similar to: Rsync creates empty directories with backup-dir option

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "Rsync creates empty directories with backup-dir option"

2019 Jul 18
Dovecot 2.3.0 TLS
Hello, I don't know who will read this message, but I found this thread: at And I'm expected the same issue, I will try to explain to you (english is not my native language, sorry) Since Buster update, so Dovecot update too, I'm not able to connect to my mail server from my
2008 Apr 01
DO NOT REPLY [Bug 5365] New: --backup and --xattrs are not compatible Summary: --backup and --xattrs are not compatible Product: rsync Version: 3.0.0 Platform: x86 OS/Version: Other Status: NEW Severity: normal Priority: P3 Component: core AssignedTo: ReportedBy:
2006 Jul 13
Difference between 'DEST' & '--backup-dir='?
Hello all, I have a question. The man page of rsync: SYNOPSIS rsync [OPTION]... SRC [SRC]... DEST R?SUM? DES OPTIONS --backup-dir effectue des sauvegardes dans ce r?pertoire What is the difference between 'DEST' and the rsync option '--backup-dir='? Thank you very much. paco
2008 Jun 20
pre/post-xfer exec not executed ?
Hi, I've got an issue since about a week and I still can't solve it after a thorough research. I've setup a rsync server on my backup host, with shares using post/pre-xfer exec options but the scripts seems not to even be called : they should write a lockfile, and write in a logfile some information about the transfer request / report. I'm using rsync through stunnel and
2009 Oct 30
crontab won't work
Hi, I have a strange problem here. I have two servers, one dedicated webserver, and a local backup server. On the webserver I have this : [root at 12569hpv163154:~] # crontab -l 00 22 * * * /usr/local/bin/ This launches a backup script every day at 22:00, and it works as expected. Now here's what I have on the local backup server : [root at grossebertha:~] # crontab
2000 Jul 20
Client frequent disconnection + strange logs
Hello, Although I've been using samba for years at my customers office, I recently moved one on a HP E60 server running RedHat 6.2. The samba version is 2.0.6, untouched from the distribution. They use a (weird) accounting software built on the top of FoxPro, requiring a *huge* amount of open files. I accordingly raised the values for files-nr and inode-nr and the stats seem ok. They have
2007 Feb 07
Redirect --stats to STDERR.
Hello, I have written a little script that's would email me all errors. rsync -vah --delete --stats <sources> <destination> > /var/log/sauvegarde/listoffile.log 2> /var/log/sauvegarde/errors.log My problem is i want to have the stats in my mail. Is it possible to redirect --stats to STDERR. I have tryed to do this : /---
2004 Oct 01
rebelotte samba et les m'en sort pas
Bonjour, je reviens ? l'attaque avec mes probl?mes d'accents sous samba. Depuis la mise ? jour de mes serveurs (mandrake 10 samba 3.0.2a), j'ai des probl?mes avec les fichiers enregistr?s par les utilisateurs. Mon fichier de conf samba ne comporte pas les lignes suivantes : dos charset = cp850 display charset = cp850 unix charset = ISO8859-15 d'ailleurs je suis bien embarrass?
