Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "dynamic updates DNS"
2015 Mar 04
passwd complexity
What's the password requirements when I enable the option: complexity=on ?
How many characters ? What special characters?, etc.
My regards.
2015 Feb 19
I am trying to grant or denied access to a user for changing his passwd, it's the option: User cannot change passwd. For this, I am trying to use samba-tool dsacl set [option], but I am not sure of its syntax. Could you help me with that? I need to denied this permission without use ADUC or any private tool. My Regards!
2014 Nov 11
creating OU with samba4
Hello guys!
How I can create an organizationalUnit (OU)?
Now I created an user into an OU already existent, but I need to create a new OU.
I tried with:
root at s1 :~#nano file.ldif
dn: ou=MyOU,DC=dominio,DC=pdc,DC=cu
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalUnit
ou: MyOU
root at s1 :~#ldbadd --url=/var/lib/samba/private/sam.ldb file.ldif
but when I search MyOU on the Active
2015 Oct 29
Local Administrators (group) and delegation in AD
On 2015-10-29 12:23, Rowland Penny wrote:
> On 29/10/15 09:47, Davor Vusir wrote:
>> On 2015-10-29 09:52, Rowland Penny wrote:
>>> On 29/10/15 08:34, Davor Vusir wrote:
>>>> Hi all!
>>>> We have got many delegations in our AD. To add a certain
>>>> administrator group to the local Administrators group you can use
2016 Aug 30
AD, ACLs on LDAP objects not replicated?
Hi all,
Playing with delegation today we delegated rights to some user on some OU
and its contents for it can modify users inside that OU and children.
We used "advanced view" in ADUC then "properties" on our delegated OU, then
"security" tab, and finally we gave rights to our user.
Perhaps this process is not correct but we believe it is a valid process to
2015 Jun 02
Can't join machine without full access
Sernet samba 4.2.2 in ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS, a fresh migration from samba 3
(I'm still in the testing phase).
I'm experimenting with task delegation.
Using the ADUC wizard, I select the "Join machine to domain" task to add
to my userid (I also tried a group I'm a member of with the same
result), at the domain level (rough translation, this is on a localized
windows 7).
2016 May 23
linux server a memeber of AD (with use of realm) - and samba?
2016-05-19 19:06 GMT+02:00 Rowland penny <rpenny at samba.org>:
> On 19/05/16 17:37, lejeczek wrote:
>> On 19/05/16 16:49, Rowland penny wrote:
>>> On 19/05/16 15:50, lejeczek wrote:
>>>> fellow users
>>>> I'd like to ask is it possible, and if yes what's the correct way to
2023 Jan 22
Delegation of control failure for any built-in Security Principals
Hi team.
I am trying to allocate some rights to users in Active Directory, by using the "Delegation of Control Wizard" from ADUC.
The steps I'm following were executed under the domain administrator user and are the following:
1. open ADUC and right click the top level OU (Ex. domain.org)
2. from the pop-up menu, select ?Delegate Control??
3. click next in the first page of the
2015 Oct 29
Local Administrators (group) and delegation in AD
mathias dufresne skrev den 2015-10-29 14:31:
> I'm thick :D
> I don't really understand more :(
No. I'm having trouble explaining. Maybe these threads are more
https://lists.samba.org/archive/samba/2015-April/191020.html and
> Samba can share file, printers and when samba hosts a domain samba is also
2016 May 19
linux server a memeber of AD (with use of realm) - and samba?
On 19/05/16 16:49, Rowland penny wrote:
> On 19/05/16 15:50, lejeczek wrote:
>> fellow users
>> I'd like to ask is it possible, and if yes what's the
>> correct way to configure, to have local samba (where box
>> has joined AD with realm) use that memebership in a way
>> to have users from AD user catalog.
>> I guess what I'm thinking
2015 Dec 07
Give users possibility to manage part of their AD account
Hi all,
Is there a way to give users (all AD users for a start) the possibility to
manage themselves some of their user attributes (as loginShell for example)?
Thanks and regards,
2015 Oct 29
Local Administrators (group) and delegation in AD
On 2015-10-29 09:52, Rowland Penny wrote:
> On 29/10/15 08:34, Davor Vusir wrote:
>> Hi all!
>> We have got many delegations in our AD. To add a certain
>> administrator group to the local Administrators group you can use GPO
>> for Windowsservers. As Samba does not understand GPO I have initially
>> used the "username map" feature to add a
2015 Oct 30
Local Administrators (group) and delegation in AD
On 2015-10-29 21:32, Rowland Penny wrote:
> On 29/10/15 19:38, Davor Vusir wrote:
>> mathias dufresne skrev den 2015-10-29 14:31:
>>> I'm thick :D
>>> I don't really understand more :(
>> No. I'm having trouble explaining. Maybe these threads are more
>> enlightning:
2015 Jan 16
[LLVMdev] question about enabling cfl-aa and collecting a57 numbers
I'm pretty sure I had the ordering of the passes backwards. The previous
ordering is correct. Sorry for the confusion.
The last alias analysis created is the first one queried. It delegates to
the previous alias analysis created. At least, that is my reading of this
(very confusing) code.
The most frustrating aspect of this is that it means the delegation
behavior of CFL shouldn't have
2005 Nov 03
Question about GSSAPI with OpenSSH 4.2p1
Hey all, perhaps someone might be able to shed a little light on this
problem. Nothing I find in books and groups seem to address the
problem. I'm trying to set up a series of connections with ssh that
authenticate through GSSAPI. However, it seems that the credentials are
not getting passed.
>From the client..
debug1: Next authentication method: gssapi-with-mic
debug2: we sent a
2016 Jun 14
DNS backend
which are the main differences between Samba_Internal and BIND9_DLZ ?
I refer to the differences about functionality such as zone transfers and automatic updates.
Which others functionalities offers BIND9, that Samba_Internal doesn't support ?
Is it possible to use a DNS Server (Bind9) separate of the DC Samba4? I mean, in other server.
Thanks for reply,
FelipeGS6 .
2016 Apr 12
Home directory of AD-User
Zitat von Luca Olivetti <luca at wetron.es>:
> El 12/04/16 a les 08:30, Luca Bertoncello ha escrit:
>> If I add the user to the group "Domain Admins" all created files and
>> directories have wrong owner.
>> As soon as the user is no member of "Domain Admins" anymore, the owner
>> is correct...
2006 May 23
Dynamic database configuration ?
I''m trying to run typo in multi user mode outside the box ( without
making too many modifications in core typo code ). I want to determine
database settings dynamically using subdomains. Could someone guide me
to the right direction ?
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2004 Jun 27
Asterisk on 64 bit... and testing e164.org
Dear Duane:
Thanks for the steer (presently I route calls to 1800 via iaxtel, but
I'll turn that off for that test)
I came up with a thought for an interesting e164 service last night -
distributed custom ringtones, and custom announcements on a callerid
lookup via enum. You'd be able to embed a
RINGTONE - an url pointing to either a ringtone definition or a wav file
that contains
2016 Nov 16
Replication of permissions on AD Directory not automatic
Hi All,
I've been testing Samba 4.5.1 extensively as an AD DC. We have 3 DC set
up, and replication of users, groups, OUs, DNS etc has been working fine.
However we wanted to add some custom attributes and a class to the
schema (an assortment of string and numericalString) for our own
purposes. This also worked fine (and the Schema replication worked), but
some oddness happened when we