similar to: Decoded data all 0s

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "Decoded data all 0s"

2008 Nov 13
decoded sample is completely differen from original one
Hi all, I have just started playing with speex, and come up with the following code, which just encode a frame of 160 shorts, and the decode it. For some reason the decoded sample is completely different than the original one. is my code wrong? If so what? Or is it a reasonable which depends of values that weren't correctly set? Thanks, Andre #include <stdio.h> #include
2007 Oct 11
Encode and decode using speex
Hi, I am new to speex and I am trying to use the sample program given in the speex document. I have made some modification to that sample, so that input can be read from a file and the output can be re-directed to the file. I tried to encode an audio file using the sampleenc and decode the same by sampledec.c I am able to do it successfully, but when i try to play the output file from the
2005 Jul 20
Speex Windows from 1.1.6 source
Hi All, I am using Speex for encoding/decoding the audio stream for my streaming application. I have used almost the same code In the sampleenc.c and sampledec.c, except that I have used The buffers from the mic as input for encoder and encoded audio As input for decoder, instead of files input. My Problem is the audio played on the receiving side after decoding Is only a "hush" or it
2004 Aug 06
Platform Intel Linux/Fedora Core 2 ALSA Soundblaster 128 PCI I am capturing U8 (unsigned 8 bit mono) audio from the sound blaster and attempting to compress it with speex. I have built and installed speex on the computer and can compile and link with no problems. I have the sample programs (sampleenc.c and sampledec.c) which I am following. The only difference is my raw data is in a char array
2006 Oct 12
Problem with encoding and decoding
I have problem with coding and decoding. I record voice from mic coding and write to file. And when I read from file and put it on sound card it's terrible sound. Have sameone can help me? #include <speex.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <sys/soundcard.h> /*The frame size in hardcoded for this sample code but it
2005 Apr 22
writing issues on arm build !
Hi all. I am a student writing a voip program on ppc for a project for school. Before I explain my issue, let me apoligize for being extremely newbie :( Here's the situation: I am using the ARMV4 release build from the speex website. Right now I am simply trying to make an encode function using speex that will take an unsigned char* of raw wav data (8000 samples, 8 bits / sample, mono)
2009 Feb 05
Streaming Speex over RTP
I am a brand new user of Speex, so forgive my naivety. I am receiving an audio stream (PCM) which I need to encode in Speex, send it across a wire via RTP, and then decode and play the audio on the other side. I assume people have done this before, and I was wondering if anyone had any sample code of how they accomplished this. Or maybe just some good pointers or advice. Thanks Shane
2007 Apr 02
Problems with stereo data
Hi all, I have a problem when I am encoding (or decoding) stereo audio. With mono data, things are fine and everything works without any problems. When I try to decode stereo data, all I get is a static sound - similar to that of a radio not tuned to any specific station. I wonder what might be wrong? Below is the code, first, of the encoder and next that of the decoder. Any information or
2007 Feb 13
Hello Guys
hello everybody in this great mailing list , i have some difficulties to follow my code . i solved some problems thanks to Carine Liang , but i still have one problem and i think it is fatal one. when i encode the voice data in a wav file it is decoded without any errors it gives me 84 bytes wav file size for 139 kbytes wav audio data .Naturally i wanted to return my file back to its normal
2004 Sep 12
Speex encoding/decoding producing garbled audio
I'm getting garbled playback with decoded fragments and I'm hoping someone here can point me in the right direction to correcting the problem. Essentially I'm capturing audio from the microphone. I stream it over the net, but for testing purposes with this API I'm just grabbing the whole chunk and encoding / decoding it right away and then updating the sound buffer for
2005 Jun 22
Newbie - Encoding PCM
Hi all, i've to encode voice from a voicemodem. I choose speex 1.0.5 for its quality in voice encoding. I've tried to implement an encoder but unsuccesfully. Here's my code: /* ============ SPEEX stream ENCODER ============================================ */ int SPEEX_EncodePCM(struct _IDA_ClientSocket *IDA,char *buffer,unsigned char *PCM,int num_samples) { /* buffer point to the
2007 Apr 03
Please help, very important (not for fun)
Hi All, I am a Speex novice but trying to use Speex in my Doctoral thesis. I installed Speex, was able to encode and decode files. Right now, I want to write my own cpp program that handle Speex-files. I tried to compile and run the two sample programs that come with the documentation (after having insalled the speex-devel-1.0.5-1.i386.rpm). However, when I compile. gcc Here is
2006 Oct 04
Decode win32 encoded files on TI C5x???
