similar to: How to route between tinc and physical interface.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "How to route between tinc and physical interface."

2010 Aug 04
callerid between 2 asterisk servers
I've got 2 asterisk servers on the same box: ubuntu 10.04 lucid. I have not been able to send useful callerid info between them (callerid becomes "serverB"). serverA register statement: (serverB has the exact opposite statement) register => serverA:serverApassword at IP_of_serverB_nic/serverB users.conf of serverA: users.conf of serverB: [serverB] [serverA] type=friend
2008 May 30
How to backup files without destroying the destination?!
Hello List, i would like to copy/mirror/rsync the backup files from ServerA to ServerB. Since i must assume that ServerA is hacked (public server with a few services), i would like to "pull" the files to ServerB (save server with no services). That means i do something like: rsync -avz ServerA:/backup ServerB:/backup IF ServerA gets hacked and the files get zeroed out (every file
2007 May 05
strange authentication issue
hi I just joined this list, as I am having really strange issue and so far been unable to find the root cause.I will give you scenario to see if anyone knows what could be the cause: 1: 2 windows 64bit enterprise server serverA and Server B 2: both on same physical network no firwalls not routers 3: both on same domain controller ( windows NT4) I can connect to serverA as under from a linux
2015 Feb 05
IAX2 problem for WAN connections
Hi, I am trying to connect two Asterisk servers using IAX2. Everything works fine when I couple them within a LAN segment, but not when I connect them using WAN connections. I made sure that the routers' ports are mapped properly and checked this with additional ssh rules. ServerA is a Raspberry box with the vendor's Asterisk version and ServerB is normal CentOS 7 box with
2013 Feb 25
samba + nfs locking doesn't work
this is the case: serverA [ CentOs 5.6 kernel, Samba ver. 3.5.21 ] serverB [ CentOS 5.6 kernel, Samba ver. 3.6.6-0.129.el5 ] clientA [ WindowsXP ] clientB [ WindowsXP ] The serverA shares via Samba the resource [test] [global] workgroup = DMIT netbios name = SAMBA server string = DMIT domain server interfaces = eth0
2003 Mar 23
Need Help.
Dear Expert, I'm very newbie with rsync and i just installed RSYNC in both of my servers. Let say the server is ServerA ( and ServerB ( Rsync daemon runs in server A. The rsycnd.conf is like this (i save this file in /etc/rsyncd.conf): uid = rsync gid = rsync use chroot = no max connections = 4 syslog facility = local5 auth users = root
2007 Jul 30
iax2 trunk registration with auth rsa
hi all, I am trunking via iax2 2 asterisk serverses if both of them have static ip addresses, I can connect them using no password, password or auth rsa with a pair of keys. If one of them has dynamic ip address and need to register on the other server, I can connect them with no password, but I am not able to do that using keys. The question is: which is the right register syntax to use when
2010 Nov 15
SSH keys question
All, I have 3 servers. All 3 are CentOS 5.5. All 3 have identical /etc/ssh/sshd_config files. I used ssh-keygen (with no arguments) to generate keys with no password. I then added all 3 keys to the authorized_keys file. With this set up, I should be able to ssh between all 3 boxes without needing a password. The problem is that one of the servers keeps asking for a password even with
2010 Oct 18
IAX2 works one direction, but not the other...
2007 Jan 23
rsync doesn't update directory ownership
Hi all, Has anyone encountered this: On ServerA, I make this directory: /var/ftp/pub/userA with ownership root.root It gets rsynced to serverB with this command: rsync -avzgorp --delete -e ssh /var/ftp/pub/ root at serverB:/var/ftp/pub/ However, when I change the ownership of /var/ftp/pub/userA to userA.userA, this change is not rsync-ed to serverB. Is there any option to achieve this? Thank
2007 Mar 16
how to use option for rsync
hello all, i want to backup some files from serverA to serverB. but problem is that i can ssh to serverB direcr as root with default port. i have to first ssh as user with port 65300 and have to su - than only get root prompt of serverB . is there any option with rsync to solve this??? serverA# ssh -l user serverB -p 65300 then only login user@serverB$ su - root@serverB# -------------- next
2013 May 05
Connecting Multiple Asterisk instances getting "Unable to create channel of type 'SIP'"
Hi, I'm trying to connect two asterisk instances using the method described here.. under the section "Connecting two Asterisk systems together with SIP" I have an user named venu in serverA and vijay in serverB the serverA ip is & serverB is Here are the details of the config
2007 Jan 19
Newbee-Question General Syntax
Hi there! I´ve started looking into puppet for about one week now, I have to say that I am NOT a developer, i occasionally write a shellscript or another but thats about it, so maybe my problem is that i dont see the whole picture yet.. I kind of know what i want to do, but at the moment i don´t realy see how i can accomplish that.. :/ thing is, I have (for now "just") about 100
2017 Oct 12
SSL overview...
Can someone help me understand the overall picture of SSL certificates in this scenario? I have a working dovecot/postfix/mysql server. It has a certificate. I now want to create a second, essentially duplicate configured server for use with replication. What is the relationship between the certificate and the hostname, or the DNS entry since the certs are created using the server?s domain
2003 Oct 08
iax2 trunk
Im having problems setting up a trunk between two locations. Heres the setup I have: Server A is connected to the PSTN at my datacenter Server B is connected to a clients e1 line at his datacenter I only want to route calls from Server B to Server A and out through the PSTN. Server A has a lot of other things connecting to it, so I need a very specific context for all calls to go through.
2004 Oct 08
Trust between two samba domains
I have a problem with Samba: I want to make trust between two Samba domains. I have setup the trust on the DOMAINB server then on the Samba DOMAINA server "net rpc trustdom establish DOMAINB" I then get the following: Password: [entered password] Could not connect to server SERVERB [this is the PDC for the DOMAINB domain] Trust to domain DOMAINB established When I then try
2004 Oct 06
Trust between two samba
I have a problem with Samba: I want to make trust between two Samba domains. I have setup the trust on the DOMAINB server then on the Samba DOMAINA server "net rpc trustdom establish DOMAINB" I then get the following: Password: [entered password] Could not connect to server SERVERB [this is the PDC for the DOMAINB domain] Trust to domain DOMAINB established When I then try
2004 Aug 06
Master vs Relay
Luke Stodola wrote: >Since you want to allow users to connect to any of the three servers, I >don't think you need to deal with "relay-password". Leave your working >server alone, and on the new servers put > > <relay> > <server>serverA </server> > <port>8000</port> > <mount>/foo.ogg</mount>
2020 Aug 18
Sieve scripts replication not working
Hi all! I am a long-time dovecot user/admin on my home server, but only recently tried to configure replication. Everything seems to work except sieve scripts replication. When I upload new one on the server A, it does not replicate to server B, even if it seemingly tries to, according to debug logs. The log antry says: Replication requested by 'sieve_storage_sync_transaction_begin',
2005 Jun 11
[Homes] on two machines, possible?
Hi, I have a smb pdc running which works quite well so far, and would like to know if this feature is possible. I have two locations, and I want all users to authenticate on Machine A. Howver there are some users that are closer to machine B, and I would like to be able to have the homes of those users on machine B rather than machine A (they should authenticate on machine A anyway). Is this