Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "CentOS 8 & HandBrakeCLI"
2020 Jul 13
CentOS 8 & HandBrakeCLI
On 7/13/20 4:04 AM, Frank M. Ramaekers Jr. wrote:
> Since I upgraded to CentOS8, I cannot get HandBrakeCLI to work:
> # HandBrakeCLI
> HandBrakeCLI: error while loading shared libraries: libass.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> Googling this, it appears the error message is related to ffmpeg, but I don't get any error message with it:
2009 May 05
HandBrakeCLI crashes when converting
At first, i want to run the latest HandBrake (version 0.93) on a Mac with Mac OS 10.4 (Tiger).
The problem is, that Handbrake is developed for Mac OS 10.5 (XCode SDK is not compatible to Mac OS 10.4 one).
So i decided to try it with wine/darwine.
Because wine is better supported on Linux and you can get easier newer version (apt-get), i decided to run HandBrakeCLI.exe on Debian Etch
2020 Jul 13
CentOS 8 & HandBrakeCLI
On 2020-07-13 05:09, Kay Diederichs wrote:
> On 7/13/20 4:04 AM, Frank M. Ramaekers Jr. wrote:
>> Since I upgraded to CentOS8, I cannot get HandBrakeCLI to work:
I could not get HandBrake to work under CentOS 8, so I installed it
Zorin 15 (an Ubuntu-derived German distro). There, it works great. I
did not try
any of the other distros derived from Debian or Ubuntu itself.
2013 Nov 13
Compiling FFmpeg with libopencore-amrnb and opus-git.
Any idea what's causing these errors:-
/home/user/build/lib/libopencore-amrnb.a(preemph.o): In function `preemphasis':
/home/user/build/opencore-amr-0.1.3/amrnb/../opencore/codecs_v2/audio/gsm_amr/amr_nb/dec/src/preemph.cpp:193: multiple definition of `preemphasis'
/home/user/build/lib/libopus.a(celt_encoder.o):/home/user/build/opus/celt/celt_encoder.c:455: first defined here
2020 Jul 13
CentOS 8 & HandBrakeCLI
On Mon, 2020-07-13 at 08:55 -0400, mailist at toolz.com wrote:
> EXTERNAL EMAIL: This email originated from outside of the University
> of Limerick. Do not click on links or open attachments unless you
> recognize the sender's email address and know the content is safe.
> On 2020-07-13 05:09, Kay Diederichs wrote:
> > On 7/13/20 4:04 AM, Frank M. Ramaekers Jr. wrote:
2013 Nov 13
Compiling FFmpeg with libopencore-amrnb and opus-git.
It appears that both Opus and amrnb have a function called
preemphasis(). In the short term, your options are:
1) Not building statically
2) Renaming that function in the Opus code
3) Renaming that function in the amrnb code
I can do the rename for the next version of libopus.
On 11/13/2013 05:51 PM, batguano999 wrote:
> Hi
> Any idea what's causing these
2013 Nov 13
Compiling FFmpeg with libopencore-amrnb and opus-git.
>I can do the rename for the next version of libopus.
Thanks Jean-Marc
I will stay with opus-1.1-beta for now and keep watch on opus-git summary to see if/when the rename appears.
2016 May 17
Re Centos 7.2 Repos
Hi All,
I am having a terrible time installing multi media tools
like smplayer (which requires mplayer), which is not avaiable
from the centos repos.
I have installed epel.repo which containa the epel-release repo info
for yum
Still I cannot install many things.
For example, I ran
for i in faad2-libs liba52.so.0 libaa.so.1 libartsc.so.0 libass.so.4
libaudio.so.2 libavcodec.so.53 libavcodec.so.53
2012 Apr 25
recommended way to group function calls in Sweave
Dear all
When using Sweave, I'm always hitting the same bump: I want to group
repetitive calls in a function, but I want both the results and the
function calls in the printed output. Let me explain myself.
