similar to: Samba switches between domain controllers

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "Samba switches between domain controllers"

2019 Feb 14
Losing connection to a DC
Hi, I am running samba/winbind 4.2.14 on Debian 8 which is joined to an Active Directory and would like to know if you have any idea with my issue. In my case, ntlm authentification is enabled in squid (proxy). Here is the problem that I am facing : "wbinfo -t" takes sometimes more than 30 secondes to display the result. For some reason, the server loses it's connection to the
2019 Feb 15
Samba switches between domain controllers
On Fri, 15 Feb 2019 10:00:12 +0100 LOKO MESO Michel <mmeso at> wrote: > Thank you for your response. > > My server (debian) is joined to an AD and I'm trying to understand > how the communication between the two servers works. > > Does winbind check  the response time of the DCs before switching to > the  fastest ? Is it possible to specify which DC
2019 May 14
password server not sending authentication requests to a specified DC
Our goal is to have a particular DC which will be used by our proxy for user authentication. We tried to use only the required DC as a nameserver but that doesn't work, queries are still sent to other DCs. Michel
2019 Feb 14
Losing connection to a DC
On Thu, 14 Feb 2019 12:04:06 +0100 LOKO MESO Michel <mmeso at> wrote: > Here is my smb.conf : > > [global] > workgroup = MY > netbios name = sd01 > realm = my.domain > server string = Olfeo Samba Server > log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log > max log size = 50 > security = ADS > encrypt passwords = yes > ;  smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd
2019 Feb 14
Losing connection to a DC
On Thu, 14 Feb 2019 13:36:43 +0100 LOKO MESO Michel <mmeso at> wrote: > In my case samba is not a domain controller and the server is joined > to an Active Directory. > Users don't need to login locally. > > Are the 'idmap config' not useful with an Active Directory ? Quite the contrary, they are mandatory, just because your users don't login
2019 May 13
password server not sending authentication requests to a specified DC
Hi, I am running samba/winbind 4.8.9 on Debian 8 which is joined to an Active Directory and facing the following issue : I need to specify a particular DC for the authentification. Therefor I added 'password server = x.x.x.x' in /etc/samba/smb.conf but realised that the option is ignored and that the requests are sent to another DC. In which case does Samba ignore 'password
2009 Jul 21
Split plot analysis problems
Hello, I would be very grateful if someone could give me a hand with my split plot design problems. So here is my design : I am studying the crossed-effects of water (wet/dry) and mowing (mowed/not-mowed = nm) on plant height (PH) within 2 types of plant communities (Xerobromion and Mesobromion) : - Within each type of communities, I have localised 4 blocks - In each block, I have defined
2006 Oct 24
set.seed() and .Random.number
Hi R-users I have two conditions. For each condition, 100 sets of 10 random numbers from N(0,1) need to be generated. Here is my question. At the begining I specify a seed number. I want to make the 100th set of the first condition and 1st set of the second conditon the same. What do I need to do ? After generating 99th set of 10 random numbers and then saving .Random.seed then using
2006 Jul 03
Hi, i''m fairly new to ruby on rails, and i know the question at hand may seem simple at first, but i''m getting really caught up in trying to understand this and the docs aren''t giving me answer. i actually thought i knew how the sql commands work (like :include, :conditions, :etc) but obviously, i don''t. there are three models M1, M2, M3 joined by a habtam
2010 Mar 12
sqldf not joining all the fields
Dear R users, I have two data frames that were read from text files as follows: x_data <- read.table("x.txt", header = TRUE, sep = "|", quote = "\"'", dec = ".", = TRUE,na.strings = "NA",colClasses = NA, nrows = 3864284, skip = 0, check.names = TRUE,fill=TRUE, strip.white = TRUE,
2008 May 05
RODBC and schemas
