similar to: Behavior like -R and -L SSH

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "Behavior like -R and -L SSH"

2005 Apr 13
Patch for tunnelserver mode in protocol_subnet.c
Hello, Here is a patch for protocol_subnet.c with two modifications : - in tunnelserver mode, tinc must check subnets in the ".../hosts/owner" config file, not in "c->config_tree" (which is the configuration of the meta-connection from which we receive the ADD_SUBNET message). - this checking can be made before the check of the owner, especially before any
2015 Nov 22
Authenticating VPN addresses: a proposal
TL;DR: a proposal for a new tinc feature that allows nodes to filter ADD_SUBNET messages based on the metaconnection on which they are received, so that nodes can't impersonate each other's VPN Subnets. Similar to StrictSubnets in spirit, but way more flexible. BACKGROUND: THE ISSUE OF TRUST IN A TINC NETWORK In terms of metaconnections (I'm not discussing data tunnels here), one of
2005 Apr 08
TrustedNodes option in TINC
Hi, We want to deploy a tinc VPN, with more than 50 sites connected all arround the world. But we cannot trust all our sites with the same level, so the tinc solution (automatic full mesh) is "too automatic" for us : *any* node can add a new node which will be connected directly to others. A solution could be TLS (signing public keys), but create a PKI is another issue for us.
2014 Sep 25
Tinc1.1pre10 on Windows 8.1?
Hello tincers, I run a small tinc mesh using version 1.1pre10 on mostly linux (debian) hosts. In the past, I was able to successfully join my windows machine to the tinc network, when I was running an earlier version of tinc (throughout the mesh). However, with 1.1pre10, I have had no success. Is this a known error, a misconfiguration on my part, or some other issue? I currently have no tinc-up
2008 Mar 11
Linux Sound Architecture (Updated)
I forgot the most important part in the original, the kernel! (I hope the ASCII art doesn't get mangled) I have been working a while trying to get a big picture of how Linux handles sound processing and after much work I have put together this little representation of what I have learned. Please send me any additional comments or components that I may have missed. I hope it helps somebody
2005 Dec 13
strange tinc error with many nodes
Hello, we currently set up a large tinc network with 2 central Nodes (these nodes connecting to each other). All satellites (ca 40) connect to these both machines. All containing two ConntectTo fields (for backup) e.g. (satellite) Name = nfp_hy Device = /dev/tun PrivateKeyFile = /etc/tinc/nfp_hy/rsa_key.priv ConnectTo = nfp_f_vpn ConnectTo = nfp_c_vpn If the count of satellites reaches
2016 Dec 10
mail_location in userdb inconsistent with imap and pigeonhole
Hi! I'm still fighting with lost mails and what I think is a locking problem. As I've lost some pretty important mails already, I decided to mitigate my troubles by moving to maildir format, which should not be susceptible to these problems. I read the docs and wanted to test on my account, before I mess with all the others and possibly break something. The way to do it seems to be to
2012 Sep 14
Basic configuration problem
Hello, I have been reading through the documentation and trying to set up a very small VPN as a test for a larger rollout that I would like to complete in the future but cannot get this working. The configuration seems like it should be relatively simple, so I'm most likely missing something basic but I just cannot see what I'm doing wrong. At the moment I am trying to get this working
2016 Dec 28
Performance issue with TunnelServer mode
Hi, We have a tinc network of about ~200 hosts and in the full mesh configuration we've had a lot of problems with the edge propagation storms taking the entire network down. Recently we had a setup with a small number of "hubs" to which all the other nodes connected to, which limited the number of meta connections, but that didn't help much with the edge propagation issues.
