similar to: How does tinc handle "unknown cipher"?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "How does tinc handle "unknown cipher"?"

2020 Apr 04
how to pick cipher for AES-NI enabled AMD GX-412TC SOC tincd at 100% CPU
Hello everybody, Thank you Fufu Fang for your quick reply: With tinc version 1.0.35 and the bellow options at 100% CPu load i get about 10 MB/s... PMTU = 1400 PMTUDiscovery = yes #Cipher = none Cipher = chacha20-poly1305 Digest = blake2b512 Tried Cipher = none as well and also got 10MB/s with 100% CPU on one thread the other three available threads are idle. With inc_1.1~pre17-1.1_amd64.deb
2020 Apr 04
how to pick cipher for AES-NI enabled AMD GX-412TC SOC tincd at 100% CPU
Hello everybody, First a big thanks for tinc-vpn I am still using it next to wireguard and openvpn. I am having a setup where the tinc debian appliance is at 100% cpu load doing about 7.5MB/s. Compression = 9 PMTU = 1400 PMTUDiscovery = yes Cipher = aes-128-cbc How can I pick a cipher that is the fasted for my CPU and don't create a CPU bottleneck at 100%. Kind regards, Jelle de Jong
2016 Dec 30
Change default Server ports
I believe the reason why you're experiencing this problem is because tinc does not use the connection TCP port to determine which port to send UDP packets to. Instead, it uses the port that is *advertised* by the other node. That means that if node A is configured with UDP port 655,
2004 Feb 13
public key format
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 hello! i would like to use tinc with public keys which are extracted from x509 certificates. the only public key format i was able to extract from certificates with openssl commands looked like this: - -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCwXDZs8EBb/JyZ9daB3Zk9WHxD
2019 Dec 04
Environment variables in pgsql connect string
Hi, We are trying to set up a Dovecot Docker image with dynamic database configuration based on environment variables, however the variables do not appear to be expanded in the "connect=" string of the SQL config. The documentation states that environment variables, being listed under global variables, work "everywhere":
2008 Sep 30
Problem compiling tinc-1.0.8 on gcc-2.95
Hello. I found that anonymous structures does not work on gcc-2.95. If you guys want to support a bit older platforms I suggest fixing it. You can check out patch I created to fix this issue. I just added 2 extra structures to remove anonymous structs inside connection_status_t and node_status_t. Patch is here: Attaching it as well. Regards, Borg
2006 Jun 01
compile cvs trunk
Hello, should the cvs trunk compile? a configure first gave me errors. I had to replace any appearance of "[config.h]" to config.h in the Makefile. Then a make did not finish: make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/src/tinc/lib' make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'. make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/tinc/lib' Making all in src make[2]: Entering directory
2019 Sep 12
Details on tinc's meta protocol
Dear developers, I am interested in understanding in more details how tinc's metaprotocol works. I apologize in advance if this was already described somewhere, I could not find it in the mailing list archive. So let's say machine A has a Address= ip.b.example and manages to contact server B via the meta connection. 1) Then B's tinc daemon will send to A edge and subnet
2014 Nov 22
Tinc 1.0.24 build failed on OSX Mavericks
Hi, I've got the following error when tried to compile tinc-1.0.24: gcc -g -O2 -pie -L/opt/local/lib -o tincd avl_tree.o conf.o connection.o dropin.o dummy_device.o edge.o event.o fake-getaddrinfo.o fake-getnameinfo.o getopt.o getopt1.o graph.o list.o logger.o meta.o multicast_device.o net.o net_packet.o net_setup.o net_socket.o netutl.o node.o pidfile.o process.o protocol.o
2015 Mar 13
Problems with NUT 2.7.2 on CentOS 7 and using the Mini-Box OpenUPS
On Mar 13, 2015, at 8:21 AM, Philip Taylor <philip at> wrote: > I?m a new user of NUT and the OpenUPS - in the past I?ve used APC hardware and apcupsd on Centos 6. > > I?ve built NUT 2.7.2 from source but used the OpenUPS HID driver v0.4 that?s in github. I?m using firmware version 1.5 on the openups which is the latest published version; I?ve also tried 1.7
2003 Sep 02
exact insecurity of --bypass-security ?