I have successfully DECODED speex on TI C5509: #define TESTENC_BYTES_PER_FRAME 20 /* 8kbps */ #define TESTENC_QUALITY 4 /* 8kbps */ I am trying to generate the files I need with speexenc.exe: speexenc -n --quality 4 -V male.wav male.spx But I can't decode the files on C5x. Yes, I have seen that speexenc.exe adds Ogg header and
2012 Apr 07
The decoded voice is just noise and totally different from the original !
Hi all speex developers, ??? I have encoded 10 seconds buffer of Mic voice (raw) using speex on an embedded device, then transmitted it to a PC where i decoded the voice,in a way similar to the sampleenc.c and sampledec.c on website, ?BUT my problem is that the decoded voice is totally different from the original,what i hear is just noise !! what is possible to be the reason ? Any help is
2005 Oct 17
Error Executing sampledec in VC++
hey guys, I just compiled an application similar to sampledec.c (for speex 1.1.10) and it was fine but when I executed it, the app exited without doing anything. I'm using MS VC 6.0 and this was all I got - First-chance exception in sampledec.exe : 0xC0000005: Access Violation. Has anyone encountered this / does anyone know how to deal with it? by the way, sampleenc executed perfectly... When
2006 Oct 04
Decode win32 encoded files on TI C5x???
> For encoding into and decoding from "raw Speex stream" (if you can call > it that), I suggest you start with the sampleenc.c and sampledec.c > example code in Appendix B of the Speex Manual. There is no such a thing as a "raw Speex format". Also, sampleenc.c and sampledec.c are good for learning how to use the API, but the compressed format shouldn't be used in
2005 Oct 17
Error Executing sampledec in VC++
Hi Steve, thanks for the advice. I placed the appropriate functions outside the while statement but I still get this error at the while loop: First-chance exception at 0x004010fa in SPXDEC.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0000000c. Unhandled exception at 0x004010fa in SPXDEC.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0000000c. It looks like the same error. I've
2007 Jul 12
file couldn't play after Speex encode and decode
Dear sir, I've a problem that the .wav file couldn't play after calling "sampleenc male.wav|sampledec male_speex_15.wav".I found that the new file male_speex_15.wav is smaller than the original file in size.I implemented the test on Linux system.The original file male.wav is 96044 bytes,while the new file male_speex_15.wav is 96000 bytes.I'm eager to know the reason.Thankyou!
2008 Jul 19
Noise problem while encoding and decoding
Hi, everyone! I'm a newbie of speex develog. I tried to encode and decode with the sample program in the speex manual. I compile those program with gcc sampleenc.c -o enc -lspeex gcc sampledec.c -o dec -lspeex I run these two program in this way and then speak loudly: ./enc /dev/dsp ? ./dec /dev/dsp I thought I would hear my voice. However, what i heard was a lot of noise. I
2006 Dec 25
Integrating speex with VideoNet application: Constantbackground noise
Hi Jean-Marc, Thanks. I've got the code for sampleenc and sampledec. But I didn't know how to verify whether the decoded file is correct. So I tried to analyse the decoded output and compile with my input. Test case: PCM samples, 8 bit, 8000 samples per sec. When I pulled all my input to 0s, after encode and decode, the output fluctuates around -0.12 to 0.2 (in float), so when finally