similar to: Running Compiz in XGL

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Running Compiz in XGL"

2008 May 02
Java animations, Google Earth flashing with Compiz enabled
On a Dell Inspiron E1505 / 6400 with the ATI x1400 video card running the fglrx driver on Kubuntu 8.04, I have some video problems while running Compiz. I am not using XGL, in fact, I removed it from the system as it was causing performance issues. The symptoms I describe here were present before removing XGL, as well as after. The test applet on flashes (as if it disappears between
2007 Nov 09
Compiz starts, but no 3D effects
I just installed Compiz on Ubuntu Feisty (Gutsy does not work on my hardware as per the release notes) via the repo, which is the repo suggested in the compiz-fusion website. The machine is a Dell Inspiron E1505 / 6400 with the horrible ATI X1400 graphics card and 1680x1050 monitor. I installed XGL and the proprietary ATI driver, a combination that worked
2007 Aug 05
Using Compiz in KDE
I have had a rather hard time enabling Compiz on my Dell laptop, as it has an ATI X1400 video card. I found a tutorial which helped me configure Compiz in Gnome, but I'm not about to switch to Gnome. I hope that someone here can help me translate the scripts used in the tutorial to start KDE instead of Gnome. I myself have been unable to do so, after a good day googling the subject. These are
2007 Oct 20
No 3D in KDE, other effects work
In Ubuntu 7.10 with KDE, I have compiz running under XGL. Although Beryl ran fine in Ubuntu 7.04, Compiz will not enable 3D effects such as wobbly windows. Other effects, such as minimize/restore animations, work properly. The machine is a Dell Inspiron 6400 / E1505 laptop, 2Ghz Intel DuoCore2, 2GB RAM, ATI X1400, 1680x1050 widescreen. What should I begin to troubleshoot? Thanks in advance.
2008 Mar 08
No shutdown option in KDE with Compiz-Fusion
I have installed Compiz-Fusion on several Ubuntu machines, all different hardware, with KDE. In all of them, the option to shutdown or reset the computer is absent from the KDE logout buttons when running Compiz-Fusion. I have searched google and see that others have this problem, but I do not see a solution. Is there a known solution to this condition? Thanks in advance. Dotan Cohen
2008 May 04
. Re: Java animations, Google Earth flashing with Compiz
Dear Dotan, The problem of flashing/flickering in 3D apps/ videos with Xv enabled on account of non-redirection is limited to AIGLX and not an issue at all with XGL and compiz. fglrx till date has many mem leaks and crappy 3d performance on linux especially with compiz enabled. If you want to use these apps with compiz, for now use XGL. Else just disable compiz temporarily when
2007 Jun 28
Install XGL under CentOS 5 with ATI X600 and dual-head configuration
Hi again. I've got a laptop with an ATI X600 inside, perfectly working xorg with dual head configuration, 2 desktops (without xinerama). I've got 2 xorg.conf files, one for propietary ATI (fglrx) driver, and other to use the open source driver. The difference is very notorious. The problem I have is that I read (Saint Google) that to work with compiz/beryl and dual-head configuration, I
2007 Jun 28
[feature request] fglrx without Xgl works with copy method in beryl
Latest amd/ati drivers (8.37|8.38) supports composite with dri. So, after patching beryl (cause he can work without tfp) to make it use direct rendering on "aiglx method" and removed check for GLX_SGIX_fbconfig, which fails. - I was able to run beryl on fglrx WITHOUT Xgl. Only bug with windows drawing exists(as noticed in latest known issues for ati drives), more about this bug -
2007 Jul 09
[PATCH] Compiz with Fglrx without Xgl (an hack for use-copy)
As posted few days ago by Vladimir, newer fglrx ATi proprietary drivers supports the Composite extension (also if it provides buggy rendering for some apps), that's why using the non-tftp rendering you could run Compiz in fglrx drivers too without loading Xgl. However the use-copy option makes compiz do some checks that the fglrx drivers don't pass (I don't know why, since the
2008 Mar 12
XGL and Xorg confusion
Hi, As there has been some confusion over Xgl and Xorg here, I thought I'd just post this. XGL acts as a client to the Xserver and acts as a server for all programs connecting to itself. Instead of displaying its results on a monitor, it interprets the display and calls the appropriate OpenGL APIs; the OpenGL driver physically interacts with the screen, keyboard and mouse. So you do need
2009 Mar 05
Which effects are 3D and which are 2D?
