similar to: how to add a method without coding it directly into app?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "how to add a method without coding it directly into app?"

2006 Jun 26
How can I dynamiclly generate models?
I am trying to write a plugin, ''acts_as_commentable'', for my models - Image, Book, Music and so on, I do not want to use polymorphic association, so very model should have its own comment class. Here is my code acts_as_commentable.rb module Commentable def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end module ClassMethods def
2007 Sep 18
Making attachment_fu polymorphic
I am working on a small model mixin called attachment_kung to make attachment_fu polymorphic, so you no longer need a different table and Model class for every associated attachment (Productimage, Ad_doc, etc). All you really need is one model and table to handel all your attachments - in some cases, anyway. I have the code working, but have run into one small hitch that I can''t seem to
2008 Jun 03
I was having some issue getting the class variables in Camping::Session to work with some old apps, so I''ve changed @@state_secret to a method. module Blog include Camping::Session def state_secret; "kxxxx" end end Also, merged some of zimbatm''s patches. And trying to revive the Junebug wiki <> since it''s still
2006 Jul 28
reserved words
I''ve seen this topic has been discussed a couple of times. However, I''m wondering if a method exists in rails to test a name against the reserved words listed on the wiki? Just wanted to check before I write this myself (and type in all of those names -- including PostgreSQL). To explain the application: I''ve written a project that manages ldap data. On a fresh
2008 Jan 04
Can''t access my data
Hi Folks.. I have/had a zpool containing one filesystem. I had to change my hostid and needed to import my pool, (I''ve done his OK in the past). After the import the mount of my filesystem failed. # zpool import homespool cannot mount ''homespool/homes'': mountpoint or dataset is busy The data seems it might still exist, (correct amount of used space is reported),
2007 Nov 06
help on helper module inclusion/extension
I want to include helper methods included to my Camping App from by requiring an external file but I can''t seem to include helpers from another module. module CampingHelpers def self.included(base) base::Helpers.send(:include, Helpers) end module Helpers def show_test p "test" end end end Camping.goes :CampingApp ... module
2007 Nov 21
where do i get the return value of a javascipt method?
how do i get the value of a javascipt confirm() function? a(:href=>R(DeleteUser,, :onclick => "javascript:confirm(''You sure about this?'')"){label} any tips? thanks! -- |^^^^^^^^^^^^\ .|| |NALDEVNGELSTA.___||''""|""\___, | ________________ l | |__|__|_|) (@!)!(@)"""""**|(@) (@)****|(@)
2008 May 08
query strings built by R method can''t handle multiple values from checkbox selections
query strings built by R method can''t handle multiple values from checkbox selections R(SomeRoute, :reply_status=>%w{1 2 4}) should return query_string=" http://localhost:3301/someroute/?reply_status_id=1&reply_status_id=2&reply_status_id=4 " qsp(query_string) -> {"reply_status_id"=>["1", "2", "4"]} from
2006 Jan 09
How to carry parameters to a new page?
Hello, I have a page where user can register him/herself to the site. If the user enters something wrong, or leaves blank textboxes, I want to reload the page and tell the user what went wrong. Also the textbox-values the user already entered, should be kept in the textboxes. For example, in my user-controller: if @username.length == 0 redirect_to :action =>
2007 Jan 02
How to extract the variance componets from lme
Here is a piece of code fitting a model to a (part) of a dataset, just for illustration. I can extract the random interaction and the residual variance in group meth==1 using VarCorr, but how do I get the other residual variance? Is there any way to get the other variances in numerical form directly - it seems a litte contraintuitive to use "as.numeric" when extracting estimates,
2009 Nov 17
Lattice plot
Hi, I was trying to get a graph in lattice with the following data frame (7 rows, 5 cols): chr start1 end1 meth positive 1 1 10 20 1.5 y 2 2 12 18 -0.7 n 3 3 22 34 2.0 y 4 1 35 70 3.0 y 5 1 120 140 -1.3 n 6 1 180 190 0.2 y 7 2 220 300 0.4 y I wanted the panels to be organized by 'chr' -
2015 Jan 28
[Q] Get formal arguments of my implemented S4 method
Interrogating some (of my own) code in another package. >norm.meth <- getMethod("normalize", "MatrixLike") >message("str(norm.meth)") >str(norm.meth) >message("show(norm.meth at .Data)") >show(norm.meth at .Data) Last show() displays this: function (object, ...) { .local <- function (object, method = c("median",
2023 Feb 23
Compilation Error when DEBUG_approx Toggled on in RISC-V
Hi all, While compiling R to RISC-V64 architecture and debugging in R's C source codes, I think I have found a small bug. Can anyone please verify whether it is a real bug? The possible bug lies in the file `R-4.2.2/src/library/stats/src/approx.c` in function `R_approxfun` around line 148: #ifdef DEBUG_approx REprintf("R_approxfun(x,y, nxy = %.0f, .., nout = %.0f, method = %d,
2013 Aug 21
Bug in dovecot 2.2.5: segfault due to bad alignment
Take a look at the sources, hmac.h declares struct hmac_context: struct hmac_context { char ctx[HMAC_MAX_CONTEXT_SIZE]; char ctxo[HMAC_MAX_CONTEXT_SIZE]; const struct hash_method *hash; }; If compiled for a 32 bit virtual address space, this has an alignment requirement of 4 due to the hash pointer. In line 171 of auth-token.c, we have following
2015 Jan 28
[Q] Get formal arguments of my implemented S4 method
I'm attempting to reflect the information for use with corresponding fields in GUI (in a different package), to provide default values, argname as key for UI label lookups, etc. So I want something much more like the formals of the implementation: { "object", "method": c("median", "vs", "tukey"),
2010 Sep 20
Please help with this error - new to
I am getting the following error in my script. I am very very new to R and have obtained this script from another person. #read file in (dummy data) starburst.plot<-function(affy.fold, affy.FDR)(ifelse( ((affy.fold) >=0), -1*log10(affy.FDR), 1*log10(affy.FDR))) starburst.plot<-function(meth.fold, meth.FDR)(ifelse( ((meth.fold) >=0), -1*log10(meth.FDR), 1*log10(affy.FDR))) At my next
2007 May 07
Module Madness
I''m wanted to make a "global" module that I could include in my application for some shared code between them. I''ve been making several camping apps and wanted them all to share a helper/partial that contained the navigation. I ran into a lot of difficulty when trying to include it, the primary problem being "methodUndefined" errors. I did finally get it to
2012 Sep 04
[PATCH] Generalize HMAC implementation
Hello everyone and Timo in particular, about a year ago I implemented a SHA-1 variant of the HMAC(-MD5) present in Dovecot. I had always disliked this a bit, because it replicates a lot of code. This patch generalizes the HMAC function to take a hash_method struct as parameter, and changes existing code which uses the "old" HMAC function to use this new one. I'm not really sure
2008 May 28
Plug-in support for Camping Apps
# camping_plugin.rb # plug-in support for Camping Apps # require ''lib/camping_plugin'' # override R helper method to your liking :-) module Camping module PluginHelpers def R_with_module(c,*g) p,h=/\(.+?\)/,g.grep(Hash) g-=h raise "bad route" unless u = c.urls.find{|x| break x if x.scan(p).size == g.size &&
2006 Feb 01
Custom view helpers
Hi all, I would like to write some custom helpers like the ones available as form helpers text_field, text_area and the like. My first try was this: custom_helper(obj, meth) ''some_string'' + obj.send(meth) + ''some_other_string'' end Object and method are being passed as symbols like this: custom_helper(:person, :name) and Ruby rightfully complains that