similar to: Performance issues since upgrading to 3.X to 4.X

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "Performance issues since upgrading to 3.X to 4.X"

2020 Jul 20
Performance issues since upgrading to 3.X to 4.X
Debian 10 or 11? 11 = testing and samba 4.12.5 10 = buster and samba 4.9.5 Also show smb.conf. Im running 4.12.5 on my home media device, and always 110MB/s copy speeds on my gigabit nic. (same as the 4.11 or 4.10 or 4.9 or 4.8 versions) Can you show your smb.conf? And running kernel version. > Is a bit speculative. If .. i copy 1 file of 1GB to
2020 Jul 20
Performance issues since upgrading to 3.X to 4.X
Pretty close to what i have that : [global] workgroup = PRIVATE server string = %h server log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m max log size = 1000 log level = 0 ####### Authentication ####### ## stand alone everything open. security = user guest ok = yes map to guest = bad password ## map id's outside to domain to tdb files. idmap config * : backend = tdb idmap
2007 Dec 12
Matrix Inversion
I got the following error: a = read.csv("mat.csv") b = as.matrix(a) tb = t(b) bb = tb %*% b dim(bb) ibb = solve(bb) bb %*% ibb > ibb = solve(bb) Error in solve.default(bb) : system is computationally singular: reciprocal condition number = 1.77573e-19 > Are there any ways to find more information about why it is singular? Thanks.
2017 Sep 13
Packet capture to analysis the tinc connection close
I don't know why, but for my case, I reduced the tinc topology from a complex one(which provide layered redundancy) to a very simpled one(one connection), and that connection drop disappeared. Later, let me draw the topology and share the config to you to see if there's any findings of the cause. Guus Sliepen <guus at>于2017年9月14日 周四上午3:20写道: > On Wed, Sep 13, 2017
2007 Mar 14
loaderror in line 85
Hello, I hope this has not been discussed very often previously, but I do not know how to search the archives, so I cannot prevent posting this. I installed puppet (and removed it andf installed it again, which gave me these error messages: when removing: puppetmaster: unknown service error: %preun(puppet-server-0.22.1-1.i386) scriptlet failed, exit status 1 when installing: puppet: unknown
2017 Sep 05
Packet capture to analysis the tinc connection close
Hi, All Recently, one of my tinc client always suffer connection drop, I was suspect the connection was not stable to cause this issue, and BTW, I’ve set the PingTimeout to 10 seconds already, but this situation still happens a lot sometimes, but when the connection drop happens, the connection recovery pretty fast, normally in a minutes. In order to deep dive into the cause, or proven the
2017 Jul 15
observium graphs
Hello dovecot list, I'm in the middle of creating a plugin for observium[1] and would like to have it create[2] statistical graphs of my dovecot server [3]. The current state can be found here: However for visibility purposes it doesnt make sense and have observium plot two data sources with different orders of magnitudes right into one graph. So
2003 Jul 31
oplock_break: client failure in oplock break in file ...
Hi! I keep getting errors like these: oplock_break failed for file Word/einaikoon/v-Locator/IBB-Beantragung/0_Antrag_AZK.doc (dev = 301, inode = 2469218, file_id = 7). [2003/07/31 15:43:22, 0] smbd/oplock.c:oplock_break(843) oplock_break: client failure in break - shutting down this smbd. [2003/07/31 15:47:12, 0] smbd/oplock.c:oplock_break(758) oplock_break: receive_smb error (Success)
2017 Jul 15
observium graphs
Am 15.07.2017 um 20:26 schrieb Aki Tuomi: > Hi! > Just thought I'd remind about few things, > > since v2.2.22 you can use doveadm -fjson, to print data in json format, which might be easier to parse. As for Debian stable (dovecot 2.2.27) -f json is missing from the manpage. > since v2.2.22 you can use doveadm HTTP API to get the statistics over HTTP. > > since v2.2.27
2007 Apr 03
rpm package for sles10
Hi, I thought about changing the RPM package the guys of Redhat created, because I wanted an Init Script for SLES10 built-in. I started documenting the steps I took. Maybe it''s useful for someone else, although in German.. but the basic steps should be useable. My little Installating puppet Howto: The Init Script for SLES10:
2004 Jun 29
Several PCA questions...
