similar to: Speex samples in a wav format.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Speex samples in a wav format."

2004 Nov 16
Are Speex samples in a wav format.
Hi, We at ETS are trying to use the speex coding standard to create the files required for human audio testing by various departments. I just need to understand if the sample files available on the website are really speex coded in a wav container, because the header information as visible on opening the file in notepad does not indicate so and these files can play in the media player without a
2014 May 28
[LLVMdev] Code generation support in llvm for windows phone
I am talking about Windows Mobile 8 and 8.1 and not CE. Not sure though that the Windows 8 (ARM NT) is similar to Windows Mobile 8 platform. I used the following command to generate the obj file Llc.exe -mtriple=thumbv7-windows -filetype=obj <some_name>.bc The object file generated in the above object doesn't get linked when I try to link it with the windows mobile library as it
2014 Jun 07
[LLVMdev] Code generation support in llvm for windows phone
Hi Saleem, I have a similar situation - I'd appreciate your inputs on it. I noticed that the obj file generated using llvm does not contain "thumb" instructions. I suspect that is what is causing runtime crash for me. Here's what I've tried - Start with a.c (on my linux machine where I have llvm/clang built as of yesterday) int add(int i, int j) {int k
2014 Jun 08
[LLVMdev] Code generation support in llvm for windows phone
Thank you so much Saleem, The target is Windows phone 8.1 (ARM). I'll update the crash details tomorrow. One big problem is that I have to use a physical windows phone for execution. I wonder if it is possible to execute such "exes" using qemu. Regards, Kashyap On Sun, Jun 8, 2014 at 2:53 AM, Saleem Abdulrasool <compnerd at> wrote: > On Sat, Jun 7, 2014 at
2014 May 16
[LLVMdev] Code generation support in llvm for windows phone
Hi, Is there support available in llc to convert llvm bytecode to Windows Mobile binary? I have tried triples like arm-pc-win32 , thumbv7-window ... but the object file generated is not getting linked to the windows native project. Any pointers will be greatly appreciated? Thanks, ~rajat -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2009 Apr 19
Upgrading from Rails 1.3.x to 2.3.2 - text_field_with_auto_complete not working
Folks, I am trying to upgrade code base from 1.3.x to 2.3.2 and not surprisingly, lot of things are broken. ''text_field_with_auto_complete'' is not working for me - it gives the following error: ActionView::TemplateError (undefined method `text_field_with_auto_complete'' for #<ActionView::Base: 0x7f0ceb6b8290>) I already have installed auto_complete - ruby
2009 Apr 13
Unable to mark labels
I am solving the following question. I want to label the data. I used the following code. > data82 <- read.table(file="/home/rajat/R/8_2_rtg.txt",header=T) > data82 <- data.frame(data82) > data82 low_sat med_sat high_sat contact housing 1 65 54 100 1 1 2 130 76 111 1 2 3 67 48 62 1 3 4
2010 Aug 30
failed to set machine spn: Operations error
I have samba, winbind, kerberos installed on an ubuntu server. I have a windows server 2003 based domain. when i try to execute the following command: net ads join -U user I get the following error: Failed to join domain: failed to set machine spn: Operations error Kerberos authentication works fine and I can get the kerberos ticket just fine. This setup was working fine earlier. I was able to
2009 Apr 20
Upgrading rails to 2.3.2 - CookieOverflow issue
Folks, I am trying to upgrade system from rails 1.3.x to 2.3.2 and getting this error - Status: 500 Internal Server Error ActionController::Session::CookieStore::CookieOverflow /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-2.3.2/lib/action_controller/ session/cookie_store.rb:102:in `call'' /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-2.3.2/lib/action_controller/ reloader.rb:9:in
2011 Aug 12
Replace brick of a dead node
Hi! Seeking pardon from the experts, but I have a basic usage question that I could not find a straightforward answer to. I have a two node cluster, with two bricks replicated, one on each node. Lets say one of the node dies and is unreachable. I want to be able to spin a new node and replace the dead node's brick to a location on the new node. The command 'gluster volume
2004 Aug 25
INTERNAL ERROR: Signal 6 in pid...
Hi, Am running SAMBA 3.0.4 on RHEL 3.0 ( 2.4.21-9.ELsmp ) It was running fine till today when i restarted my server and started getting this nmbd log!! I might have overlooked, but if anyone could point me to any previous post with answers or any other link please mail me or if there is something new or anything more you want to help me solve this, please let me know. Any help is greatly
2010 Sep 06
SAMBA4 kinit fails
I'm trying to test Samba4 as an AD style pdc. following the instructions at at step 9 I get root at pdc:~# kinit administrator at MYDOMAIN.COM kinit: Cannot contact any KDC for realm 'MYDOMAIN.COM' while getting initial credentials root at pdc:~# and yet host -t SRV gives has
2009 Apr 17
Thank You All for the help
Hi All, I wish to thank all you guys out there. This is because of the help from you guys I am able to learn how to use R in a short time. Thanking you again for the help and quick responses. Regards, Rajat -- Rajat, PhD student Industrial Engineering, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, USA. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA,
2006 Jul 11
Zip Code Ranges
Does anyone have any recommendations for working with zip code distance ranges? I need to calculate the distances between US zip codes. Thanks! -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2008 May 02
email not getting send from Lan
actually everythin is fine at home.. emails are getting send from the rails application to gmail account through which we send our emails..but wen we use the same code in college computer connected to Lan the emails where not getting send from the rails application to our gmail account and hence the mails where not getting delivered ... does any one have the idea for this problem..all the
2013 Aug 08
Freeswitch with Digium T316 timed out, T316 timed out
Hi I am trying to deploy freeswitch with Digium TE121 card for my office setup, but it is continuously showing Signaling is up and channels are down except D channel. Our Architecture is like We have freeswitch installed with libpri1.4 and Dahdi. I am from India and here we are having E1 trunk. Dahdi Configuration is cat system.conf # Autogenerated by /usr/sbin/dahdi_genconf on Wed Aug 7
2007 Jan 19
help with ets function in forecast package
I have been trying to use the ets function in the forecast package on a daily time series (ts2 is a ts object with frequency =7). However when I run the following code I get an error related to etsmodel. I have looked at ets and I can see that there is a call to the function etsmodel, but I cant seem to find info on the ets function anywhere. Does anyone know anything about the etsmodel function?
2010 Jan 27
returning a list of functions
Hi interested readers, I have a function that creates several functions within a loop and I would like them to be returned for further use as follows: Main.Function(df,...){ # df is a multivariate data funcList<-list(NULL) for (i in 1:ncol(df)){ temp<-logspline(df[,i],...) # logspline density estimate funcList[[i]]<-function(x){expression(temp,x)} } return(funcList) } I have tried
2007 Mar 27
decoding 24-bit FLAC files
Hi, I've been using FLAC for several years, but mostly with 16-bit files (I never actually checked until now, but that would be my guess). I recently got errors in Nero trying to load WAV audio files decoded from FLAC, and the only (obvious) difference between these and all the others that work w/o probs is that these input files are 24-bit. I didn't think there were special settings
2009 Sep 09
Forecast - How to create variables with summary() results parameters
Hi, I would like to create variables in R containing parameters of summary(*Forecast Results*). Using the following code: library(forecast) data <- AirPassengers xets <- ets(data, model="ZZZ", damped=NULL) xfor <- forecast(xets,h=12, level=c(80,95)) summary(xfor) the output is: Forecast method: ETS(M,A,M) Model Information: ETS(M,A,M) Call: ets(y = data, model =