similar to: unix charset = ISO-8859-15 and samba-4.6.* issue

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "unix charset = ISO-8859-15 and samba-4.6.* issue"

2019 Jan 14
Setting 'unix charset' kills the samba share
This is on Centos 7.4 I see this when I start smbd : [root at zinc samba]# systemctl status smb.service * smb.service - Samba SMB Daemon Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/smb.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled) Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Mon 2019-01-14 15:19:01 EST; 13s ago Docs: man:smbd(8) man:samba(7) man:smb.conf(5) Process: 9214
2018 Feb 09
Different ways/commands to join an AD domain
Hi List I'm a bit puzzled about the different ways to join a W2012R2 D domain, as there are multiple ways of doing that, and I'm not sure which is the right or best one. Background: we have different OS (Centos 5/6, Debian 8/9) which are or will be integraded into the AD. using "realm join" (Debian 8/9) i could join the domain but got [2018/02/08
2013 Nov 07
win7 domain pc to standalone samba server
I'm trying to map a network drive using my workplace's Win7 laptop to a fileserver at home. The Win7 laptop is joined to the work domain. The fileserver is my own standalone fileserver, not joined to any domain, and is configured to be accessible to everyone without authentcation. I'm not able to get this to work, with varying error messages from Windows ("The account is not
2018 Mar 01
samba 2.4.6 to 2.4.7 update on Fedora update 26 to 27, can't connect to shares
On Thu, 1 Mar 2018 14:32:58 +1100 Norman Gaywood via samba <samba at> wrote: > I've just updated my samba 2.4.6 to samba 2.4.7 via updating Fedora > 26 to 27 I think you mean you have upgrade from 4.6.x to 4.7.x ;-) > > System was working in F26. But in F27 users cannot connect to the > service definitions: > > $ smbclient //turing/ngaywood >
2017 Mar 16
Samba file server 4.4.4 - trust relationship
Hello experts I currently have a file server running on CentOS 7. The file server is joined to the domain (with Samba 4.5). The domain (with samba 4.5) maintains a trust relationship with the domain running on windows server 2012R2. The problem occurs when a user of the (windows server) domain authenticates on a workstation of the
2018 Mar 01
samba 2.4.6 to 2.4.7 update on Fedora update 26 to 27, can't connect to shares
I've just updated my samba 2.4.6 to samba 2.4.7 via updating Fedora 26 to 27 System was working in F26. But in F27 users cannot connect to the service definitions: $ smbclient //turing/ngaywood Enter UNE\ngaywood's password: Anonymous login successful tree connect failed: NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED The server system is configured as (testparm output): [global] auth methods = guest
2020 Feb 07
How the program spoolss works ?
Hello, In my directory /var/lib/samba/printers I have COLOR color IA64 W32ALPHA W32MIPS W32PPC W32X86 WIN40 x64 I delete the directory COLOR and restart samba but I have always the same error . I have perahps a problem of rights. the owner of the directory /var/lib/samba/printers is root. Thanks for your help . That is my smb.conf # Global parameters [global] netbios name =
2017 Mar 16
Samba file server 4.4.4 - trust relationship
Hello experts I currently have a file server running on CentOS 7. The file server is joined to the domain (with Samba 4.5). The domain (with samba 4.5) maintains a trust relationship with the domain running on windows server 2012R2. The problem occurs when a user of the (windows server) domain authenticates on a workstation of the
2019 May 14
debian 10: errors with my server samba-ad
hi, I modified my file named.conf.options . When i use dig I get an answer which contain answer section, authority section and additional section. I haven't map "Domain users" into "user" When I execute samba -i i have always the message error or warning ? /usr/sbin/smbd: pid_to_procid: messaging_dgm_get_unique failed: Aucun fichier ou dossier de
2019 Jan 14
Setting 'unix charset' kills the samba share
Hello, When I define *unix charset = ISO-8859-1* in *smb.conf*, it does not work. When I comment it, the share works fine. However, we need to define the charset... When unix charset is Here is the global section of smb.conf [global] workgroup = COMPANY realm = COMPANY.COM security = ADS winbind use default domain = true winbind offline logon = true idmap config * :
