similar to: follow-up on displaying graphs etc

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "follow-up on displaying graphs etc"

2008 Jan 14
How to get a Window handle from another app?
Hello, I would like to get a window handle from another app outside of wxRuby and convert it into a wxRuby Window handle so that I can use it as the parent Window for several wxRuby child windows. Basically I want to use the FRAME_FLOAT_ON_PARENT window style so that my wxRuby windows become associated with the outside app kind of like toolbars, e.g., they don''t show up in the
2006 Feb 01
Class of uploated file
Hi, i have small problem when you upload file by input type=file to rails then in rails it is represented by one of following StringIO, File, Tempfile Is it all? Or can it be represented by also other class? I need to know this because i have my own validation of file kind and when is mime type invalid then i want to put msg to record.errors and i also want to dont upload this file in next
2007 Feb 19
Integrate scruffy graph in rails view?
Hi everybody, I''m using scruffy to create some graphs, and would like to integrate them into a regular view (i.e. show them in an <img> tag). However, I get errors when using img_tag, or the image doesn''t load if I try saving the graph to disk and then loading them in html. Generating the graph and linking to it works, however then I only have the graph open in a new
2007 Aug 09
displaying svg chart
dear railers I was attempting to display a svg chart inside a tooltip in rails using Scruffy. my browser is Firefox 2 and i am using WEBRICK. when i render inside the controller using graph.render(:size=> [255,205], :to => ''C:\xyz.svg) and serve iit via rhtml using the <embed> tag. Instead of the chart inside the tooltip i get a dialog box asking me to open it ... with
2007 Apr 27
Image upload problem.
I''ve seen posts of a few people who have this problem, but not a single response about solving it. I can''t upload .png files, but .jpg and .gif work fine. When I upload just a .png, my action gets a StringIO object which breaks when I try to copy the upload to an absolute location. However, using multiple-field upload, as long as one of the to-upload files is *not* a .png, all
2006 Apr 03
N file uploads from one post - one File, (N-1) StringIOs
All, Win XP Ruby 1.8.4 Rails 1.1 I have a multipart form that I am posting with a dynamic number of file_fields that are generated on it, say N. When I post this form and look at the form params, I see one "File" object and N-1 "StringIO" objects. It appears that I should be able to manipulate these the way that I would like (file-wise), so I think it''s not a
2006 Nov 10
How to integrate Scruff Images
Hi Folks, since I have scruffy up and running now I´d like to integrate the desired images on some of my rails views. But neither scruffy nor rails docs say something about this and I cannot find examples or help on this. So I hope somebody on this forum has experiences in integrating scruffy images on rails views. I find out how to go the easy and obvious way: Export image to a file and then
2007 Aug 22
How to spec an attachment_fu model
First off, I''m not trying to spec attachment_fu, I know it''s been tested. But, I added some code to that model that I do need to test. Basically, I need to somehow fulfill the "uploaded_data" property so I can actually run my tests(otherwise they fail because of validations). The "uploaded_data" field is what would grab the multipart data from form. Here
2006 Jun 30
delay displaying rmagick resizing of uploaded images
Hi, I am using rmagick to resize a copy of uploaded images and display the copy as a thumbnail. Once the upload is processed it redirects the user to a page that should display the thumbnail to the user. The problem is that the rmagick resize function seems to keep going in the background after handing the new images url (and control) back to rails, which then happily renders the page with
2007 Nov 05
Scruffy > MVC architecture?
Hi, I am a newby in rails...and i have read that scruffy is a great tool to create/display images. Now i find the code below for example... graph = graph.title = "Comparative Agent Performance" graph.value_formatter = => 0) graph.add :stacked do |stacked| stacked.add :bar, ''Jack'', [30, 60, 49, 29,
2006 Aug 17
file_column do download from URL
Is there a simple way of forcing file_column to download file from given (ex. in form) url instead of uploading it manualy? I know: require ''open-uri'' Attachment.find_first.filename = open(url) if not working as expected... what is interesting is that: >> @a =
2008 Feb 29
Scruffy Stacked Bar Chart
Hi- Trying to do a stacked bar chart, but nothing is rendering when I add more then 1 bar: This works: graph = => "My Chart") graph.add :stacked do |stack| stack.add(:bar, ''Stack1'', [10,10]) end This doesn''t: graph = => "My Chart") graph.add :stacked
2006 Aug 18
How can I utilize this library within my Rails app?
How would I go about referencing the graphs that Scruffy generates within my Rails app? Jim -- Posted via
2006 Dec 15
RMagick=bad, ???=good
I know that Zed has made mention of the fact that using RMagick with mongrel and rails is a bad thing. I''m currently using FlexImage (which in turn uses RMagick) on my application and really haven''t had too many problems. We get a restart for memory usage every 8-10 hours on one mongrel of twelve running, but I''m not sure if that''s an RMagick issue. Either way,
2000 May 09
[RHBA-2000:021-01] gnuplot
--------------------------------------------------------------------- Red Hat, Inc. Bug Fix Advisory Synopsis: gnuplot Advisory ID: RHBA-2000:021-01 Issue date: 2000-05-08 Updated on: 2000-05-08 Product: Red Hat Linux Keywords: editing, completion, arrows, history, readline Cross references: N/A
2009 Apr 16
Using Paperclip::Processor and RMagick to sharpen my thumbnails
Hi, I''m brand new to RMagick (and pretty new to Rails for that matter!). Right now, site owners are allowed to upload product and ingredient photos to the website. Everything works great, ingredients are sized down and proportioned correctly...the problem is that the resulting images are so blurry! So I''ve been doing some research and it looks like Paperclip::Processor may be the
2006 May 24
POST op parameters are coming in as StringIOs
I''m receiving a multipart post request from another server. The request parameters are being received as StringIOs, rather than plain strings. For instance : Processing MessagesController#receive (for at 2006-05-24 10:36:53) [POST] Session ID: eedafb24033be0714f8133f02810083f Parameters: {"message"=>#<StringIO:0xb7503358>,
2007 May 23
ImageScience, Mini-Magick and RMagick
I''m going to be generating thumbnails from user uploaded images. I''m looking around at the libraries available to do this sort of thing and there are three that look promising. ImageScience -- Mini-Magick -- RMagick -- It looks like a lot of people are
2006 Apr 11
Large file support (up and down) for Mongrel 0.13.3
I''ve just checked in changes to improve handling of massive posts and massive downloads. Generally speaking, Mongrel has been keeping everything in memory. (Unless you''re using DirHandler and have the sendfile gem in place.) Now, downloads should be pretty swift even without the sendfile gem. HttpResponse#send_file rips out the file streaming support from DirHandler and
2004 Jun 07
Wxruby & RMagick
Hello list, Has anyone done any work combining WxRuby and RMagick? In Python, it is possible to convert a PythonMagick image to a Wx::Image and display it. However, unsurprisingly, the APIs are different in Ruby. Google didn''t turn up anything. Has anyone on the list worked with WxRuby and RMagick? Thanks, Jacob