similar to: uwb bitrates

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "uwb bitrates"

2005 Oct 28
To CELP or not to CELP ... at higher bitrates
Jean-Marc, I am building a tool for producing the highest possible quality Internet interviews for "podcasting" applications. The goal is to produce a perfect recording of an interview or conference -- and giving the participants a glitch-free experience is secondary. My approach, therefore, is to build a Windows "wave" file asynchronously by using a streaming
2011 Nov 04
replace double backslash with singel backslash
I want to replace \\ with \ in: str <- "C:\\DOKUME~1\\u0327336\\LOKALE~1\\Temp\\RtmpQ5NJ8X\\TIRIS_PICS\\1_Img.jpg" and tried: gsub("\\\\", "\\", str) but this removes the \\ without replacing them by \ Any help much appreciated, Kay ----- ------------------------ Kay Cichini Postgraduate student Institute of Botany Univ. of Innsbruck ------------------------
2007 Jun 07
Join Linux client to Samba PDC domain
Hi list, I know this is maybe an awkward question but I wonder if tis possible to join linux clients to a samba domain and if so how would I set up their smb.conf? I want to accomplish the same thing in a Samba PDC domain as in an Windows ADS domain. Today I have in one environment Windows 2003 PDC Windows XP clients Linux File Server which is joined to the domain, utilizing winbind,
2006 Jan 19
html excel file
hallo, i have a problem reading in the above mentioned kind of a file. does anybody know an easy way how to read it in? i can save it as a text file that looks like: Datum des Fixings Restlaufzeit 1 Jahr 2 Jahre 3 Jahre 4 Jahre 5 Jahre 6 Jahre 7 Jahre 8 Jahre 9 Jahre 10 Jahre 12 Jahre 15 Jahre 13.01.06 2.819 2.983 3.073 3.137 3.194 3.247 3.302 3.355 3.409 3.459 3.548 3.649 12.01.06 2.847
2004 Aug 06
Speex 1.1.2 - Try it on ARM
Hi, I just released unstable version 1.1.2 that contains more fixed-point work. Though it's still not 100% complete, enough have been done to make it run in real-time on ARM. In order to do that, compile with --enable-fixed-point --enable-arm-asm. All narrowband modes work in real-time with complexity 1 (some work with higher complexity) and some wideband modes also work (up to ~20 kbps) at
2010 Jul 29
Add bwlimit to SSH Single Use Deamon
Hello List. is there any way to add an bwlimit to an SSH Singel USe Deamon? My cutomer want to use ssh and i want to set an Bandwith limit. As long that bwlimit is not an rsyncd.conf option i see no way to add ist for ssh connections. I am using debian Lenny with rsync 3.0.3 Thnaks, Mark -- Mark Eisenbl?tter Gei?end?rfer & Leschinsky GmbH -------------- next part
2004 Aug 06
wideband bitrates
Hi, I found this list of Speex bitrates in the mail archive. Can somebody confirm that this list is correct? I am wondering about the following: - On the Speex website it says: "Speex is based on CELP and is designed to compress voice at bitrates ranging from 2 to 44 kbps." while the bitrates listed here are e.g. 84400 for
2009 Dec 02
lattice: adding information on number of observations
Dear R-users, I am using R version 2.9.1 and lattice 0.17-26 under windows. In a lattice boxplot, I would like to add information on how many observations each singel boxplot is based upon. For example (the basic plot): # Begin R-code library(lattice) dat <- data.frame(panvar = rep(c("A","B","A","B"), c(3,7,4,6)), grp = rep(c("grp1",
2008 Dec 01
Question about UWB
Hi all, One question that I hope someone on the list just knows the answer to without having to delve too deeply into the code: How does UWB mode divvy up the bandwidth and pack it in the bitstream? I know from the documentation that WB mode codes the first 0-4K kHz band as a Narrowband packet, and then adds on the 4-8 kHz band coded separately (so that a NB decoder can decode a WB bitstream
2009 Jan 08
Average Bit Rate in UWB mode question
Hi list! There seem to be some oddities in using ABR. The first thing I notice is that because "abr_count" increases without bound, after a while the weight of the bitrate history will completely swamp any change in the current bitrate and the ABR adjustment will essentially stop happening. This seems to be true in any mode (not just UWB) and perhaps a solution is to cap