2018 Oct 29
smb.service fails to start after openSUSE Tumbleweed update
Hai, Yes that is know. Enable and change the range to a, for you usable range, outside the current ranges. Example: idmap config * : backend = tdb idmap config * : range = 3000-7999 Now start samba and winbind. And posting you smb.conf really helps of analyze things like this. Greetz, Louis > -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- > Van: samba [mailto:samba-bounces at
2017 Mar 18
Problem with adding an Samba Member Server to a Samba AD Domain
Hi List, I found some threads here in the list with similar problems, but nothing helped to solve my problem. We have a very much to old Samba DC (Version 4.1.x) and a new Samba 4.5.6 which should act as a member server. The first problem we had during joining the domain: "net ads join -k" didn't work. The Error Message said: Failed to join domain: failed to lookup DC info
2016 Jul 31
Samba domain member and rfc2307 user IDs
> On 29 Jul 2016, at 09:13, Rowland penny <rpenny at> wrote: > > On 29/07/16 00:09, Kevin Davidson wrote: >> So Louis has released his new deb packages of Samba 4.4.5. I’ve installed them (not entirely smoothly as apt-get still wanted to install winbind 4.2.10 and then failed on all the dependencies) >> >> root at terra:~# apt-cache policy samba
2016 Oct 31
Samba domain join issues
On Tue, 1 Nov 2016 01:45:24 +0530 Pradeep Rawat <pradeeprawat85 at> wrote: > I tried to use the smb.conf you mentioned but got same error. > We don't use Microsoft DNS (they just host underscore zones which > then gets transferred to *nix based DNS appliances) so is it required > to have the DC IP entry in /etc/resolv.conf? However, I tried adding > DC IP as
2018 Oct 29
smb.service fails to start after openSUSE Tumbleweed update
Hello!  I had working Samba installation on openSUSE Tumbleweed server.  I made my previous OS update a month ago, and everything worked fine after it.  But today I updated the OS again, and smb.service failed to start. Version 4.9.1-git.96.c3bff26bf16SUSE-oS15.5-x86_64 I tried many things: - minimal config - removed Samba package with all the dependencies and installed it again and so
2014 Jul 16
FreeBSD problems with sysvol and share Acls
Having lots of problems with a restored from backup installation of Samba 4.1.9 on FreeBsd cannot use windows tools to assign permissions to shares, and now when a problem creating a Gpo. with log level 10 this is the output: root at BSD:/home # samba-tool gpo create testgpo INFO: Current debug levels: all: 10 tdb: 10 printdrivers: 10 lanman: 10 smb: 10 rpc_parse: 10 rpc_srv: 10
2016 Nov 03
Samba domain join issues
Still looking for some suggestions, recommendations or pointers on this issue. Kinda stuck with it. It was working well couple of months back and suddenly stopped working. No known changes were happned on both sides except installing and then uninstalling MS16-077 patch. Thanks, Pradeep On Tuesday, November 1, 2016, Pradeep Rawat <pradeeprawat85 at> wrote: > We are running
2018 Feb 26
Fwd: Client fails to mount with Samba running as daemon. Fine in foreground.
Hi all, Experiencing a really weird issue on my Samba instance (4.7.5). It is not allowing users to browse any shares when running as a systemctl daemon, but it is working fine when running as a foreground service. Contents of systemctl service unit: # cat /usr/lib/systemd/system/smb.service [Unit] Description=Samba SMB Daemon nmb.service winbind.service
2011 Jan 21
Can not set SPN errors (again)
Hello! I see where this came up on the list a few months and never really ws resolved. Someone resolved it by linking libnss_winbind ... But that's not my problem... I'm getting " Failed to join domain: failed to set machine spn: Operations error" when I do a net ads join. I've used this user account (me) to join many Samba 3.5.6 servers to the domain. Config file and
2019 Jan 24
GPO / Sysvol problems
And this is some Samba logs from a connect where the profile isn't handled properly. Near the end, it looks like Samba resets this connection... (I could be wrong - I know nothing about how to read Samba logs.) --- [2019/01/24 10:36:38.097773, 3] ../lib/util/access.c:361(allow_access) Allowed connection from ( [2019/01/24 10:36:38.097869, 3]