similar to: LC_REPORT ListCtrl Confusion

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "LC_REPORT ListCtrl Confusion"

2007 Oct 28
Edit label in virtual listctrl
Hi, I am testing a virtual listctrl, and have run into some problems with changing the labels in it. The listctrl shows a bunch of rows and columns, and it gets activate events whenever I doubleclick on a cell. Works like a charm. My problem comes when I call the edit_label method, specifically that I think that I don't quite understand the argument passed to it (item as integer). This
2007 Aug 27
Problem with ListCtrl#get_item
Hello, I have a problem with getting items from ListCtrl. Although my ListCtrl is in LC_REPORT mode, it has columns set up, every cell is set with set_item and everything displays fine, this code: x = myList.get_item(row,col).get_text() always returns an empty string. For example: myList.set_item(0,0,"Hello") x = myList.get_item(0,0).get_text() now x equals "" ! I
2009 Oct 24
Working with ListCtrl and ListItem
Hi List, I''m trying to get my ListCtrl to work. Currently I''ve managed to fill my ListCtrl with items, but I think it''s not the most beautiful way: class MyList < Wx::ListCtrl def initialize(parent, *args) super(parent, :style => Wx::LC_REPORT|LC_HRULES ) create_layout fill_list end def create_layout self.insert_column(0, "Name")
2009 Sep 05
Filling Wx::ListCtrl with contents
Hi all, I''ve got a question concerning ListCtrl_virtual of wxRuby since I see no way filling the list with dynamic contents. I''m new to Ruby so I maybe have to apologise for my request. The problem is, that I have to define the on_get_item_text(item, col) function. There I would like to use the item and col variables to read data from a two-dimensional array. My very problem
2004 Apr 21
Resizing a ListCtrl
Hi Guys, I''m having serious troubles resizing a dialog with a ListCtrl. The ctrl will not resize horizontally no matter what I''m doing. I''ve attached a sample code below. Any help will be greatly appreciated, as I really like wxRuby :) I''ve also tried to copy from the example from listtest.rbw, but that also doesn''t seem to work. Another thing
2008 Oct 17
ListCtrl loading data
Hi all, I''m using a ListCtrl on LC_REPORT mode. using set_item(index, col, ''value'') the list does''t get populated. Is it a bug? which is the method to call? i''m using ruby 1.8.6 wxruby 1.9.8 mswin32 on winXP attached is an example. thank you. bio. _______________________________________________ wxruby-users mailing list
2006 Nov 15
[740] trunk/wxruby2: API - Make ListCtrl#get_item return a ListCtrl item corresponding to a row and
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2007 Jan 14
ListCtrl help
Is there any sample code around that sorts a virtual listctrl? I have loaded data into a ListCtrl and set things up so that if I click on a column heading on_col_left_click(event) gets called and it in turn sorts / reverses the sort of that column. I am printing out the data for debugging purposes so I know that my internal data representation is getting sorted but I nothing is getting
2007 May 01
How to insert item to ListCtrl
The only way I know to use ListCtrl is to call ListCtrl#set_item_count and define a callback function on_get_item_text(item, col) How can I insert Listitem one by one, that each Listitem is composed with several string -- _______________________________________________ wxruby-users mailing list
2006 Nov 29
[763] trunk/wxruby2/doc/textile/listctrl.txtl: Warn about a potential mistake using the API that may cause a crash
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2006 Nov 29
[ wxruby-Bugs-6972 ] Wx::ListCtrl will crash if item added before insert_column called
Bugs item #6972, was opened at 2006-11-29 23:47 You can respond by visiting: Category: Incorrect behavior Group: None Status: Open Resolution: None Priority: 2 Submitted By: Alex Fenton (brokentoy) Assigned to: Kevin Smith (qualitycode) Summary: Wx::ListCtrl will crash if item added before insert_column called
2007 Apr 14
how to simulate key_down event(when event.get_key_code()==Wx::K_DOWN) in ListCtrl or TreeCtrl?
I want to simulate vi(vim) like operations in ListCtrl or TreeCtrl, that is, for example, when user pressed a ''j'' on keyboard,the selected item change into the next one item, just like user press a Wx::K_DOWN(arrow key down on keyboard) . but not jump to some item started with a "J" charater. evt_tree_key_down(TreeTest_Ctrl) { | e | on_tree_key_down(e) } ... def
2008 Oct 20
LC_VIRTUAL with Wx::ListCtrl
Wx::ListCtrl#set_item_count appears to be broken. If I pass it anything but a Fixnum (is_a Integer), it crashes and says it needs a "long" (which Fixnum should appease), but if I pass it a Fixnum it crashes with "cannot convert nil into String." Latest WxRuby. Windows Vista. This makes using LC_VIRTUAL impossible. -- Eric Will //
2004 Jan 15
Wx::ListCtrl#get_item method
Hi guys! I have a question (or a request?) on Wx::ListCtrl#get_item method. As you can see in the wxWindows reference, wxListCtrl::GetItem method of C++ is different from that of wxPython. C++ return value: boolean argument: wxListItem& info wxPython return value: wxListItem arguments: int ID, int column (optional) How about wxruby? >From the wxruby source code, wxruby looks
2006 Apr 27
Ajax response won''t display
I''m hopeful that this is something simple i''m missing, but I''ve run out of things to try. It should work just like the example in Agile Web Development with Rails (i think) I send an ajax request using remote_form and it''s processing correctly on the server and returning a new form, but it won''t replace the original. It''s supposed to update a
2007 Oct 17
what''s a ListCtrlCompare ?
Hello all, The doc for Wx::ListCtrl#sort_items says the method takes a ListCtrlCompare. I''ve searched high and low, and I can''t find any description of such an object. Is there sample code somewhere in which an LC_REPORT style ListCtrl offers sorting by column? That''s really all I''m trying to do, and if I could see it done I''m sure it would all make
2007 Jan 23
[851] trunk/wxruby2/swig/classes/ListCtrl.i: Don''t try and mark item data for virtual ListCtrls, b/c it can crash
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2004 Jan 27
FW: Wx::ListCtrl#get_item method
For some reason, Mailman auto-discarded this message, so I am reposting it. Curt -----Original Message----- From: Nick Kral [] Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2004 8:55 AM To: Wxruby developers'' list Subject: Re: [Wxruby-users] Wx::ListCtrl#get_item method Same question - I have a small patch I need to send for the mac version. Nick Curt Hibbs wrote: >I
2007 Apr 03
[942] trunk/wxsugar/lib/wx_sugar/wx_classes/listctrl.rb: Implement find_string method cognate with ControlWithItems
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2007 Apr 02
[938] trunk/wxsugar/lib/wx_sugar/wx_classes: Enable enumerable_controls for ListCtrl and ControlWithItems family
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