Hi, I am doing PCA on several columns of data in a data.frame. I am interested in particular rows of data which may have a particular combination of 'types' of column values (without any pre-conception of what they may be). I do the following... # My data table. allDat <- read.table("big_select_thresh_5", header=1) # Where some rows look like this... # PDB SUNID1
2005 May 13
directory permissions
I have just finished replacing a client's Windows / Exchange / IIS setup here with Samba / [Postfix, UW Imap] / Apache and I've run into an issue. In this setup, Samba acts as PDC, so there are NO WINDOWS SERVERS - only win clients. One of the apps that they run seems to explicitly require that the user own the folder that they are saving to. In their prior setup, this was easy, as
2024 May 15
FR: Customize background colour of row and column headers for the View output
About the decisions: Actually, the same way dataedittext modifies the text colour not only of data, but also of row and column names, and dataedituser modifies the colour of all the borders, I think dataeditbg should modify the background of all the window, at least that "inside" those borders. Otherwise, any other option for the background colour on row and column headers would allow
2014 Mar 29
How can I install a dual boot centos in my laptop while my windows has UEFI partition? -- With The Best H.Lanjanian ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Hossein Lanjanian, Ph.D. student Laboratory of Systems Biology and Bioinformatics (LBB) Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics (IBB), University of Tehran Tehran, Iran
2020 Nov 16
Joining Samba to Upgraded 2003 domain failing
Hi Rowland I am trying to follow the article but am having the error. That's why I am trying to clean up this bad subdomain. I don't know if these lists allow image attachments. So I uploaded a screenshot here. I built a new domain for this problem in our lab. The domain listed with #1 is the one created by the domain provision. However the one listed with the #2
2020 Oct 02
Lahman Baseball Data Using R DBI Package
I?m trying to pull data from one table (batting) in the Lahman Baseball database. Notice X2B for doubles and X3B for triples ? fourth and fifth from the right. The dbGetQuery function runs fine when I leave there two out but I get error messages (in red) when I include 2B/3B or X2B/X3B. Can anyone give me some direction? Thanks, Philip Heinrich
2020 Oct 03
Lahman Baseball Data Using R DBI Package
The double quotes are required by SQL if a name is not of the form letter-followed-by-any-number-of-letters-or-numbers or if the name is a SQL keyword like 'where' or 'select'. If you are doing this from a function, you may as well quote all the names. -Bill On Fri, Oct 2, 2020 at 6:18 PM Philip <herd_dog at> wrote: > The \?2B\? worked. Have no idea why. Can
2012 May 16
Help needed for efficient way to loop through rows and columns
Dear R-helpers: I am trying to write a script that iterates through a dataframe that looks like this: Example dataset called "sample": names <- c("S1", "S2", "S3", "S4") X <- c("BB", "AB", "AB", "AA") Y <- c("BB", "BB", "AB", "AA") Z <- c("BB",
2024 May 14
FR: Customize background colour of row and column headers for the View output
Thanks again Duncan and Ivan, I forward then the email to R-devel. Summarizing, the dataedit options (in RGui preferences or RConsole) to colouring the View output do not have effect on the background of the row and column names (see Could this be implemented? Thank you! Best regards, Iago ________________________________ De: Ivan Krylov <ikrylov at>
2024 May 13
Is there some way to customize colours for the View output?
Hi all, I've just could test your suggestions on using dataedit... entries now, and indeed they work... partially. See, please, the next screenshot: dataedituser modifies the red borders dataedittext the yellow text dataeditfg... I do not know, specified to green the output of View(mtcars) does not change from that of the screenshot dataeditbg is the (almost) black