similar to: building speex on macos x

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "building speex on macos x"

2003 Aug 24
problems in updating cvsroot under cygwin
Hi I've always updated and committed my cvsroot directory using rsync also under windows with rsync distributed with cygwin. After installed the new release of cywing with rsync 2.5.6 protocol version 26, updating my cvsroot does not work anymore (under windows): it locks with receiving file list ... I use this command to update: rsync -e ssh -avzu --delete -c -C --include=CVS
2006 Mar 09
VDQ : Have I made a wine's nest?
Very Dumb Question here -- basically, am I in trouble? Or in other words, I have to ask myself a Falstaffian question: "Which .wine, Bezonian?" Let me expound. On several lists for different parts of the problem, according to their interest and my best judgment, I've been pursuing the topic of GPS/topo map settings, under Crossover Office Pro 5.0.1 (CXO) using Fedora Core 4, trying
2006 Feb 15
repeated measurements and lme
I am trying to do a repeated measurement anova using an lme. I have the following variables: -ID, the identification of the individual -trail, with 2 levels -treatment, with 3 -time, measure 5 times the same individual -VCL, the response variable I tried the following in R,<-groupedData(VCL~time|ID/treatment/time,data=within)
2008 Jul 19
Winelib: How can I compile a Borland C++ Builder application on Linux using winelib?
Hi! I'm new to winelib. I'm trying to port a Borland C++ Builder 6.0 application, but I need VCL library: vcl.h. Any ideas?? I would want to make it run natively on Linux. The code is as follows: //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <vcl.h> #pragma hdrstop USEFORM("textS.cpp", TextStuff); USEFORM("aboutS.cpp",
2000 Apr 12
Well done!
Great job! I'm considering converting all my mp3 files to Vorbis format. Only examples/encoder_example is a bit too simplistic (of course, being an example), and the cmdline tools aren't ready. I encode my mp3 files at 96 kbit/s, because that's enough for me. Will Vorbis do well at this rate? Any quick hacks I can make to examples/encoder_example.c? Perhaps Vorbis is of interest
2008 Jul 19
Re: Winelib: How can I compile a Borland C++ Builder application
N?stor Amigo Cairo wrote: > Hi! > > I'm new to winelib. I'm trying to port a Borland C++ Builder 6.0 > application, but I need VCL library: vcl.h. > > Any ideas?? I would want to make it run natively on Linux. You can't. Winelib still requires Wine to run it. It's a library not an executable. If you want to write native Linux application that can run by itself
2005 Aug 16
building speex on macos x
Hi, I am unable to build SpeexEnc on Mac OS X 10.2. At first it complained about not finding "getopt.h" which i solved by copying said file from "vorbis-tools/include/" to "speex/include/". As i tried once again to build i was given the following message: ld: Undefined symbols: _getopt_long I also tried both the custom tar-ball and the installer package posted
2009 Mar 01
dovecot imap and thunderbird tags
We've been using an imap(s) dovecot server for a while on an ubuntu 8.04.2 and we noted that tags set by thunderbird ("important", "to do", etc.) are almost always lost, i.e., when connecting to the same imap account from another machine, the tags are not there anymore... this always happens for the Inbox, and seldomly for other imap folders... anyone else experiencing
2002 Aug 24
selecting files from different subdirectories
Hi I would need to synschronize some Netscape stuff to a server ("roaming profiles" are not included anymore in the recent versions of Netscape). In particular I'd like to synchronize bookmarks, address book and mail filters. So I need to synchronize ONLY the following three files (that are in the mozilla directory work/mozilla) to the remote server (in the directory
2004 May 22
WFMU has added an Ogg Vorbis stream
It's 40 kbps/22 kHz stereo. I tried to convince them to raise the sampling rate to 44.1 kHz, but they're determined to keep it within reach of urban dialup modem users. This aught to increase awareness of Ogg among artists and record collectors in NYC and beyond who would not have otherwise heard of Ogg Vorbis. 'FMU has a huge presence on the web. WFMU is a non-commercial, freeform
