similar to: Question about mongrel_upload_progress

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "Question about mongrel_upload_progress"

2006 Sep 20
boy, that mongrel_upload_progress handler sucks!
I started actually using the upload progress handler, and noticed it was leaking memory over time. Looking at the code, I noticed that cancelled uploads weren''t being cleaned up. I bugged Zed about adding a request_abort callback to handlers, but I found a simple way to monkey patch that in: # config/mongrel_upload_progress.conf # yes, this file is being used with -S meaning
2006 Nov 13
mongrel_upload_progress question/possible suggestion
Hey all, First off, thanks to Rick Olson and whoever else was involved with this plugin... It''s been amazingly easy to implement. I''ve got a question about the path_info parameter, though... It seems that unless the request PATH_INFO exactly matches the path_info passed in to the plugin at inclusion, it won''t actually trigger Add and add the upload to the list of
2006 Aug 29
mongrel_upload_progress problems
What is the status of the mongrel_upload_progress gem and Rails? I have been playing around with _why and technoweenie''s code but I''m not sure what is current and what is old. It is not working for me. I am running Mongrel (gem) with mongrel_upload_progress 0.1. My upload URI is /agronomics/sample_cycle/upload, and my progress URI is
2007 Feb 23
Mongrel::Uploads.check() not returning status
Hi, I wrote a message earlier regarding how I wasn''t getting any feedback from mongrel_upload_progress. After putting lots of debug messages in the plugin, I figured out what was going on. I had a route like this setup in routes.rb (this was the problem): map.upload "upload/:upload_id", :controller => "file", :action
2007 Mar 23
upload progress bar don''t work...please help
Hello, I''m trying to install the upload_progress gem and i can''t see the upload progress status. My config is : apache2 with mod_proxy mongrel rails upload.rb : ############## require ''rubygems'' require ''drb'' require ''gem_plugin'' GemPlugin::Manager.instance.load ''mongrel'' => GemPlugin::INCLUDE
2006 Sep 04
Mongrel Upload Progress 0.2 -- With Instructions and Examples
Hi Folks, I''m sure tons of people are gonna ruin a whole drawer of their best panties over this one. Rick Olson worked on the mongrel_upload_progress gem, documentation and examples and has almost everything you need to do progress tracked file uploads using just Mongrel to handle the upload. This means that Rails (or any other framework) isn''t blocked while the upload
2007 May 18
No return status from mongrel upload progress (and thus no updates on the bar)
Hi all, I''m using Boxroom ( and trying to get upload progress working. I''ve also been testing the sample code at I run a Mongrel cluster, and so am using drb (as per Starting up rails, I get lots of useful-sounding output:
2007 Jan 19
Mongrel::Uploads.check() not returning status
I am trying to get the mongrel upload progress working and am having some problems. I am using Rails 1.1.6 and the latest install of mongrel. I created the config/mongrel_upload_progress.conf per the instructions ... it looks like this ... uri "/", :handler => plugin("/handlers/upload", :path_info => ''/listings/ add_photo''), :frequency
2006 Dec 25
Definitive guide for upload progress
Hi Is there some definitive guide for upload progress plugin ? We have in this mailing list a lot of testimonials, bug reports, bug fixes, but there are still people like me who cannot use it correctly. Here is my config: - mongrel 1.0RC and upload progress plugin 0.2.1 - a 6 mongrels cluster - config/mongrel_upload_progress.conf: uri "/", :handler =>
2008 May 05
mongrel_upload_progress_bar - where are my files?
> I just configured mongrel_upload_progess_bar following this doc: > > > > My "config/mongrel_upload_progress.conf" looks like: > > uri "/", > :handler => plugin("/handlers/upload", > :path_info => ''/Users/railer/Documents/RAILS/dummy/files/upload'', >
2008 May 05
mongrel_upload_progess_bar - where are my files?
> I just configured mongrel_upload_progess_bar following this doc: > > > > My "config/mongrel_upload_progress.conf" looks like: > > uri "/", > :handler => plugin("/handlers/upload", > :path_info => ''/Users/railer/Documents/RAILS/dummy/files/upload'', >
2006 May 11
Upload progress "plugin"
mongreleers, This is a hack for adding basic upload progress support to Mongrel. Currently, you can monitor the upload of any POST. I''m sure some work needs to be done to get it functioning with Rails. Save as lib/mongrel/progress. Anyway, here''s how to start Mongrel with it: require ''mongrel'' require ''mongrel/camping'' require
2007 Nov 29
mongrel_upload_progress and attachment_fu
Can one use mongrel_upload_progress in combination with attachment_fu (db_file)? I wan''t to store uploaded files directly in a mysql-database - not in the filesystem. Is there a way to use mongrel_upload_progress to do this, or do I have to store files in the filesystem and copy them to the database? Thanx
2007 Feb 27
Mongrel upload progress not showing progress on production server
Hi all, Tried out the mongrel upload progress plugin with Drb and it works great on my OSX development box, but when putting it into production (Ubuntu Dapper), uploads complete but the app isn''t returning any values for upload progress, and uploads are not showing up in the queue when running upload_client.rb. Before anyone asks, yes, I''m running both the mongrel instances and
2007 Jun 23
mongrel_upload_progress and nginx
G''day I''m just wondering if anybody knows of a way to get mongrel_upload_progress working with nginx? I''ve had a fair bit of a look around but havn''t been able to come up with anything, yet. -- - James -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2007 May 23
mongrel_cluster + mongrel_upload_progress + drb + capistrano + docs
I just got the mongrel_upload_progress set up with drb and the setup was quick and easy, thanks to the good documentation on I''d like to get this set up with capistrano, but there are 3 things I can''t figure out: - First, I can''t get lib/upload.rb to run in the background - I''m not familiar with
2006 Dec 20
backgrounDRb + mongrel_upload_progress
is it possible to use these together? im asking because in the sample docs for mongrel_upload_progress, it has you start by hand a druby instance. This doesnt work very well when moving to production. as in, i cant seem to get that particular process to either stop or restart after a new deploy. I posted to the mongrel-users list about this and have not gotten any sort of response.
2006 Dec 19
mongrel_upload_progress + upload.rb +background (daemon?)
Im checking out the mongrel_upload_progress plugin and have it working beautifully on my dev box. however, now that i am ready to push this up into production i have run into a few gotchas that i cannot seem to find any documentation or examples for. the lib/upload.rb doesnt seem to want to run in the background. perhaps im doing something wrong? Does anyone have any experience
2006 Jun 13
mongrel_upload_progress & plugin question in general
Hello, So, I grabbed the mongrel_upload_progress code from subversion because I really need something similar for a project I am working on. Anyway, I installed the gem and can''t figure out a few things. 1) I''m not sure what Upload < GemPlugin::Plugin "/handlers" is for 2) How to call the Progress < GemPlugin::Plugin "/handlers" handler. While I
2006 Jun 16
Javascript error?
Hi, I''m trying to get this progress bar plugin working, but I''m having some trouble. I''m running Apache 2.0.52 with mod_fcgid on Mac OS X. Everything seems to be working fine, but the progress bar simply doesn''t work. In my log I get: Multipart upload with progress (id: 1, size: 176731770) Finished processing multipart upload in 18.96244s but no requests in