similar to: Silently drop ping?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 40000 matches similar to: "Silently drop ping?"

2004 Jan 09
Ideas for Shorewall 2.0
I''m beginning to think again about what will be different in 2.0. Here are some thoughts. a) User-defined actions will be emphasized. - A library of actions will be available with names such as: AcceptSSH AcceptDNS DropWindows (drops all SMB noise) DropBroadcasts (Silently drop all Broadcast traffic) ... The possibilities are nearly endless but should
2004 Sep 02
DNAT and ping
I have the following interfaces loc eth0 net0 eth1 net1 eth2 (net0 and net1 are the two ISP networks) policy loc net0 ACCEPT loc net1 ACCEPT net0 all DROP info proxyarp eth0 eth1 no no params Pellucidar= rules DNAT net0 loc:$Pellucidar tcp 22,80,1950,50005 - ACCEPT all all icmp
2006 Jun 06
Ping/Traceroute problem in 1 of 4 links
Hi you all guys/girls from this list, I almost never use email lists, but this problem is driving me crazy. I use shorewall for a long time ( since version 1.2.x) but now I use it where I work, and here we now have 4 different ISP for redundance and because it''s cheaper then 1 ISP and a bigger link. 3 of 4 ISP I have no problems, but on the 4th ISP here goes my problem : I have a
2005 Mar 03
Network config and troubleshooting wih Ping
Network Configuration issues I''ve been working on this for 2 days PLEASE HELP! I am having the following issues with network configuration and I cannot ping the external interface to begin troubleshooting the network configuration. I know that the ISP''s router is configured correctly since I have attached it to a small Linksys firewall and was able to ping the
2005 May 16
Problems in sending emails
Hello, I''m new in the list. I''ve installed Mandrake MNF and it works fine but I''ve a problem in sending emails. Small text mails can go out but bigger ones, with attachements, have problems. My network is formed by Windows workstations and only the firewall is a Linux box. The first simptom is the reaching of ISP''s server time out and then my mail client goes in
2005 Apr 20
FW: cannot ping through shorewall
Hi Experts, I am running very basic setup ubuntu 5.04 on HP e-Vectra eth0 talking to SpeedTouch Home ppp0 is PPPOE through eth0 eth1 though USB-ETH is my local network I can ping firewall ( from local I can ping ISP receiving point from firewall (then this idiots block ICMP!) I cannot ping ISP from local. No packets go out - I checked with ethereal Thanks in advance Alex
2004 Dec 05
Having moved from a "cascading LANs" configuration to two independent LANs on eth0 and eth1, I still get some "state INVALID" for which I am not sure what the cause is. Can somebody help me understand its probable origin? Thanks, Costantino [see attachment]
2005 Feb 04
SW 2.2.0: 4 interface system, log reports impossible "IN=" and DROPS
This one is really throwing me. Thanks in advance for any advice. I''m working on a 4 port firewall system. It is running heartbeat+drbd. Primary box looks like this: eth0 -> net/cicso router eth1 -> drbd/heartbeat crossover cable eth2 -> dmz eth3 -> loc The IP''s
2004 Nov 26
Help! AllowPing not working
Sorry for the frantic nature of this message, but we need to allow pings on our firewall so our ISP can test things. I''ve done this, and it still doesn''t work: (I am now at v.2.0.10) rules: AllowPing net fw AllowPing sls fw show indicates some matches, so where are they? Chain AllowPing (4 references) pkts bytes target prot opt in out source
2005 Jan 26
Proxy-ARP on Same Segment
I have had to replace an existing setup which has a bunch of IPs Proxy-NAT''ed onto the loc segment. While I do eventually want to move them to their own segment, I have to deal with this for the next few weeks. My problem is that from a loc system I can ping the public IP of a system being proxy-ARP''d but I can''t hit it via HTTP. Nothing is being blocked according
2004 Oct 31
Maquerading through IPSECed wireless dropping packets selectively?