AMD is dropping support for the R300-R500 cards in their official drivers: As the current open source drivers do not support 3D, I'd like to know which Compiz effects use 3D and which use 2D. Thanks. -- Dotan Cohen
2007 Jun 29
FGLRX using Aiglx??
Hi! AFAIK FGLRX doesnt support glx_ext_texture_from_pixmap, and enabling composite+dri is resulting in screen corruption even with 8.38.6. Then how are you guys running it without XGL? Regards, Karthik On 6/29/07, compiz-request at < compiz-request at> wrote: > > Send compiz mailing list submissions to > compiz at
2006 May 07
3 xgl/compiz problems
Looking deeper to compiz/xgl I found three problems in my system that I report to you hoping to be somehow a little useful. I didn't find any of them using Xorg 7 First my testing environment: KDE 3.5 latest XGL cvs - XORG-7.0 Nvidia FX5200 64Mb Latest nvidia drivers Kernel XGL problems: 1) xine is somehow broken with xgl, even with no composite managers: it is very slow even when
2007 Apr 11
incomplete window contents when unminimizing
Hi, Using Xgl, when a window is unminimized, sometimes (especially with Firefox), the window contents are not immediately visible (partially or completely) until an unminimize animation is completed. That is, sometimes there are empty (transparent) rectangles within the window (maybe corresponding to some Mozilla controls), and sometimes the whole window is empty (only the decoration is visible).
2007 Jul 09
[PATCH] Use-Copy for Compiz - Non-Texture-From-Pixmaps rendering
Some weeks ago one of my friends asked me to port the "use-copy" (non-tfp) beryl's feature to Compiz since he wasn't able to run compiz (fusion) smoothly in his nvidia card with turbocache (these cards works well only using Xgl, otherwise they are affected by the [in]famous "Black Window Bug". That's obiouvsly an error that nVidia should fix, but in the latest
2007 Jul 17
Blur problems
I'm using compiz compiled for feisty by trevino, on a mobility radeon x1600 using fglrx 8.38.6 over Xgl 7.2.0. I'm experiencing some problems with the blur: after a short time using compiz the blur over the windows (most noticeably the terminal) becomes a opaque gray. I really don't know how to debug this problem... :( I'll be happy to give any information you'll need
2008 Sep 18
Major problem with any 3D game.
Hi, I'm having some very nasty problem. Wine works perfectly with normal applications, but when I try to open a game, it does something like this : I have an ATI Mobility X1400 video card with driver version 8.522 (fglrx) I have 3D acceleration on as compiz does work. Wine does this with compiz on/off so it's not because of it. If
2006 Aug 01
technical low-end possibilities of xgl?
Hello. I know this is off topic but sorry I cannot google out where xgl people discuss things (don't find an xgl mailing list) nor documents about this. Currently xgl supports modern ATI/Nvidia cards, is there any reason why older cards are not supported? Is it because old cards are not powerful enough, or is it because xgl is using some new 3D technologies? (OpenGL 2.0?) How about cards
2007 Jul 26
Compiz with --use-copy --force-fglrx
Hi, I was happy to see the "use copy" and "force fglrx" patches, thanks to them I was able to get compiz running om my Thinkpad R60 (that has a Mobile Radeon X1400 card). However I can see some drawing garbage on the screen sometimes. The easiest way to reproduce it is to open firefox and point it to Then grab
2006 Oct 03
Xgl/Compiz - Kernel, ATI, Console, and Multihead problems still unresolved
I've been avidly updating mesa, xgl, and compiz, every week (from the portage-xgl overlay) hoping to solve some of these problems: * Using ati-drivers-8.29.6 xgl crashes complaining about lacking dri, so i'm using 8.27.10. * Using 2.6.18 kernels, the ati-drivers-8.27.10 don't compile when building the drm module. * My laptop automatically switchs to vt1 when init services fail