Consider the following computation in an Sweave document:
When using these two calls directly, I obtain the following output:
> summary(iris[,1:2])
2007 Oct 11
CyberPower CPS1500AVR (rack mount) options
This unit works fine with the "cyberpower" driver (which reports it as
"Unknown model - 15"). It reads this much from it:
battery.charge : 100
driver.name : cyberpower
driver.parameter.pollinterval : 2
driver.parameter.port : /dev/ttyS0
driver.version : 2.2.0-
driver.version.internal : 1.00
input.frequency : 60.2
input.voltage : 121
ups.firmware : 5.100
2006 Jun 09
HTML nsmall vector format problem
Hello All
I am having a bit of trouble formatting my HTML with the desired number
of digits after the decimal place. Am I doing something
wrong/misunderstanding or is it a bug?
Looking at the example supplied with ?HTML.data.frame:
Gives html output that includes the lines:
</tr> <tr><td
2009 Apr 29
RweaveHTML (R2HTML) Help
I have found Sweave() to be great for producing PDF documents. I have
been experimenting with RweaveHTML (from the R2HTML) package and have
had moderate success. My main issue has been that I simply want the R
output to be shown verbatim in the HTML document but RweaveHTML tends to
convert most output to a table, for example. So, is there a way to
force the RweaveHTML driver to simply provide
2013 Nov 14
Compiling FFmpeg with libopencore-amrnb and opus-git.
Git should work for you now.
On 11/13/2013 06:21 PM, batguano999 wrote:
>> I can do the rename for the next version of libopus.
> Thanks Jean-Marc
> I will stay with opus-1.1-beta for now and keep watch on opus-git summary to see if/when the rename appears.
> :-)
2018 Apr 03
GnuPG 2.0.16?
>> On Thu, 29 Mar 2018 10:53:05 -0700,
>> Kay Schenk <kay.schenk at gmail.com> said:
K> Does anyone know where I can find GnuPG 2.0.16 for CentOS 6.9 32-bit?
Do you want something that old? 2.0.17 came out in 2011. I run
Oracle Linux 6.9 (basically RHEL without the trademarks) -- if you're
comfortable building from source, GnuPG-2.2.5 wasn't hard. This is
2008 Jan 15
Cyberpower Drive in 2.2.0 Fedora 7
I know others have seen this before, I just never saw any real
resolution to it. I am not a programmer, or at the least a very bad one,
so I don't think this is something I can do properly myself.
I have a Cyberpower 1500 AVR rack mount that worked good, except for the
output voltage listing, with an older version of NUT (I don't remember
the version of NUT, but the O/s was Fedora
2006 Dec 14
Nicely formatted tables
If I use latex(summary(X)) where X is a data frame with four
variables I get something like
Rainfall Education Popden Nonwhite
Min. :10.00 Min. : 9.00 Min. :1441 Min. : 0.80
1st Qu.:32.75 1st Qu.:10.40 1st Qu.:3104 1st Qu.: 4.95
Median :38.00 Median :11.05 Median :3567 Median :10.40
Mean :37.37 Mean :10.97 Mean :3866
2009 Dec 19
DROP and KEEP statements in R
What is equivalent to DROP or KEEP statements of SAS in R?
This message was sent on behalf of sarjinder at yahoo.com at openSubscriber.com
http://www.opensubscriber.com/messages/r-help at r-project.org/topic.html
2017 Sep 26
MP4/H.264 codec for Firefox?
I am trying to get MP4/H.264 playback in Firefox to work on my CentOS
laptop (for vimeo).
I installed the gstreamer plugins as described here:
(No, I did not install Flash, VLC and all the other stuff. I only want
HTML5 MP4 playback..)
I enabled the nux repos. I did install all available gstreamer plugins,
i.e. -good -bad
2011 Oct 15
VGA PassThrough works for EVGA GTX 460 SE 1024 MB
Finally I succeeded to use my graphic card EVGA GTX 460 SE 1024M with Xen 4.2 unstable.
Before I was using my MSI GT 440.
I am little excited that it works now.
Kernel ---> 3.1.0-rc9 downloaded from http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git;a=summary
My kernel''s config is attached to this mail.
Download Xen
hg clone -r 23965
2001 Apr 04
factors and characters when attaching data...
Can someone help me with the following problem...
I have a dataframe with 62 columns a number of these are as.character and a
number of these are as.double, I read these into R-1.2.0 as...
> Version3.Studies_read.table("c:\\Version3.Studies.dat",sep="\t",
as.is=TRUE, header=TRUE,strip.white=TRUE)
This is fine up to here, I've checked to see if the data has been