similar to: speex compression rate

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "speex compression rate"

2007 Jul 12
file couldn't play after Speex encode and decode
Dear sir, I've a problem that the .wav file couldn't play after calling "sampleenc male.wav|sampledec male_speex_15.wav".I found that the new file male_speex_15.wav is smaller than the original file in size.I implemented the test on Linux system.The original file male.wav is 96044 bytes,while the new file male_speex_15.wav is 96000 bytes.I'm eager to know the reason.Thankyou!
2007 Jul 23
Re:Speex-dev Digest, Vol 38, Issue 21
Hi, I am very glad to enter this mail list. i am a new guy,i am interested in speech is there anybody working on this ? please contact me,thank you.i am studing on fixed codebook search. and i have read almost all the articals(including patent on this) about codebook search. but i found that all the suboptimize methods have their own flaw. could anybody have some comments on
2011 Feb 01
(no subject)
Hello I am trying to find a way to find the max value, for only a subset of a dataframe, depending on how the data is grouped for example, How would I find the maxmium responce, for all the GPR119a condition below: responce,mouce,condition 0.105902,KO,con 0.232018561,KO,con 0.335008375,KO,con 0.387025433,KO,GPR119a 0.576769897,KO,GPR119a 0.645120419,KO,GPR119a 0.2538608,KO,GPR119b
2011 Feb 02
Finding the maximum in a particular group in a dataframe
Hello I am trying to find a way to find the max value, for only a subset of a dataframe, depending on how the data is grouped for example, How would I find the maxmium responce, for all the GPR119a condition below: I've tried tapply > tapply(GPR119data$responce, GPR119data$GPR119a, max) Error in tapply(GPR119data$responce, GPR119data$GPR119a, max) :   arguments must have same length
2007 Jul 13
file couldn't play after Speex encode and decode
I suggest that you write the command line as Jean-Marc suggested: speexenc sample.wav - | speexdec - sample_out.wav I have tested this and it works as expected. You need to specify the '-' for stdin and also for stdout. John As an aside, I notice that the wave output from speexdec does not write the wave file header when the output is destined for stdout. I believe this is incorrect
2007 Jul 14
file couldn't play after Speex encode and decode
The encoded speex file should, by convention, be given the '.spx' extension rather than '.wav', but that is not the issue. What appears to be happening is that the '.wav' extension on your named output file from speexdec is not being recognised as '.wav' and, consequently, the file is being written as 'raw' data without the wave file header. I am not sure
2006 Aug 10
Historical question
Hello Jean-Marc and all, I recently had a talk with somebody about CELP. He said, there is this federal standard 1016 (4.8kbps) with a reference implementation of the Department of Defense (only on Sun, unfortunately, if I got this right). This one is noticed in the manual already. He also said, since there is this implementation of the DoD, nobody would voluntarily re-implement CELP. If I read
2004 Aug 06
reommended settings for low bitrate voicecom codec ?
Hello, the voice-communication TeamSpeak ( is currently testing a version that supports speex codecs. The quality for high bitrates is quite good. BUT, the low-bandwidth speex codecs that are currently used arent very good. What I did to find this out: I comprared a speex AVB with 6.3 KBit/sec (total, overhead for packets and stuff included) and the 6.3 Kbit/sec Celp Codec
2005 Oct 14
Steganographic extension to Speex
Hello kind developers, I am planning on creating a steganographic extension for speex/CELP. Since speex/CELP is lossy, there should be quite many bits that one can use for hiding data. I'm familiar with the principles of CELP (two filter loops, one for pitch, the other for formants, let the raw speech frame run through those filter loops, take residue signal, map it on a codebook entry,
2004 Aug 06
reommended settings for low bitrate voicecom codec ?