2013 May 21
Unauthorized ADD_SUBNET, but known subnet
Hi all, I'm using a tinc 1.0.19 (from Debian Squeeze) setup with some nodes connecting to a "server" node which has "StrictSubnets = yes". Whenever a new node is added to the mesh, a process generates and drops its host file in the server's host directory before the node is booted and tries to connect. For instance, I create a node "node_2" and a host file
2017 Jan 13
tinc behind CISCO ASA 5506
Hi there I have the following setup Home - Main Tinc server with public IP running on PfSense work - tinc client running behind a CISCO ASA firewall with public IP running on Windows 10 offsite - tinc client running on tomato router behind a double NAT Home & offsite connect & i can see all PCs & devices & connect to them easily, on either side work to Home or offsite connects
2023 Oct 16
ssh-agent hides sk "confirm user presence" message
Hey Damien, > Generally we prefer to use ssh-askpass for agent notifications. Are you able to use that? Hmm, okay, but it's not clear to me how to make that work. Is what you have in mind documented somewhere? I don't see this specific situation covered in the manpages and a web search doesn't turn up much. I thought ssh-askpass was only invoked when the key is first added to the
2010 Apr 06
"Mode Switch" and "Tunnelserver Yes" cause unnecessary traffic to clients (proposed patch)
The following is maybe a bug report, and a proposed patch. Using latest stable tinc 1.0.12. I have a central server and a few clients connecting to this server. I don't want clients to speak directly, but I want all the communications to pass by the server. My configuration is: Mode = switch TunnelServer = Yes I need layer2 because of some ethernet stuff on the clients. When you have
2016 Jun 21
Metadata flooding
Hi, we use a tinc network of about 400 nodes, all of them linux servers, partly in different datacenters (but generally low latency). Usually this is working very well (for weeks without a problem). >From time to time the whole network goes down though. This happened when we restarted a larger number of servers or when there was a connectivity issue between datacenters or some (short)
2017 Jan 15
Firewall rules for TINC server
thanks, but i was able to make it work based on some suggestion on tomato shibby forums. Regards Ramesh On Sun, Jan 15, 2017 at 9:02 AM, Guus Sliepen <guus at> wrote: > On Fri, Jan 13, 2017 at 06:53:07PM +0000, Guillermo Bisheimer wrote: > > > I've setup a Tinc VPN for a bunch of nodes divided in two groups: > > > > Group 1: > > IP Range
2003 Jan 27
Bogus data received from ...
Hello, I'm trying to test a tinc vpn between two Linux hosts on the same ethernet. If I start tinc on both sides as 'tinc -n test --bypass-security --debug=5' I can ping both machines from each other and tcpdump shows that the packets pass through the tun-device created by tinc. Connection from port 32852 Sending ID to (null) ( port 32852): 0 helix 17
2013 Jan 24
Conflicting Default Values. A trusts B. B trusts EvilNode. Does that mean A trusts EvilNode?
*You should repeat this for all nodes you ConnectTo, or which ConnectTo you. However, remember that you do not need to ConnectTo all nodes in the VPN; it is only necessary to create one or a few meta-connections, after the connections are made tinc will learn about all the other nodes in the VPN, and will automatically make other connections as necessary. * The above is from the docs. Assuming
2017 Sep 13
Packet capture to analysis the tinc connection close
I don't know why, but for my case, I reduced the tinc topology from a complex one(which provide layered redundancy) to a very simpled one(one connection), and that connection drop disappeared. Later, let me draw the topology and share the config to you to see if there's any findings of the cause. Guus Sliepen <guus at>于2017年9月14日 周四上午3:20写道: > On Wed, Sep 13, 2017
2015 Aug 27
"Switch Mode" with "TunnelServer" and No Communication
Let me start with what I'm trying to accomplish. I use tinc mainly to get to subnets behind the daemons and I don't control those subnets and can't guarantee overlap. I was using routing mode and reconfiguring tinc every time i needed to get to a subnet behind a specific daemon. Then I came across switch mode that allowed me to simply add routes based on the IP address of the tinc
2009 Sep 14
Problem making connection can anyone help me?
Well i currently try to set up tinc between two hosts, one with normal dsl connection one behind some kind of unknown firewall (Note since OpenVp is able to connect when the normal one is the Server I guess tinc should be able, too) start.bat-------------------------------tincd -n Empire-Network -D -d4 --bypass-security (Bypass is only currently because tis not working yet)