2004 Aug 06
Framesize for UWB vs. WB encoding
Oops... You've just found a bug. Seems like you're the first one to use that call. Anyway, it's now fixed in CVS (both trunk and 1.0.x branch). Thanks for the bug report. Jean-Marc Le mar 03/06/2003 à 01:16, Christian Buchner a écrit : > Hi there. > > I am having a little trouble understanding the frame sizes chosen > by the codec. > > testenc_uwb.c from
2004 Aug 06
Framesize for UWB vs. WB encoding
> Oops... You've just found a bug. Seems like you're the first one to use > that call. Anyway, it's now fixed in CVS (both trunk and 1.0.x branch). > Thanks for the bug report. Hmm, the call to speex_encode_stereo() takes the frame size as an an argument - and this call generates bits ;) So possibly my bitrate table shows wrong values in the stereo cases. Hmm... Where would
1998 Oct 08
Hi I get this mailing-list as a digest (as everyone does, i guess). This is quite inconvinient for answering single questions.. I every digest there is a message with Subject: Re: Samba dingest <NR>... This makes it hard to keep track about whath message the replay is ment for. Another problem is, that mime-attachments don?t seem to work. This is especially bad, because some Microsoft
2007 Mar 19
Many index files
I''m using acts_as_ferret and have indexed a model with acts_as_ferret :fields => [:name, :ascii_name, :alt_names], :single_index => true. Now in the index directory more than 95.000 files are generated! The number of tuples I''m indexing is approx. 86.000. I can''t remember this from earlier ferret/acts_as_ferret versions where I''ve indexed millions of
2004 Aug 06
cosmetic problems with speex encoder in rc3
Take a look at this: peexenc --vbr -V --quality 4 audiodump.wav a.spx Encoding 32000 Hz audio using ultra-wideband (sub-band CELP) mode (stereo) Bitrate is use: 22400 bps (average -1268444817 bps) I'll take a look at what the problem is later today or tomorrow, but if anyone beats me to the bug, let me know before I spend too much cscope time playing with it. Regards, Matthias --
2004 Aug 06
XScale realtime encoding possible?
Hi all, I've got a 400MHz XScale-PXA255 board, and I want to stream voice from it over a network connection at 28.8baud. This calls for a capable voice encoder which can encode at about 24kbps. I was damn happy when I found Speex and said goodbye to MP3 :) However, i'm still a long way from realtime encoding using speexenc, is this possible? Using the fixed point math option in
2012 Nov 22
lapack routines cannot be loaded [Help request]
Dear BioConductor and R fellow users I apologize in advance for double posting, but I am not sure which list would actually be best fit for this message. I am experiencing a weird error with my R installation on Ubuntu 10.04.4 (LTS) 64bit: When I run R on the terminal everything goes smoothly: $R R version 2.15.2 (2012-10-26) -- "Trick or Treat" Copyright (C) 2012 The R Foundation
2006 Aug 10
Historical question
Hello Jean-Marc and all, I recently had a talk with somebody about CELP. He said, there is this federal standard 1016 (4.8kbps) with a reference implementation of the Department of Defense (only on Sun, unfortunately, if I got this right). This one is noticed in the manual already. He also said, since there is this implementation of the DoD, nobody would voluntarily re-implement CELP. If I read
2004 Aug 06
Framesize for UWB vs. WB encoding
Hi there. I am having a little trouble understanding the frame sizes chosen by the codec. testenc_uwb.c from the speex-1.0 source distribution has a framesize of 640 hardcoded and makes use of this value exclusively. However, a mode query on the actual codec returns 320 as a framesize for this mode. int tmp; speex_mode_query(&speex_uwb_mode, SPEEX_MODE_FRAME_SIZE, &tmp);
2010 Mar 12
ffmpeg to speexenc via pipe
I am transcoding mp3 to wave using ffmpeg I am then piping it to speexenc for speex encoding but the speex file size is 496 bytes after the command ends what am I doing wrong? bellow is