Am Dienstag, 13. Mai 2003 03:22 schrieb Allen Drennan: > Hello, > > HawkVoice doesn't have a 6.3kbps codec for CELP, it has a 4.5kbps CELP > codec and I do not believe it is being used by TeamSpeak. The 6.4kbps CELP > being used in TeamSpeak, to which you are referring I believe comes from > Lernout & Hauspie's LHACM.ACM file which it appears you are redistributing
2002 Mar 27
Speex: Open-source, patent-free speech coding
Hi, We would like to announce the first release of the Speex project. Speex ( is an open-source (LGPL), patent-free compression format allowing an alternative to expensive proprietary codecs. Unlike Ogg Vorbis which compresses general audio, Speex is designed especially for speech. For that reason, Speex is meant to be a complement to Vorbis. Since it is specialized
2005 Oct 28
To CELP or not to CELP ... at higher bitrates
Jean-Marc, I am building a tool for producing the highest possible quality Internet interviews for "podcasting" applications. The goal is to produce a perfect recording of an interview or conference -- and giving the participants a glitch-free experience is secondary. My approach, therefore, is to build a Windows "wave" file asynchronously by using a streaming
2004 Aug 06
Hello I'm working about audio and video codecs. I'm making a research about the state-of-the-art in coding technologies. My question is about the speex codec 1.0. I would like to know the name of the algorithms that it uses.(LPC,CELP..). It uses more or less the same algorithm for narrowband and wideband? Finally i would like to ask about future codec developement projects. Thanks
2005 Aug 19
Speex, ACELP, G.729
Hello Jean-Marc: I've been watching the speex development from its inception because I and several Tech Startup Connection members have a very important application for this voice encoding/decoding. Further, we are quite familiar with ACELP as implemented in G.729. As far as I know Speex is also ACELP ... yes/no? Question ... what do you see as the advantages of ACELP compared to MP3? I
2005 Jan 04
different output for opt/non-opt on win32 platform
hi all, thanks Jean for the codec. I am new to speech coding. Am interested to implement speex on a TI dsp, say C54. just downloaded speex v 1.1.6. when I removed optimisation flags for win32 in libspeex.dsp, I get a slightly different output for decoding using speexdec.exe (debug version). no prob for speexenc.exe except for some differences in the ogg header. for anyone interested, i
2004 Aug 06
Psycho Acoustic models i Speech Coding
Hi, Does anyone have an idea about the possibility to apply psychoacoustic models as the ones in mp3 or AAC to a CELP coder? Thanks! /Pontus <p>--- >8 ---- List archives: Ogg project homepage: To unsubscribe from this list, send a message to '' containing only the word 'unsubscribe' in the
2004 Aug 06
Psycho Acoustic models i Speech Coding
(This is almost out of topic but anyway...) It is surprising how little research effort have been put into psy-acou models for CELP. The basic problem lies in that it is not easy to alter the LP model without distroying the minimum-phase property (ie. the stability of the predictor). That leaves us with psy-acou modelling of the noise-part only. However, my own research is in constrained
2004 Aug 06
regarding CELP/ACELP/others patentes
Hi All, First of all, I'm sorry if my question is offtopic on this list. In such case please ignore this post and/or contact me directly. I'm asking my questions there because I feel you had similar problem before starting developing Speex. My story: my friend developed 3gpp content creator and he would distribute it in binary form. But there is problem with AMR licensing (the terms
2006 Dec 05
Re: Speex-dev Digest, Vol 30, Issue 29
thanks for the support.i am a masters student who is doing thesis to work on the CELP algorithm specifically calculating the time,space complexities of the i jus need your help i.e if u can show me the site or forward the material where i can get the time the calculated time complexity of your Speex CELP algorithm and i can pick it from there.PLEASE Send instant messages to your
2005 Sep 22
Speex newbie questions
Hi everyone, I have got some questions about Speex, I am sorry if my questions are too newbie: 1. For the LP analysis, did Speex use the AR (Autoregressive) model or the ARMA model? 2. Am I right to say that Speex use a multistage VQ (since I believe Speex employs two or more VQ consecutively - based on the manual it says that Speex uses dynamically selectable codebooks (linear