2005 Apr 01
(no answer)
I wish to perform brain surgery this afternoon at 4pm and don't know where to start. My background is the history of great statistician sports legends but I am willing to learn. I know there are courses and numerous books on brain surgery but I don't have the time for those. Please direct me to the appropriate HowTos, and be on standby for solving any problem I may encounter while
2018 Jun 25
Postfix, system notifications and local servers
Hi, I have CentOS 7 running on half a dozen public servers. For some stuff like automatic updates using yum-cron, I have Postfix installed with a relatively basic configuration. This allows me to send important notifications to my mail address info at When there's a batch of updates, I get one mail per machine, so I can check quickly if everything went OK without having to
2007 Sep 09
Bonjour Alex. Je voudrais savoir si il est possible de sauvegarder les couleurs quand on se sert de "ColourDialog"? merci Sebastien _______________________________________________ wxruby-users mailing list
2003 Jan 27
Owner and group
Hi all, When i use rsync with on the server : motd file = /etc/rsyncd.motd log file = /var/log/rsyncd.log pid file = /var/run/ lock file = /var/run/rsync.lock [filieres] path = /home2 comment = Repertoire de sauvegarde des filieres read only = no hosts allow = # vador only dont compress = *.gz *.jpg *.zip *.rpm *.tgz note : the
2007 Nov 11
Samba Crash with nobody user account
Hello, i've migrate my domain samba-3.0.22-1 on old server (centos 4.3) to samba-3.0.23c-2.el5.2.0.2 on new server (Centos 5.0). i'm use OpenLdap to users accounts and computers accounts. Procedure : - stop old PDC; - copy smb.conf and secrets.tdb on new server; - start new PDC; On the new PDC the localsid it's the localsid the old server and the domainsid it's ok. But when
2009 May 15
Installing Windows 2008 server
Hello, We are planning to install a Windows 2008 DomU in one of our servers (SUSE 10/SP2, XEN 3.2). Does someone have some experience in installing 2008 ? Are they some know problems (and solutions if possible) to success in thre process. Here is the setup we will use for that DomU : ------------------------------------------------------------------- # SR3 MV9 name="SAP-IDES-ECC"
2005 Feb 24
SAMBA + LDAP : Unable to Login on a domain
Hi Everybody, I am writing here this mail because I have a strange problem using SAMBA with authentication by LDAP. The OS is a Linux Debian Sarge 3.1 with a SAMBA 3.0.10-Debian. Communication between LDAP and SAMBA works fine. So I can access to SAMBA shares in workgroup mode using LDAP accounts. When I try to join a computer to the domain, it works => Join is OK using administrator
2006 Apr 11
Default value in a Partial that use index
Hi, here is my situation. I have this controler action: ---------CONTROLER-------- def list @variations = Variation.find(:all, :conditions =>["client_id = ?",] ) end ---------CONTROLER-------- Which call this view (removed irrelevant parts): ----------LIST.RHTML--------------
2005 Dec 16
Problème avec les accents...
Bonjour, J?ai un serveur Linux RedHat 9 sur lequel je fais un montage Samba d?un r?pertoire partag? d?un client Windows par : # smbmount //sf-etudes/partage /mnt/sf-etudes/ -o workgroup=Info,password=xxxx,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850 J?acc?de correctement aux fichiers Windows, mais les fichiers ayant des noms accentu?s (ex : L?on.txt) s?affichent avec un caract?re ? ? ? et je ne peux pas
2011 Aug 12
Samba 3.6.0: unable to list Active Directoy users
Dear all I have upgraded my Samba from 3.5.x to a newest 3.6.0 version. My Samba is connected to an Active Directory 2008 R2 the "getent passwd" did not display any ActiveDirectoy Domains users. the "net ads group" display correctly the ActiveDirectory groups : net ads group Administrateurs Utilisateurs Invit?s Op?rateurs d?impression Op?rateurs de sauvegarde Duplicateurs
2010 Jul 03
pkg/tests: how to run them with --vanilla
Hello I recently submitted an update of a package, and received error reports from CRAN maintainers concerning the pkg/tests section: > Next time you update, can you please ensure that the files > are generated in English (with LANGUAGE=en set). R 2.12.x will ensure > that the tests are run in English, and it saves a lot of unnecessary > chatter if the reference
2013 Jul 03
Samba 4 Rhedhat 6 And classicupgrade errors
Hi, i upgrade on a new server samba3 to samba4 with a LDAP Backend. I have followed this HowTO ? until de classicupgrade step Here is the errors I get ?/usr/local/samba/bin/samba-tool domain classicupgrade --dbdir=/root/samba3/tdbfiles --use-xattrs=yes? /root/samba3/tdbfiles/smb.conf Reading