similar to: Debian Package Behavior Suggestion

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Debian Package Behavior Suggestion"

2013 Oct 27
shorewall stop
hi, while stopping shorewall on a debian7 box with the ADMINISABSENTMINDED set to no in shorewall.conf, the connections on vlan tagged interfaces that were active before the shorewall stop command was executed are not terminated as it is for the firewall and other interfaces! when the firewall is stopped as expected new connections on vlan tagged interface are refused but even
2005 Jan 07
Questions: place for doco, and routestopped during ''shorewall restart''
Hi folks, A while back we had some discussions about integrating heartbeat and shorewall. Thanks to your help and the excellent state of Linux failover clustering, i''ve managed to install my high-availability firewall. I know there''s already a howto for it at, but i thought i would document my setup for others, since it''s
2005 Feb 23
Snort and Shorewall
Hello I am looking for a way to have snort to dynamically update my shorewall config. I have seen software out there but I would like to see if anyone had tried this first. Aslo I would like to know if there is a way clear the Netfilter tables when I do a shorewall restart. The reason being is that when I make a change to my firewall setting I want all connections to have to re-establish
2005 Mar 15
unable to filter or log vpn traffic
hi all, i have a classic net topology with two local zone, a firewall/router with dsl connection loc1 ( ----- fw ----- net loc2 ( now on the local zone 1 (on a WinXP machine) i have installed OpenVPN 2.x to make a test connection with a company. OpenVPN is configured as client to use tun on udp port 10000 with ip, on the other
2003 Aug 25
Shorewall 1.4.7 Beta 1 Problems Corrected since version 1.4.6: 1) Corrected problem in 1.4.6 where the MANGLE_ENABLED variable was being tested before it was set. 2) Corrected handling of MAC addresses in the SOURCE column of the tcrules file. Previously, these addresses resulted in an invalid iptables command. 3) The
2014 Feb 28
ADMINISABSENTMINDED=No misbehaviour according to the manual
Hello. I'm getting trouble with the ADMINISABSENTMINDED option, it doesn't seem to work as stated in the manual. When using the default ADMINISABSENTMINDED=Yes and no routestopped file, here are the firewall state after executing shorewall stop : Chain INPUT (policy DROP 473 packets, 106K bytes) pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination
2005 Jan 13
Shorewall Web Site mirrored in Italy
Lorenzo Martignoni at Univesita` degli Studi di Milano in Milan has established a mirror of the Shorewall web site. Thanks Lorenzo! -Tom -- Tom Eastep \ Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool Shoreline, \ Washington USA \ PGP Public Key \
2004 Dec 18
Bridging and transparent proxy
Hi all, is it possible configure Shorewall in bridge mode and, in the same box, utilize Squid in transparent mode? I''m triing to do this, but the REDIRECT rule doesn''t work. I''ve already read to configure the bridge and work fine for me, but when I add the rule for transparent proxy
2003 May 27
debian package for shorewall-1.4.4
Hello, the debian package for shorewall-1.4.4 is ready. It''s available at -- lorenzo
2005 Mar 10
norfc1918 not working in SW 2.2.1?
Hello all, Yesterday I noticed that my system was "leaking" traffic towards the 10/8 network, I have shorewall installed on multiple machines ranging from single interface devices to ones with 10+ interfaces. I tested all the boxes and they are showing the same behavior. All systems are CentOS 3.4, 2.4.21-27.0.2.ELsmp. Shorewall version: 2.2.1 For the host mentioned is a single
2003 Oct 06
Shorewall 1.4.7
Shorewall 1.4.7 is now available at: It will be available at your favorite mirror shortly. The release notes are attached. As always, many thanks go to Francesca Smith for updating the sample configurations for this release. -Tom -- Tom Eastep \ Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently
2008 Dec 31
"ERROR: Unknown host - any host" My configuration suddenly don't work, why?
Hi, i have been using shorewall for 3 months, and shorewall was working well, but i don''t know why, when I type "shorewall start" o "shorewall restart", it says that. I have two files of rules: The first: DNS/ACCEPT net:, The second: DNS/ACCEPT net:, HTTP/ACCEPT,,...
2003 Jan 28
[Debian] shorewall 1.3.13-3 (fwd)
------------ Forwarded Message ------------ Date: Tuesday, January 28, 2003 10:19 AM +0100 From: Lorenzo Martignoni To: Tom Eastep Subject: shorewall 1.3.13-3 I built a new debian version for shorewall-1.3.13: shorewall (1.3.13-3) unstable; urgency=high * fixed a bug in shorewall.conf: SHARED_DIR was pointing to the old location of shorewall scripts, now moved to
2005 May 12
shorewall startup speed - an idea
Dear All, I think I have a useful idea for how shorewall startup could be speeded up in a more automatic manner. Apologies if this is daft, but I think it might work.... Motivation: not all users understand the intricacies of shoreall beyond using the distro setup tool. [And on this particular laptop, shorewall takes 15 seconds during boot.] I have already read this (about shorewall
2003 Jan 31
I build the debian package for the latest version. Changes: shorewall (1.3.14beta2-1) unstable; urgency=low . * new beta release * added a warning message in the preinst script to inform users about the new way to handle ICMP. Files: 1848d430cab647c2e242890baf0367a2 774 net optional shorewall_1.3.14beta2-1.dsc 7577fc8de223fbab0609b3d664e4eee7 1611986 net optional
2011 Mar 20
How to draw a map of Europe?
Hi R users, I need to draw a map of select European countries with country names shown on the map. Does anyone know how to do this in R? Also, is it possible to draw a historical map of European countries using R? Thanks a lot for your help. Maomao [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2002 Apr 16
Shorewall Debian News
Lorenzo Marignoni reports that: o Shorewall 1.2.10 is in the Debian Testing Branch o Shorewall 1.2.11 is in the Debian Unstable Branch Thanks, Lorenzo! -- Tom Eastep \ Shorewall - iptables made easy AIM: tmeastep \ ICQ: #60745924 \
2006 Sep 26
Statistical data and Map-package
Dear helpeRs, I'm working with the map-package and came upon a problem which I couldn't solve. I hope onee of you can. If not, this can be seen as a suggestion for new versions of the package. I'm trying to create a map of some European countries, filled with colors corresponding to some values. Let's say I have the following countries and I assign the following colors
2018 Oct 03
2038 year Problem
On 02/10/2018 18:46, Larry Martell wrote: > I got 2 years of work solving the year 2000 issue. I don't think I've ever said this but I am very envious of all these people who had loads of work due to Y2K or were paid obscene amounts of money to tend systems over new year's eve/day. I was working for an ISP at the time and got none of this. Nothing happened. I don't even recall
2005 Apr 19
allow ssh access from net to fw?
Hi, I''m trying to enable ssh (when that works, want to add:pop3s,smtp,web) from the internet to the firewall but it does not work. I managed to DNAT ftp to a host in the loc network ( successful but I don''t know why SSH: Does not work for me: ACCEPT net fw tcp 22 Works from the loc network: ACCEPT loc fw tcp 22 I have tried also with (no success): AllowSSH