similar to: segmentation fault in fs_list_get_path

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "segmentation fault in fs_list_get_path"

2012 Apr 27
2.1.5: Panic: file mailbox-list-fs.c: line 156 (fs_list_get_path): assertion failed: (mailbox_list_is_valid_pattern(_list, name))
Dear Folks, We had this assertion failure on Dovecot 2.1.1 on a particular mailbox. I upgraded to 2.1.5, and we have the same assertion failure, on the same mailbox: Apr 27 16:02:03 imap(nu-imaptest00258 at Panic: file mailbox-list-fs.c: line 156 (fs_list_get_path): assertion failed: (mailbox_list_is_valid_pattern(_list, name)) Apr 27 16:02:03 imap(nu-imaptest00258 at
2014 Apr 23
Segfault in dovecot-lda when resolver is unavailable
Hi list! Recently I noticed that dovecot-lda throws segfault when resolver is unavailable and with imapc configured. $ cat /etc/resolv.conf search . nameserver backtrace: # gdb -q /usr/libexec/dovecot/dovecot-lda 'core-1398282784-8-11-!usr!libexec!dovecot!dovecot-lda-8805' [...] Core was generated by `/usr/libexec/dovecot/deliver -d marcin at'. Program terminated
2007 Mar 05
new crashes: is the index/mail cache endian neutral?
Part of our migration plan takes our users from one endianness to another (big to little). Will the index and mail cache files survive? I'm seeing some new core dumps as the first test user is migrated, which makes me think... not. What about if we want to build dovecot 64 bit in the future? Will that cause problems too? Stack trace is below the log messages. I've edited the
2013 Jun 26
Dovecot 2.2.4 - Fatal: master: service(imap): child 44562 killed with signal 11
Hi all! I just upgraded dovecot from 2.2.2 to 2.2.4. Now I can't login to imap, proces imap throws segfault. Here is snip from dovecot.log: 2013-06-25T23:06:47.824321+02:00 meteor dovecot: imap-login: Login: user=<marcin at>, method=PLAIN, rip=2001:470:1f0b:1ab3:1bc:3b24:d355:b142, lip=2001:470:1f15:1b61::2, mpid=44562, TLS, session=<PaQ86ADgegAgAQRwHwsaswG8OyTTVbFC>
2006 May 08
3 vs. Readers and Writers
Hey gang, A post on the Rails forum a while back had it sound like you pretty much had to use the Index Readers & Writers if you were going to be potentially accessing an index from more than one process. (i.e. multiple dispatch.fcgi''s, etc) Is this still the case, or does the main Index class do that black magic behind the scenes? =) I was having trouble implementing the
2006 May 23
acts_as_ferret: dynamic index selection
Hi What is the be practice regards setting the index path dynamically? My application needs to switch indexes based on the logged in user, I put the following before_filter into my controller (the Document.index_dir method calculates the user''s index path): before_filter { Document.ferret_configuration[:path] = Document.index_dir } It seems to work, the only rough edge is that the
2014 Oct 20
2.2.14 Panic in sync_expunge_range()
I am getting some panics after upgrading from 2.2.13 to 2.2.14 This panic happens for one user only, he is subscribed to 86 folders, on two of them this panic happens quite often - several times a day. The mbox folders seems OK, less than 30M with 30 and 200 messages. Panic: file mail-index-sync-update.c: line 250 (sync_expunge_range): assertion failed: (count > 0) hmk GNU gdb 6.8
2004 Jul 20
Bug? 1.0.0-test28 NFS locking problems
Hi Slight problem - linux 2.4 running dovecot, Solaris 2.8 home directory server. Full lockd support etc. I had to make the following code patches (at end of mail for clarity) to get dovecot to read the users mbox files at all. 1) fcntl with F_SETLKW will not work against a Solaris 2.8 server as proved with a small test program. Other forms of fcntl (ie F_SETLK) are OK. I noticed there are
2003 Apr 16
pop3 coredump
Hi- I was able to get a coredump out of the new pop3 (from 0.99.9-test4) by attempting to simulate the execution environment and simply running the pop3 program. Running the older pop3 from works fine, repeatedly: % /usr/local/libexec/dovecot/pop3 quit +OK Logging out. However running the new one: % /usr/local/libexec/dovecot/ pop3(user9): Error: Corrupted index file
2012 Oct 12
dsync ignores ssh-agent
