similar to: speex corrupting input buffer?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "speex corrupting input buffer?"

2005 Apr 27
speex corrupting input buffer?
Actually, it's an undocumented feature that returns the synthesized signal (like decode, but no perceptual enhancement) in place of the input. Why exactly you're getting garbage there (assuming the decoder works fine), I'm not sure. Jean-Marc Le mercredi 27 avril 2005 ? 15:56 -0700, Steve Dekorte a ?crit : > It seems that speex (speex 1.0.4 on OSX 10.3.9) is writing over the
2010 Mar 19
Speex in flash player: how to work with?
Nicer way: void* speexState = speex_encoder_init(&speex_wb_mode); int speexFrameSize, speexRate; speex_encoder_ctl(speexState, SPEEX_GET_FRAME_SIZE, &speexFrameSize); speex_encoder_ctl(speexState, SPEEX_GET_SAMPLING_RATE, &speexRate); SpeexPreprocessState* speexPreprocessState = speex_preprocess_state_init(speexFrameSize, speexRate); Jozsef -----Original Message----- From: Max
2010 Mar 30
Speex in flash player: how to work with?
On Sat, Mar 20, 2010 at 12:04 AM, Jozsef Vass <jovass at> wrote: > Nicer way: > > void* speexState = speex_encoder_init(&speex_wb_mode); > int speexFrameSize, speexRate; > speex_encoder_ctl(speexState, SPEEX_GET_FRAME_SIZE, &speexFrameSize); > speex_encoder_ctl(speexState, SPEEX_GET_SAMPLING_RATE, &speexRate); > SpeexPreprocessState*
2010 Mar 31
Speex in flash player: how to work with?
What are you trying to accomplish? My code sample was about how Flash Player microphone input in speex. If you want to do decode, please see speexdec.c Jozsef -----Original Message----- From: Max Lapshin [mailto:max.lapshin at] Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 8:53 AM To: Jozsef Vass Cc: speex-dev at Subject: Re: [Speex-dev] Speex in flash player: how to work with? On Sat, Mar
2012 Mar 10
problem: The decoded frame is not as the original one
Hi All, i need your help in determining the problem in the following sample code (taken from speex manual) for fixed point encoding. i tested encoding a 160 sample frame and then decoding it back But The problem is that the decoded frame is totally different from the original frame(see output below).What is the possible reason for this?.thanks for any help #include<stdio.h>
2008 Dec 11
preprocessor VAD only rocognize between silence and not silence
Hello, in my project im using speex 1.2rc1 and the preprocessor VAD seems to only separate complete silence from not complete silence frames. The Speex Manual, you can read "The voice activity detector (VAD) provided by the preprocessor is more advanced than the one directly provided in the codec." but if you go to the source code in preprocess.c line 995 "/* FIXME: This VAD
2004 Aug 06
Please 30 second to look a my code
Hi i'm developing a sort of VoIP application for my ipaq using speex... I'm still at beginning and i have many problems encoding and decoding my wav files....output is only noise! Why? I'm using Libspeex 1.1.3, Embedded VisualC++ 3.0, Ipaq 3850(206 MHz IntelĀ® Strong ARM 32-bit RISC Processor) PocketPC 2002 (Windows CE 3.0). Libspeex is complied with the definition of
2004 Sep 29
ARM w/ assembly & fixed point crash
I've targeted Speex to run under eCos with Thumb interworking using arm-elf-gcc 3.3.3 I'd written a small test case to verifiy the operation: #include <speex/speex.h> void speex_test(void) { SpeexBits bits; unsigned int frame_size; void *enc_state; float *speex_frame; cyg_uint64 t1, t2; int i; speex_frame = (float *)0x00030000; /* Address of Speex data
2010 Mar 19
Speex in flash player: how to work with?