I have found that the "schema.table" syntax used in Postgresql (and Oracle) does not work directly with RODBC. This works library(RODBC) con<-odbcConnect("mydb") d<-sqlQuery(con,"select * from meso.trees") However this does not. d<-sqlFetch(con,"meso.trees") Error in odbcTableExists(channel, sqtable) : ?meso.trees?: table not found on channel
2017 Sep 07
ISO3 code to 7 continents names
df is a data frame consisting of one variable (iso3 codes) such as USA RUS ARG BGD ITA FRA Some of these iso3 codes are repeated and I would like the corresponding continent name, the countrycode package does not seem to distinguish between North and South America. Thanks. Sincerely, Milu On Thu, Sep 7, 2017 at 9:00 PM, David Winsemius <dwinsemius at> wrote: > > >
2018 Feb 22
Problem with geterrmessage()
Luke Thanks ? I revised the code to: ERRORMESSAGE <- try(source(USERSCRIPTFILE, local=T), silent=T) print(ERRORMESSAGE) now returns: $value [1] 0 $visible [1] FALSE Not clear what to make of that. Dennis Dennis Fisher MD P < (The "P Less Than" Company) Phone / Fax: 1-866-PLessThan (1-866-753-7784) > On Feb 22, 2018, at 12:45 PM, luke-tierney at
2007 Feb 17
Serial Woes
I have been trying to throw away my dependence on Windoz since the early Pentium era, but there always seems to be some essential application that can't be replaced. Currently it is the programs that read my blood glucose meeter and an athletic trainer system. Both of them communicate through a serial port. I am currently working on getting the trainer going. It loads fine and has no
2019 May 15
password server not sending authentication requests to a specified DC
On 15/05/2019 09:08, LOKO MESO Michel wrote: > Yes, our DCs are equal but we added a new one that will only be used > by the server where samba is installed. This is where it gets difficult, I get the feeling that the original DC's are Windows DC's, not that this matters. By default, All domain members (including DC's) are in the 'Default-First-Site-Name' site and
2017 Sep 07
ISO3 code to 7 continents names
> On Sep 7, 2017, at 12:21 PM, Miluji Sb <milujisb at> wrote: > > df is a data frame consisting of one variable (iso3 codes) such as > > USA > RUS > ARG > BGD > ITA > FRA > > > Some of these iso3 codes are repeated and I would like the corresponding continent name, the countrycode package does not seem to distinguish between North and
2008 Dec 10
How to Break Axis in Lattice Plot
Dear All, I have searched the following problem in the R help achives, and there did not seem to be solutio for it. The problem is how to break the axis in the xyplot (lattice plot). I read the posts using the package plotrix, buy it doesn't work with the xyplot, which is lattice based. A simple example is attached below: xyplot(c(1:10,100)~c(1:10,100)) What I would like to do is
2006 Aug 09
changing find method
Hi, i was wondering if there was a nice clean way(after all, it is ruby) to change the find method of a certain model/class (Page) so that if i wanted to use a find method on a @page instance it would return only specific rows from the table(if the page.published == true/false: the pages table looked like SQL: ... id int not null auto_increment, published tinyint(1) not null, something
2009 Jan 07
How-To extract data from a matrix of lists subject to a set of given constraints
My goal is to store the DWT coefficients from a number of time series in such a way to be able to extract subsets satisfying giben conditions. I have defined the following 11 matrices whose x-axis represent time intervals and y-axis represent the number of time series: MS <- 11 d1.mat <- matrix (data=list(), nrow=TotNumCycles, ncol=2^(MS-1)) d2.mat <- matrix (data=list(),
2004 Feb 03
samba 3.0.1 and ldap backend problem - I can not add new accounts to domain.
Hi ! I cant add any user (person, and machine) to my domain made with samba-3.0.1, openldap-2.0.27, new samba.schema, smbldap-tools-0.8.3. I have to migrate from ldap_compact to ldap backend. Rhea is a ldap server, codo is a PDC from DOMAIN. To show, what the problem is, look at the following instructions: root@rhea:~# smbldap-useradd -w loko20 root@rhea:~# getent passwd|grep loko