I use IMAP over SSH, in pre-auth. I wanted to use dsync to offline mail to my laptop. dsync v2.1.10 would always ask for my SSH key/passphrase, ignoring ssh-agent. The culprit is the env_clean() in the stack below. Reading the source, I saw DOVECOT_PRESERVE_ENVS. When used as follows in my script it enables dsync to find my ssh-agent: export DOVECOT_PRESERVE_ENVS="SSH_AGENT_PID
2007 Jan 05
Crash in rc15
We just experienced another crash in rc15. Here is the full backtrace: (gdb) bt full #0 0xff1c12a4 in .L423 () from /lib/ No symbol table info available. #1 0xff15fe20 in __wcsxfrm_std () from /lib/ No symbol table info available. #2 0xff140040 in getutline () from /lib/ No symbol table info available. #3 0x000786a8 in i_internal_panic_handler ( fmt=0x9ae80
2007 Feb 05
rebuild_index is returning {}
Previously when I used to build index i used to get false in return. >> Event.rebuild_index => false Now I get this. >> Event.rebuild_index => {} Following changes took place. 1) I moved my app from FCGI to mongrel. 2) I moved my app to capistrano. Before moving to capistrano the code was acts_as_ferret :fields => [ "name", "desc_uf" ] Now the code
2006 Oct 13
Segfault in in rc7 when index does not exists
This is the trace (gdb) run Starting program: /root/tmp/dovecot-1.0.rc7/src/imap/imap x select inbox Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. mail_index_write_base_header (index=0x80e2a28, hdr=0xaff66028) at mail-index.c:1313 1313 memcpy(index->map->mmap_base, hdr, hdr_size); (gdb) bt #0 mail_index_write_base_header (index=0x80e2a28, hdr=0xaff66028) at
2007 Apr 04
Please help with Drb server
The Problem: The application is using the AAF plugin. When I attempt to rebuild the index on the production server from the console, I get the following error: ------ DRb::DRbConnError: druby:// - #<Errno::ETIMEDOUT: Connection timed out - connect(2)> from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/drb.rb:736:in `open'' from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/drb.rb:729:in
2007 Feb 14
acts as ferret creates redundant default index directory?
Hi I''m using a non-default index directory (acts_as_ferret :index_dir option) but the unused default (./index/) is still created at load time. The culprits are the two calls to ensure_directory in the init_index_basedir method in acts_as_ferret.rb that seem to be redundant. Removing the calls to init_index_basedir fixes the problem with no apparent side effects. Cheers, Stuart --
2006 Nov 30
usage and benefits of single-index with AAF
The documentation states: "single_index: set this to true to let this class use a Ferret index that is shared by all classes having :single_index set to true. :store_class_name is set to true implicitly, as well as index_dir, so don?t bother setting these when using this option. the shared index will be located in index/<RAILS_ENV>/shared ." [1] If I''m reading
2007 Nov 19
My AAF tweaks
I have had to fix a few issues with AAF in order to get it working well for myself in a production environment. I''m using the latest "release" version which is 0.4.1: 1) When there is no index in place, every request starts a new rebuild. While there is some code in place to allow this to happen during testing, personally I see no reason to even test for this,
2006 Mar 01
Updating Index Is Very Slow
Hi, I am experiencing very poor performance when updating my index. For example, to update the index for 10 documents, it is taking 3 to 4 seconds. My index is currently very small... with probably less than 100 docs in it. I have created my index as follows: GIFT_INDEX = => "#{index_dir}/gift", :key => ''id'', :auto_flush => true)
2005 Dec 02
ANN: acts_as_ferret
Hi all This week I have worked with Rails and Ferret to test Ferrets (and Lucenes) capabilities. I decided to make a mixin for ActiveRecord as it seemed the simplest possible solution and I ended up making this into a plugin. For more info on Ferret see: The plugin is functional but could easily be refined. Anyway I want to share it with you. Regard it as a
2005 Dec 02
ANN: acts_as_ferret
Hi all This week I have worked with Rails and Ferret to test Ferrets (and Lucenes) capabilities. I decided to make a mixin for ActiveRecord as it seemed the simplest possible solution and I ended up making this into a plugin. For more info on Ferret see: The plugin is functional but could easily be refined. Anyway I want to share it with you. Regard it as a