Hello! First, nice peace of work, thx ;->> After some production server crashes with a far too early version of FreeSWAN (abaout 3 years ago) and the unwillingness to get an OpenSSL expert just to build a VPN, I was happy to read about the rather simple configuration of tinc ("Linux Magazin", a monthly Linux paper published in Germany, gave an overview of free VPN solutions in
2018 May 20
Issue using tinc-vpn on Windows Server 1709 with Docker Overlay Network
Hi Etienne, Am 20.05.2018 um 10:58 schrieb Etienne Dechamps: > Hi Marc, > > A number of bugs have been found and fixed in the code that deals with > Windows devices in tinc 1.1: > > > > > >
2018 May 20
Issue using tinc-vpn on Windows Server 1709 with Docker Overlay Network
Hi Marc, A number of bugs have been found and fixed in the code that deals with Windows devices in tinc 1.1: Unfortunately, these fixes have not made it in a tinc 1.1 release yet, but
2020 Jan 11
interoperability issue with agent and ecdsa-sk keys
Hi, It seems that some versions of ssh-agent get confused by ECDSA-SK keys. >From my OpenBSD-current laptop, I'm trying to do remote system adminstration on a machine running Debian 8 with the stock ssh package (OpenSSH_6.7p1 Debian-5+deb8u8, OpenSSL 1.0.2l 25 May 2017). I need access to a remote gitlab server to fetch files with git, using an ED25519 key in my ssh-agent. Once connected
2003 Aug 04
OpenBSD 3.2 and Release 1
I got the file that was sent to me the other day. Unfortunitly it did not solve my problems. After a lot of hacking I have been able to get release 1.0 to almost compile. I have finally gotten all of the dependancies worked out under OpenBSD 3.2. This next error has me stumped. I can tell that it is looking for a file but have no idea how to create the file. This is the output of the the
2017 May 17
Improving packets/sec and data rate - v1.0.24
On 17/05/17 21:50, Jared Ledvina wrote: > Were you ever able to make any further > progress on adjusting Tinc based on the investigation in > ? Hi Jared, No, not yet. I list a few ways for potential improvements in the ticket, but the one that I suspect would do most on the type of virtualisation that DigitalOcean does is to add a feature to
2018 Jan 16
Windows TAP driver issues
Hi Todd, I did some tests with NDIS 6 TAP-Windows about three years ago. The outcome of that was 0c010ff9fe50b4046b5c7977bafac3e74037f075 It was a long time ago and I don't remember the details, but I remember I was quite confused because I couldn't explain why OpenVPN did not seem to exhibit any performance issues on the same driver,
2016 Dec 29
Change default Server ports
I'm using Tinc 1.1pre14 and I'm trying to connect a node that is behind a firewall that blocks all non-standard ports. I set up a rule in the server to redirect port 25 (that is not used in the server right now) to port 655, both in tcp and udp protocols, and set up the port 25 in the server host configuration file. The client can reach the server, but after the initial sync and key
2017 Jul 11
I found this interesting: amount of evil traffic on the internet
I've just done a little "study" (well, nothing quite that pretentious) of the traffic hitting my router, that gets DROPped the router's firewall. there is a surprisingly (to me, at least) enormous amount of it. over about the last 3 weeks, it has dropped over 65,000 connection attempts. I finally got around to figuring out how to have the router's logging mechanism connect
2016 Sep 28
Virtualization Networking
-------- Original Message -------- Subject: Re: [CentOS] Virtualization Networking From: John R Pierce <pierce at> Date: Wed, September 28, 2016 12:54 pm To: CentOS mailing list <centos at> On 9/28/2016 8:43 AM, tdukes at wrote: > I'm a little confused on which networking option I need to choose when > setting up a VM. the host