First of all, Flash Player can only publish Speex at 16 kHz. 20 ms of audio (320 samples) will result in compressed payload size of 106 bytes (42.4 kbps). When Flash Player sends a TC message, there is 11 bytes TC message header and a single byte of audio message header. For more information, please see ActionScript 3 reference Jozsef
2009 Apr 13
encoding -> decoding doesnt work
hi all, i'm new to speex and i'm stuck on a problem. I have a buffer that holds 5 seconds of audio data, sampled at 16000 hz and quantitized with 16 bits pcm. I only want to encode it with speex and then decode it and write it back in the same buffer. no compiling errors and no errors during runtime, but from the sample of 5 seconds only a short noise is all I get. I hope you have any
2006 Oct 12
Problem with encoding and decoding
I have problem with coding and decoding. I record voice from mic coding and write to file. And when I read from file and put it on sound card it's terrible sound. Have sameone can help me? #include <speex.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <sys/soundcard.h> /*The frame size in hardcoded for this sample code but it
2005 Jun 23
Speex and DS
Thank you for the quick response Thorvald, but I think that's not the problem here :[ I know how to capture the buffer and how to play it in the output buffer of the DS. The problem is (probably) with same kind of short/floats/bytes error in conversion/copying that the coder doesn't get. I can have my buffer locked during the compression, it not the problem at the moment. What I really
2007 Feb 13
Hello Guys
hello everybody in this great mailing list , i have some difficulties to follow my code . i solved some problems thanks to Carine Liang , but i still have one problem and i think it is fatal one. when i encode the voice data in a wav file it is decoded without any errors it gives me 84 bytes wav file size for 139 kbytes wav audio data .Naturally i wanted to return my file back to its normal
2004 Aug 06
LIB usage
Hello, I'm trying to use the speexlib but I just can't do it. I've made just like the example (on the site) says. Some times I get SIGFAULT. Also, I'm reading the input_frames from /dev/dsp (directly). What is missing here? speex_bits_init(&bits); enc_state = speex_encoder_init(&speex_nb_mode); speex_encoder_ctl(enc_state, SPEEX_GET_FRAME_SIZE, &frame_size);
2005 Feb 22
Win CE playback error
Hi, I have a module sampling raw PCM data on Win CE as 10ms time slice (160 bytes), mono, 8000HZ, 16 bits per sample. Does anyone know what is the mflops for using fixed point on a Win CE compared to using floating point? Looking at the manual, "In practice, frame_size will correspond to 20 ms when using 8, 16, or 32 kHz sampling rate." for a 8 kHz sampling, the framesize should be
2005 Feb 09
encoding speex, (insanity looming)
Hi All, I'm very new to speex and in fact handling audio at all, it seems I have run in to a problem I seem unable to fix. I'm trying to take audio from a microphone using alsa, then encode it as speex and save to disk. I have been wondering if it has something to do with endian type, but speexenc and speexdec works fine. Currently I have the following setup: Platform:
2007 Aug 24
speex DTX chore
hi there, I am new to mailing list so excuse me if I don't obey to the 'netiquette'. i am writing voice chat and speex is in the root of it. i write it in Java and use JNI to link with 'C'-based Speex 1.2beta. [I know of JSpeex but there are not implemented some features] recently i decided to use DTX feature of speex as well. the code follows. The problem is that no matter
2008 Nov 13
decoded sample is completely differen from original one
Hi all, I have just started playing with speex, and come up with the following code, which just encode a frame of 160 shorts, and the decode it. For some reason the decoded sample is completely different than the original one. is my code wrong? If so what? Or is it a reasonable which depends of values that weren't correctly set? Thanks, Andre #include <stdio.h> #include
2006 Nov 01
Integrating speex with VideoNet application: Constant background noise
Hi, Can someone please help me with my problem below. Any suggestions is appreciated. thanks, Carine ----- Original Message ---- From: Carine Liang <> To:; Sent: Tuesday, 31 October 2006 1:05:49 PM Subject: [Speex-dev] Integrating speex with VideoNet application: Constant background noise Hi, I am developing a peer-to-peer
2004 Aug 06
About reducing noise..
Hello, When I decode a recoded sound encoded by speex, it has too much noise. The noise is "slightly" reduced if I set the quality to 10. How do I get rid of this noise? The code is as follows. For encoding . state = speex_encoder_init ( &speex_nb_mode ); tmp = 7; speex_encoder_ctl ( state, SPEEX_SET_MODE, &tmp); // set quality tmp = 10; speex_encoder_ctl ( state,