similar to: Any news on the rSpec books?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "Any news on the rSpec books?"

2009 Jan 05
[Cucumber] after feature hook?
Hi, Is there a hook or a method to execute some code after a whole feature has run or will I need to embed that in a ''Then''? Regards Aidy
2010 Sep 01
Undefined methods: has_selector? and flunk
I''m in the process of updating an app for Rails 3.0 and rspec-rails 2.0.0.beta20. When I''m running my specs (rake spec) I get a large number of errors caused by two undefined methods undefined method `has_selector?'' for #<String:0x7fdbd0b5b270> undefined method `flunk'' for
2007 Nov 29
Webrat 0.1.0 released - Ruby Acceptance Testing for Web applications
Hey guys, We developed this plugin while writing my first real set of RSpec stories. It''s still missing a lot of functionality, but it''s useful to us as is, so I''m shipping 0.1.0. (Patches welcome. :) ) Code is available at: What do you think? -Bryan Here''s the README:
2010 Jun 20
RSpec 2 view example: render_template
On under "View specs" there''s an example describe "events/index.html.erb" do it "renders _event partial for each event" do assign(:events, [stub_model(Event), stub_model(Event)]) render view.should render_template(:partial => "_event", :count => 2) end end Is this indeed correct? From the
2009 Apr 19
Controller spec: testing that scope is set
In a Rails controller I set the scope on a model class in an around filter. I have defined expectations on the model classes, and ideally, I would add a further expectation for the scope. Is this already possible in some way? How would I go about adding support a scope expectation? Michael -- Michael Schuerig mailto:michael at
2008 May 14
Reuse steps like a method call
If I have a step matcher defined as so: Given "a user named $username" do |username| .... end Is there a way to call it from another step? For example: Given "a user named $username with a blog post |username| given_a_user_named(username) # calls existing step code # create a blog post end Cheers, -- Bryan Helmkamp -- My blog
2008 May 27
Testing rails plugins standalone
I''d like to finally get started with RSpec, however, not on a complete (rails or whatever) application, but only on a single rails plugin. In particular, I want to test the plugin without the context of a specific rails app. The only parts of rails that I need are ActiveRecord and ActiveSupport. It would be very helpful to have an existing plugin that''s tested like this as
2008 Jun 14
the Given, When, Then framework
Hi, Is the Given, When, Then framework, the user story, the acceptance criteria or both? Aidy
2007 Jan 09
spec not running in TextMate
I tried running a spec with command-r in TextMate and got: /Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles/RSpec.tmbundle/Support/ lib/spec_mate.rb:1:in `require'': No such file to load -- rubygems (LoadError) from /Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles/ RSpec.tmbundle/Support/lib/spec_mate.rb:1 from /tmp/ temp_textmate.GplhPr:3:in `require'' from
2007 Feb 17
RSpec usage
Hey all, Trying to get feel for RSpec usage so I''m taking a straw poll... What''s the largest project you''ve used RSpec on in terms of app LOC app and spec LOC? Also, how long have you been using RSpec in "production" code? -Bryan
2010 Aug 18
RSpec 2/Rails 3 - content_for in view specs
My main layout includes separate content_for/yield sections for my header, sidebar, footer, and content. However, when running a view spec, the `rendered` variable seems to only contain a string of just the primary content and ignores the header/footer/sidebar as well as the rest of my layout file (the "render" call just returns my primary content wrapped in generic <html> and
2007 Dec 20
Story runner rake task
What''s the status on a rake task for the story runner. If nothing is in progress, where could I start to try and build one? JD
2007 Mar 19
alias method spec?
I am completely baffled by this one - My guess is that there is no pure ruby way to do this - but how could I set up a spec to test that one method is an alias of another? Thanks for any help, Scott
2007 Oct 05
RSpec Book(s) on the radar
I just found this one: David, are there any other RSpec books in the works? With Regards, Cody Skidmore
2006 Oct 08
Organizing tests and mocha expectations
I''m simultaneously getting into using Mocha and RSpec-style tests (courtesy of the simply_bdd plugin) and I''m struggling with some issues while trying to organize my specs/test. Here''s a code example illustrating the problem: context "update cliient invalid data" do include ClientsControllerSpecHelper specify "should render edit form" do
2006 Jul 28
Validation Reflection plugin
The validation reflection plugin adds three things (1) Reflective access to validations - ModelClass.reflect_on_all_validations - ModelClass.reflect_on_validations_for(:property) (2) It provides "declarative" methods for defining validations based on database metadata - validates_presence_of_mandatory_content_columns - validates_lengths_of_string_attributes -
2005 Jun 29
Unit testing
Recently, I''ve started to write unit tests for some of my scripts. In general,it''s no worse in JavaScript than in Ruby or Java. I didn''t have the courage to try Selenium, but had a look at JsUnit. Unfortunately, in Konqueror it produces unfathomable errors and in Firefox it is slow beyond imagination. Anyway, writing tests for functions that are computational or
2005 Aug 13
Timing out ajax requests?
Has someone come up with a generic way to handle ajax requests that exceed a certain time? In my concrete case, I have several select boxes for drilling down a hierarchy. When the user clicks an option, the next deeper level is retrieved. To avoid multiple concurrent requests, I disable the select box. As the request may take too long or cause an error, I set a timeout that re-enables the
2005 Sep 13
Alternatives to Rico LiveGrid?
I''m no friend of paging, but I have to somehow deal with lists of potentially large numbers of objects. The Rico LiveGrid[*] at first blush seems attractive, but has some major drawbacks. It doesn''t work with Safari/Konqueror, not yet anyway. It can only handle fixed-size tables and requires that widths, including column widths, are hand-crafted. I''m looking for a
2005 Aug 22
Observing changes to a text field
I''ve noticed that using several TimedObservers (prototype.js) on a page to watch for changes to text fields (haven''t tried forms) can have a non-negligible effect on the CPU cycles used by the browser process. Nothing dramatic, to be sure, but unnecessary. Autocompleter.Base (controls.js) follows a smarter strategy to watch for changes. Currently this functionality is tied