Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "LDAP + SSL"
2008 Apr 01
openldap on Centos 5.1 with TLS
Hi, sorry for the stupid question,
but however i am following all howtos and tutorials it is not working
1) i have created CA certificate - /etc/pki/tls/misc/CA -newca
2) i have generated a new request - /etc/pki/tls/misc/CA -newreq
3) i have signed certificate /etc/pki/tls/misc/CA -signreq
SO i have CA in /etc/pki/CA
i have newkey.pem
i have newcert.pem
i have also cealrkey.pem (without
2003 Jan 20
Auth Systems Security mini-audit
Being a responsible sort of guy, I want to check and make sure I have
some decent encryption settings for my authentication systems. Namely
Samba PDC (2.2.7a) with an LDAP backend that also authenticates Linux
clients (which I've finally gotten running the way I want :-)).
According to some documentation I've found, the samba ports are
137/udp,138/udp and 139/tcp. Samba changes
2006 Oct 09
Hi there guys, do not know if post this here or in openldap list, sorry if I
disturb you.
I configured samba+ldap as a PDC and byt now it's working fine, so, I
decided to put some security to the stuff.
The problem is that I coudl not make it work, here I what I've done.
This is what netstat shows.
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0
2004 Jun 11
Samba 3.0.3 on FC2: windows machine cannot join domain
I'm using Samba 3.0.3 on Fedora Core 2 with OpenLDAP 2.1.29 for a
backend. I'm getting to typical "The user name could not be found."
error upon trying to join a Windows box. I've gone through every digest
on lists.samba.org and other sites and nothing has worked yet. Any
Here's what I've done so far:
1. Installed everything via RPMS:
2004 Sep 23
Re: Samba 3.0.3 on FC2: windows machine cannot join domain
After, oh, six months of attempts here and there to read everyone's
experiences with Samba/LDAP and inability for a windows 2000/XP machine
to join the domain, I finally discovered what was not working properly.
In my smb.conf I put:
add machine script = /usr/local/sbin/smbldap-useradd -w "%u"
As instructed by many How-to's and Idealx. However, I thought to myself,
2020 Jun 19
I have two Samba 4.12.3 DCs (eucalipto and aroeira) on a Debian Buster
and a Windows 2008R2 DC (antares). Replication got broken:
root at eucalipto:~# samba-tool drs replicate antares eucalipto
ERROR(<class 'samba.drs_utils.drsException'>): DsReplicaSync failed -
drsException: DsReplicaSync failed (8418, 'WERR_DS_DRA_SCHEMA_MISMATCH')
? File
2002 May 17
samba + openldap + tls
I using openldap 2.0.23 and samba 2.2.4 on a Redhat 7.2 Linux distrib.
I've compiled with ldap support dans It works fine in clear mode. I've
configured unix auth. in order to use ldap on TLS mode, and it works also.
When I try to use TLS more (or SSL on 636), it doesn't work. LDAP
doesn't seem to have an error (see logs below), but samba tells "Failed
to issue the
2024 Dec 13
Der Rowland,
We share that concerns actually and of course if there is a way to avoid
it, it is always better. Another fellow suggested us an LDAP-Proxy
instead (personally have never setup one). What we actually need in our
case scenario, is only that service and not the rest of bells and
whistles of an RODC.
I just was wondering if someone had experience with what happens if one
2004 Apr 12
Initial samba + ldap howto
A couple of days ago I decided that I needed a samba and ldap
setup. After reading the samba mailing list , specifically the
thread "Re: [Samba] Samba and LDAP backend - howto docs problems?"
I decided to buy the Official Samba-3 HowTo and Reference guide",
(the Samba-3 By Example mentioned in that thread wasn't available
in my bookstore and they could't order it for me too)
2006 Jul 18
Weird statup probems TLS & SSL openldap and samba 3.0.23
I am kind of confused with this situation. I am attempting to build a
PDC using TLS/SSL with the following version of software.
Samba 3.0.23
OpenLDAP 2.3.19
Fedora Core 5
When I startup the Samba server via the "service" command (service smb
start) I get the following errors in my logs.
Using SSL:
Jul 13 09:52:34 prism smbd[23161]: smbldap_search_suffix: Problem
2004 Sep 24
Idmap backend for winbind
I'm trying to set up an Idmap Backend LDAP server for winbind. I don't
need a full blown SAMBA PDC; just a server to provide the SID to UID/GID
mappings. We're using a Windows Active Directory server to authenticate
against but we want the above mappings to be the same across multiple
samba machines. Can we just stand up a simple ldap server and just add
the mappings
and that's
2006 Oct 24
samba pdc with ldap backend setup problems
I'm struggling trying to set up a samba 3.0.23c PDC with ldap
backend. The server is Fedora 5, OpenLdap version 2.3.19-4.
I've got it so smbd and nmbd start properly and I can use a windows
box and see the domain using srvmgr.exe and usrmgr.exe. I'm then
able to signon from a windows XP computer with the command
net use \\pdcserver\ipc$ /user:root rootpassword
2010 Nov 25
can't use godaddy SSL cert
Hey list,
I was having a similar SSL/openLDAP problem to this last week. I had
a chance to look at this again today and it still appears to not be
working. I called godaddy and had the last cert cancelled and reissued
as I had mis-typed the name of the CN on the last one.
I am trying to setup a Godaddy turbo SSL certificate with an openLDAP
2.4 server under FreeBSD 8.1. The clients are mainly
2017 Mar 18
Dovecot can't connect to openldap over starttls
The serverlog of openldap with loglevel "any":
Note: openldap waits 1 Minute before he says "TLS negotiation failure"
after the connect.
and dovecot says direct "Connect error"
I've also delete the TLSCipherSuite from openldap.
Am 2017-03-18 14:01, schrieb Tomas Habarta:
> Increase log level on server
2017 Mar 18
Dovecot can't connect to openldap over starttls
I've replicate the settings from ldapsearch to dovecot but no success.
To the certificate:
Yes it's a *.crt file but I have linked the *.pem file to it and
dovecot has read access to that file.
I have enabled the debugging in dovecot and have uploaded the output:
And the other site with ldapsearch:
2008 Apr 17
login failed
i've samba 3.022 with a ldap 2.2.26. I've no pb to join domain with my
win2000, but when I reboot I'm reject (bad username ...).
I find in debug that the first param sent by the client was the login
and I think it must be the machines name.
Any idee ?
Denis Rohou
Service Informatique
ville de Lannion
22113 lannion
2004 Jun 10
And the LDIF thing
Sorry.. One more email.. I tried to create the IDMAP container on the LDAP with an example I found:
dn: ou=Idmap,dc=softeng,dc=com
objectClass: organizationalUnit
ou: idmap
structuralObjectClass: organizationalUnit
and it gives:
adding new entry "ou=Idmap,dc=softeng,dc=com"
ldap_add: Constraint violation
additional info: structuralObjectClass: no user modification allowed
2018 Dec 12
AD Domain member - getent passwd truncated to only 18 users
Due to some legacy php app I have to integrate an Ubuntu 14.04 server on
my AD structure. AD DC is a Ubuntu 18.04 with canonical packages running
Samba 4.7 (4.7.6+dfsg~ubuntu-0ubuntu2.5) and member server runs Samba
4.3 (4.3.11+dfsg-0ubuntu0.14.04.19).
After installing the 14.04 member server, installed samba packages and
dependencies according to wiki and no errors. I get all users on
2017 Mar 20
Dovecot can't connect to openldap over starttls
I've tested your soulution, but it also says the same error.
I've tested all combinations of:
- tls_ca_cert_file = <cert>
- tls = yes
- tls_require_cert = demand
Every time it says "Connection error".
Only when tls is uncommented it says "TLS required".
Additional information from my contact with the openldap-technical
mailing list:
2010 Jul 02
Fail to join a Windows 2008 R2 to a Samba+LDAP PDC version3.5.4
> Hi there, this is my config, I have a CentOS 5.3 x86_64 full updated
> with Xen enabled with Samba 3.5.4 sernet RPMs. I have a virtual
> machine running Windows 2008 R2 Foundation running full virtualized
> on the same machine.
> When i tried to join the Windows 2008 to the domain i get this
> message:
> The following error ocurred attempting to