice at programming, learning about the speex and its applications now. Specifically, my current goal is to encode microphone input on iOS device in real-time, saving result to a file frame-by-frame. So far, I've managed to: 1) compile speex static library (it works, at least for iPhone/iPad, but not on iOS simulator; this is fine for now); 2) encode pcm data from
2004 Sep 10
trying to write encoder - need help!
Hi all, I'm attempting to encode raw audio data using libFLAC++. My audio data is 16 bit, mono, 16000Hz. I set all the appropriate parameters on the encoder and then call init(). Everything appears to be ok. I don't know how to properly convert from char *data to the FLAC__int32 *[] requested by the process function. I think this is where my problem is. If I call process() like this:
2004 Aug 06
openh323 conflict; can speex_encode take short?
openh323 speexcodec.cxx has: BOOL SpeexCodec::EncodeFrame(BYTE * buffer, unsigned & length) { // convert PCM to float float floatData[SAMPLES_PER_FRAME]; PINDEX i; for (i = 0; i < SAMPLES_PER_FRAME; i++) floatData[i] = sampleBuffer[i]; // encode PCM data in sampleBuffer to buffer speex_bits_reset(bits); speex_encode(coder_state, floatData, bits);
2008 Jul 11
Speex issue
Hey there I had implemented Speex encoding nicely in an application I was working on when I realized that I needed to change the API. I changed it, and the change somehow broke the speex encoding section of the code. The program writes SPX headers that other programs can read, but does not generate the rest of the file correctly. I have been through the guide "programming with
2010 Feb 28
Denoise not working for me
Hi I am trying to use the Denoise option of speex but unable to do so successfully. I would really appreciate if some one could help me and identify what exactly wrong i am doing... I am using below code to perform denoise. //Initialize speex preprocess state and set the denoise option int nEnable = 1; SpxPreprocessState = speex_preprocess_state_init(160, 8000);
2010 Jul 25
notification: More than two wideband layers found. The stream is corrupted.
Dear Speex Devs, One more problem from my side. I had earlier queried about bad quality of speex. For this run, I changed the memory mode option in CCStudio to none from large. (I will explain this if required.) Now, I am trying to run speex on C55x in real time. Find a code snippet from my main function below. Basically, I am getting the error mentioned in the subject line. Weird thing is
2010 Feb 22
Speex echo cancellation and denoise issues
Hi All I am using speex in one of my WinCE project. I have been trying to use speex to perform denoise on the captured audio packet and echo cancellation. Following behavior I have observed while using various options. I would really appreciate if you could help me with the issues I am facing. 1. Denoise: I have written the following to code to perform denoise. //To initialize speex