2014 Jun 05
Icecast Release 2.4.0 Webm /Opus Support
Hello its me again :-P hope its appropriate to ask every 2 years if there is a simple method to stream a " live" Video stream via icecast2. I tryed with Adobe Livemedia encoder with jplayer embeding into webpage and it worked fine, but my goal is to use icecast. From what i understand VCL or ffmpeg is the common method to stream video to a icecast2 server are there any
2013 Sep 29
LiveCD issue
Greetings, I am trying to build a Centos 6.4 LiveCD using the config provided per Centos minimal Live kickstart using command: livecd-creator --config=centos-livecd-minimal.ks --fslabel=c6min-live --debug --verbose --cache=ssclone-rpm-cache --logfile=ssclone.log I included rsync, samba and mc in the kickstart file The build succeded in making an iso but the iso fails to boot on KVM based vm
2014 May 11
find with exclude directory
Hey all, I'm trying to do a find of all files with the phrase 'varnish' in the name, but want to exclude a user home directory called /usr/local/digitalplatform. Here's what I was able to come up with: find / -path '/usr/local/digitalplatform/*' -prune -o -name "*varnish*" Which results in this: [root at uszmpwsls014lb ~]# find / -path
2003 Jan 04
filelist calculation algoritm
HI all, efficiency question for VERY low bandwith networks Suppose I know the list of files that are changed What is the most efficient way to make rsync sync this list. Currently I use --include-from --exclude to generate a 'filelist' but I suspect that client and/or server exchange the list of files in the module to be synced. this traffic can be avoided since the include-from
2011 Sep 10
Annoying "feature" in dovecot/pidgeonhole - include depth limitation
Hi all, I'm using dovecot 2.0.14 build on Debian. The maintainers obviously patch the dovecot source so that it uses the pidgeonhole sieve system. Today I ran into a very annoying issue: I created several sieve scripts and interlinked via the include command, only to find dovecot spewing this error message at me: SWREG Newsletter: line 14: error: cannot nest includes deeper than 10 levels.
2004 Aug 06
clean up your cre dit report 4859UYZo9-12-11
hjhfjfhjf773 Our system lets you clean your Bad Credit ONLINE Delete your Bad Credit Online Directly from Bureaus Online Credit Repair Approved by Credit Bureaus. Credit Breakthrough Clear BAD Credit Online Fast. I cleared up my credit right from my computer Use your Computer to fix your Bad Credit. Credit scores going through roof with our online credit repair Clean your Bad
2018 May 12
Centos 7.5 and Courier 10 Pitch fonts in Libreoffice
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 On Sat, 2018-05-12 at 20:27 +0100, Phil Wyett wrote: > On Sat, 2018-05-12 at 14:05 -0500, Gregory P. Ennis wrote: > > On Sat, 2018-05-12 at 12:17 -0500, Gregory P. Ennis wrote: > > > Everyone, > > > > > > With the update to Centos 7.5 it is apparent that we lost the Courier > > > 10 Pitch fonts that were
2003 Mar 03
channel bank/multiplexer recommendation
Hello. I am totally new to this PBX/asterisk/telephony world. I understand that what I need between the T100P/E100P and the POTS analog lines is a channel bank/multiplexer? I am looking for recommendations on this type of hardware. I have been looking around and found a product from valiant communications ( and/or
2010 Jun 22
BCB5 CGI.EXE in Ubuntu Lucid 64bit
Hi All, I am trying to use an exiting CGI.EXE program on 64bit Ubuntu Lucid. I have made a test program with the compiler (Borland C++Builder 5 ? BCB5) that just starts prints and closes. Code: #include <vcl.h> #include <conio.h> #pragma hdrstop #pragma argsused int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { cprintf("small test"); return 0; } Launched from Bash
2006 Feb 11
TE411P Really Bad Echo ORION
The Orion echo canceller is just ok. The Tellabs units work just as well if you don't mind 10 mins of soldering. I have the orion running with an adit 600 and a TE110P. Echo cancel is fairly good, but I have loads of problems with DTMF digits. -Darren ________________________________ From: