similar to: init script for tinc-1.1pre10

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "init script for tinc-1.1pre10"

2014 Dec 29
tinc reload not establishing new connections
I have a use case where I have to add new "ConnectTo=host" in tinc.conf and reload tinc. This is to make sure existing connections do not get disconnected. I use ... /usr/local/sbin/tinc --pidfile /var/run/ -n vpn reload this works for most part, however, I am now seeing instance where I have to do a restart instead of reload. New connection works after a restart. Is there a
2015 Jan 12
tinc connectTo cleanup
I have a use case where my tinc.conf ConnectTo can go upto 20 + hosts. I am planning to automate a periodic cleanup of ConnectTo in the tinc.conf file, the issue is I am not able to figure out which ConnectTo is been used and which are stale, say NOT used in last 2 to 3 days. I want to remove those ConnectTo which are no longer actively used. Is it possible to find which ConnectTo are not used.
2014 Dec 18
additional Port entry in tinc hosts key file
Hi, I am using tinc version 1.1pre10, and I am generating the key file using command below ... /usr/local/sbin/tinc -n myvpn init hostname In some of the host file I am seeing a new line "Port = 29732" added at the end of the host key file... /etc/tinc/myvpn/hosts/hostname Port = 29732 this line Port = 29732 is causing tinc to break. It all works fine once I manually delete the
2015 Jan 13
tinc connectTo cleanup
thanks Guus for the quick response. I am using tinc 1.1 if I use AutoConnect = yes then will it automatically remove connections that are no longer in use? What are the security issues with 'AutoConnect = yes' I should be worried? for my use case I might go upto 20 to 30 + tinc hosts connected to single tinc box. as per the doc AutoConnect = yes is experimental, I am using it in our
2014 Nov 28
poor throughput with tinc
Hi, I am testing tinc for a very large scale deployment. I am using tinc-1.1 for testing. test results below are for tinc in switch mode. all other settings are default. test is performed in LAN env. 2 different hosts. I am getting only 24.6 Mbits/sec when tinc is used. without tinc on the same hosts/link I get 95 to 100 Mbits/sec using iperf. Over Tinc: iperf -c -b 100m -l 32k -w
2012 Oct 06
How to auto-start Guests when using 'xl' toolstack? 'old' configs in /etc/xen/auto/ are ignored without xend service active.
I''ve migrated my Dom0 host to Xen 4.2.0 + xl toolstack. With ''xm'' toolstack, configs in /etc/xen/auto are autostarted, assuming xend/xendomains services are started. IIUC, when using xl toolstack, those services are not to be started; and, afaict, the installation process for 4.2 has them disabled by default. Now, the configs in /etc/xen/auto are simply ignored. I
2016 Apr 02
Upgrading Samba 3 to Samba 4 - Domain Controller unreachable
On 02/04/16 20:59, Sonic wrote: > On Sat, Apr 2, 2016 at 2:34 PM, Rowland penny <rpenny at> wrote: >> On debian there is a script called samba in /etc/init.d , it starts smbd & >> nmbd *or* samba, if it doesn't find 'server role = active directory domain >> controller' in smb.conf , it doesn't try to start the samba deamon. > Odd that
2013 Feb 10
tinc 1.1pre. How to automatically start vpn tunnels? How to change the installation/config path to the same as tinc 1.0.x version from ubuntu repository?
Hi! I have compiled and installed tinc 1.1pre5 on a ubuntu machine. With the tinc 1.0.x version that is included in the ubuntu repository I am used to having the config files in /etc/tinc/ and where each vpn has a own directory. The file nets.boot placed in /etc/tinc where I can specify which vpn tunnels that is going to start automatically. How can I get the vpn tunnels to start automatically
2008 Feb 05
Hi there, I want to generate different samples using the followindg code: g<-sample(LETTERS[1:2], 24, replace=T) How can I specify that I need 12 "A"s and 12 "B"s? Thank you, Judith ____________________________________________________________________________________ Be a better friend, newshound, and
2020 Feb 05
[Release-testers] [10.0.0 Release] Release Candidate 1 is here
Hello, When running using GCC 5.4.0 we encountered this error : /home/anil/llvm1000_rc1_binary_upload/rc1/llvm-project/clang-tools-extra/clangd/Hover.cpp: In function ‘llvm::StringLiteral clang::clangd::{anonymous}::getNameForExpr(const clang::Expr*)’: /home/anil/llvm1000_rc1_binary_upload/rc1/llvm-project/clang-tools-extra/clangd/Hover.cpp:450:10: error: could not convert
2006 Jun 16
Assignemt problem ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  Hello list, i have a very simple question about matrix assignment. i did like this. res<-1:30 dim(res)<-c(5,6) ind<-1:6 now i want to assign the value of this variable ind to first coloumn in matrix res. like res[,1]<-ind but this code is giving error , Actualy i have a for loop and value of ind variable is changing every time ,,total 6 times,,i want to assign every vlaue
2009 Aug 25
Regular expression to define contents between parentheses
Hello dear R-helpers, I haven't been able to figure out of find a solution in the R-help archives about how to delete all the characters contained in groups of parenthesis. I have a vector that looks more or less like this: myvector<-c("something (80 km/h, sd) & more (6 kg/L,sd)", "somethingelse (48 m/s, sd) & moretoo (50g/L , sd)") I want to extract all
2007 Nov 14
no applicable method for "names"
hi, after installing R-2.6.0 the function "names" doesn't work anymore on my windows xp machine. for example for a simple vector i get > z <- 1:3 > names(x) Error in UseMethod("name"): no applicable method for "names" ... instead of NULL. the same is true for lists and dataframes. attr(z, "names") is a workaround, but i don't want to
2004 Dec 09
Scatterplot question
Dear list members, I have a probably simple question concerning scatterplots: I want to draw a plot with one X but several Y columns, so that every group of samples gets a different symbol. My table looks like this: X Y1 Y2 Y3 1 1 2 3 3 5 4 7 5 9 6 11 7 13 8 15 Simple in Excel or StarOffice, but how do I do it in R? Thanks a lot Judith
2012 Oct 03
Difficulties in trying to do a mixed effects model using the lmer function
Dear people of the help list I am drying to analyze my data using the 'lmer' function and I keep having problems. This is the model: > fm1<-lmer(dbh~spec+scheme+(1|Plot),data=d, REML=FALSE). I analyse tree size (dbh) of 3 different species (spec) and 3 planting schemes (scheme). I have 5 plots, which I hope to model as a random factor. (However, the subsequent output is based on
2008 Feb 21
R console closes on its own
Dear R-experts, I am running a script that has the following structure: windows(height=5.5,width=8) dat<-read.csv("myfile.csv") names(dat)<-c('a','b','c','d') dat<-dat[,1:4] xyplot(dat$a~dat$b) Then I usually save the plot as a PDF (from the menu in the R console). I can save the PDF twice in a row; but at the third time, right when I
2005 Oct 26
Fast question...
Hi everyone! Does anyone use, rsync, under windows, without Cygwin? When I type something like this: rsync -auvlHI --delete --partial --modify-window=2 --log-format=" %t %o %l %f " --stats -vv -e "ssh -o ForwardX11=no -vv -i "e:/program/sinc/.ssh/sinc_rsa" -l USER" "e:/program" SERVER:dir_dest rsync answer me with: ssh: e: no address associated with name
2007 Jun 13
Removing Inf and Inf values from a fata frame
Hi, I have a csv file with empty values, when I apply the different functions (mean, std, etc.) I create a new data frame, the empty values generate Inf and -Inf values. How can I remove those Inf and -Inf values from the new data frame? I already specified na.rm in the mean and std functions, but the values are still there. Thank you, Judith
2007 Jul 02
Substitution of Variables
Hi, I need to run a script under the variable (that comes from a csv file) that is assigned to another variable. This is very a simplified version of what I want to do: data<-read.csv('name.csv') names(data)<-("VA","VB","VC") v<-VA mn(v) Thank you in advance, Judith
2008 Feb 26
Multiple lines with a different color assigned to each line (corrected code)
Sorry, I just realized I didn't type in the correct names of the variables I am working with, this is how it should be: plot(1,1,type="n") for (i in summ$tx) { points(summ$timep[summ$tx==i],summ$mn[summ$tx==i]) lines(summ$timep[summ$tx==i],summ$mn[summ$tx==i]) } Thank you, Judith ____________________________________________________________________________________