Hello, I''m stuck IPSECing my wireless network at home and would appreciate any comments. I appologize in advance if I''m wasting your time with trivia - I''m not a professional and staring at the problem for days from various angles hasn''t done me any good ... My home server/firewall (morannon) is hooked up through an USB to ethernet adapter (eth1) to my DSL
2005 Apr 27
Shorewall and PPPoE
Hi, I''m new to shorewall and iptables. I installed shorewalls ver. 2.2 two days ago and it''s working now, but I have some questions concerning pppoe. I have my ISP''s connection to internet trough PPPoE over an ethernet card. On the ethernet card I have a static IP and I have access to all other ISP''s clients wich are in the same subnet (it''s a small
2004 Dec 18
SuSe 9.1 startup issue
Tom, I am NOT subscribed (yet). I dropped SuSeFirewall2 in favor of shorewall to get past the configuration hurdles I as experiencing. At the moment, when my SuSe 9.1 starts up, I can see shorewall processing the rules, policies, etc. and I see no errors and then moves on with the rest of the SuSe boot process . However, no traffic passes through using the rules. I run an iptables -L and I
2004 Aug 16
Not sure how to configure Shorewall 2.1.3
I have an access-IProm my isp that I configured my eth0 with. And I also have an IP-range assigned from my ISP that will be used on my servers connected to eth1. The IP-range is routed thru the access-IP. This is how my configfiles look like. Internal everything seems to work but not external. /etc/shorewall/proxyarp #ADDRESS INTERFACE EXTERNAL HAVEROUTE
2005 Apr 13
Config with ADSL
Hello, I reinstalled my Slackware 10.1 a few days ago, before i did that i stored all files in /etc/shorewall to an external HDD. After reinstallation was complete i installed shorewall and restored the config files i backed up before, but now if the FW is running i can´t ping the adsl modem and so i can´t connect to the internet using pptp. Note, it worked before with exactly the same
2004 Sep 11
Bridge Interface without an IP Address?
We are using Shorewall 2.0.8 with SuSE 9.1 and have built a bridging firewall primarily to defend against syn flood and smurf DoS attacks. We are a small ISP using Cisco routers for a total of 5-6 subnets. Since bridges are based on use of MAC addresses, if we could use one bridging firewall system instead of 5-6 ... is this possible? practical? (Other than introducing a single point of failure
2004 Dec 28
Good day to all. I don''t like to Post unless I am really stuck. Guess what? Redhat with Shorewall. Been using this for years. I have a new client that we have setup with Redhat and Shorewall. The problem is that his outside address (ETH0 = NET) is dynamic (i.e. DHCP enabled). All the rules work fine when we use a STATIC address on Eth0, so we know the rules, filters, tos etc work fine
2005 Feb 02
NAT troubles with IPSEC traffic
I just got the list confirmation and noticed it''s text only email so here it is again in plain text. Below is the oringal message. Hi all, I am really struggling with this one, I have built a lot of linux machines using IPSEC tunnels and shorewall gateways. I decied to build a new test machine with Debian running 2.4.25 and Shorewall 2.0.15. I have two subnets on their own switches and
2004 Nov 19
FW outgoing connection with multiple public IPs
My need: Considering a Sendmail relay running on the firewall (IP:, I need all TCP/SMTP outgoing connections to the Internet appers to be from another ISP allocated external IP (, not the main FW''s IP. As stated in Docs (, I read Setup Guide to try to solve my problem but I cannot figure out how to change
2004 Oct 04
Bridge and routing question - complete email.
Here is the report and the complete diagram. And sorry for email problem and incomplete email ! I have made new test. Eth0 and eth2 are bridged. I can ping NET from LAN I can ping every firewall''s interface from LAN I can ping eth1 from private LAN I can ping everything from firewall Bridging is activated in shorewall.conf >From LAN i can ping but not