similar to: [OT] Jfyi Nginx wiki

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2006 Nov 01
Nginx, Mongrel, Proxy and REMOTE_ADDR
I''m using a cluster of mongrels behind an apache 1.3 proxy pass. I''ve been passing the request to pen, which in turn balances the cluster of mongrels. Now, I''d like to be able to use a different server to send the static files created by the rails application, so I tried to replace pen with nginx. Everything seems to work fine except the environment variable REMOTE_ADDR.
2007 Aug 15
Nginx/Mongrel proxy_read_timeout issue
This may be a nginx issue more than a mongrel one but I though folks in this list might be interested. Anyway, I have a mongrel_cluster with 2 front nginx workers as proxy. I recently replaced apache/mod_proxy for nginx, and I wasn''t aware of the 60 seconds default proxy_read_timeout so I went a head and tried to run a process via http GET. Normally because of the 60 seconds the GET I
2007 Jun 23
mongrel_upload_progress and nginx
G''day I''m just wondering if anybody knows of a way to get mongrel_upload_progress working with nginx? I''ve had a fair bit of a look around but havn''t been able to come up with anything, yet. -- - James -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2006 Sep 18
Finally! Mongrel Official (for Unix)
Hello! Today I''m announcing a "soft but official" release of Mongrel for the Unix fans in the crowd. It''s been running stable for quite some time now for many people, and should be great for nearly everyone. You can read the announce at: This release includes new versions of mongrel_upload_progress and mongrel_cluster.
2006 Nov 13
mongrel upload progress and nginx
Does anyone know whether the mongrel upload progress plugin works with nginx? It works fine for my app under pound, but not with nginx. I am using DRb to handle the uploads as detailed at . If I am using pound I can see the uploads with irb -r lib/upload_client.rb , but cannot if I am using nginx. Does anyone know anything more about this
2006 Sep 12
Nginx conf with all the right rules for mongrel_cluster
Folks- James Cox, Alexy Kovyrin and I all huddled up and got nginx working perfectly with mongrel cluster and rails page caching. So all static and cached files are served fast by nginx and anything not static gets sent to mongrel. Cheers- -Ezra
2011 Jun 07
[PATCH] examples/nginx.conf: add ipv6only comment
IPv4 addresses started looking very ugly the first time I got IPv6 working on In case somebody else can''t stand how IPv4-mapped-IPv6 addresses look, the workaround is to use two listeners and ensure the IPv6 one is ipv6only. Unicorn itself supports IPv6, too, but nobody uses/needs it. I''ll add :ipv6only support shortly (probably tomorrow). >From
2011 Nov 14
nginx + unicorn deployment survey
Hello all, I''m wondering if you deploy nginx: 1) on the same machine that runs unicorn (exclusively proxying to that) 2) on a different machine that doesn''t run unicorn 3) both, nginx could forward to either to localhost or another host on the same LAN And of course, the reason(s) you chose what you chose. I''m inclined to believe many folks are on 1) simply
2011 Sep 03
Nightmare! - an nginx alternative for unicorn
This is a slow client buffering layer which may be used instead of nginx to protect Unicorn from slow clients. Nightmare! will _never_ beat nginx in raw throughput nor performance. It /may/ be easier to setup than nginx and a suitable alternative to Rainbows! for users who do not wish to maintain a thread-safe/async-safe Rack application. Code changes to the existing Unicorn codebase are
2006 Oct 22
GzipFilter gemplugin now available
This GemPlugin will gzip your HTTP responses from mongrel if the client says that it supports it (eg, most modern browsers). I''ve tested it in IE6, Firefox 1.5 and Firefox 2.0RC3 Install: gem install gzip_filter --source Configure (assuming rails): cd RAILS_ROOT echo ''uri "/", :handler => plugin("/handlers/gzipfilter")''
2012 Dec 04
403 Forbidden from nginx when unicorn started in debug mode
I am using nginx with unicorn as a reverse proxy. Has been fantastic, but needed to look through some code for first time. Using ruby 1.9.3p194 with rails 3.2.9, development mode with ssl enabled, I start unicorn with -d ...and it does not get served up by nginx. Any ideas, or more information needed? Thanks! Jet Below is my unicorn.rb for developent: # config/unicorn.rb env =
2009 Oct 13
Unicorn Nginx Issue
I''ve setup nginx with this server { listen 80; server_name unicorn.local; location / { proxy_pass http://unicorn; } } upstream unicorn { server unix:/Users/mattmongeau/projects/test/unicorn/tmp/sockets/unicorn.sock; } When I run unicorn_rails -c config/unicorn.rb -E development I can access the application just fine on unicorn.local When I run unicorn_rails -c
2009 Jul 21
Toward a simple Nginx configuration for Puppet Mongrel
Hi, I''ve created two Nginx patches (see at the end of this message) to allow a simpler Nginx configuration for your Mongrel puppetmasters. The two main issues with Nginx in front of puppet were: * no CRL support * no optional certificate verification (and thus we''re forced to have two separate configs on two different ports, and to use --ca_port). Now, it is as simple as
2010 Feb 14
Nginx Sock And Rails Envinroment Error
Hi There, Im running an amazon instance with nginx proxying to a unicorn sock. For some reason, even though i specify the production environment, when being visited by nginx, the site shows errors in development form. Interestingly, when running on a port rather than a sock, if i visit that port, the errors are rendered as normal with a 500 page, the same port, throught nginx, shows errors
2008 Oct 14
Startup scripts for nginx and mongrel
Hello list. I''ve (hopefully) gotten nginx and mongrel up and running, and copied the startup script found on to enable starting puppetmaster by issuing "mongrel_puppetmaster 18140". This makes sure that mongrel i started. But how do I make sure nginx is automatically started? As of now I manually issue the
2006 Nov 04
Rails caching enabled Nginx.conf file.
Folks- James Cox, Alexy Kovyrin and I all huddled up and got nginx working perfectly with mongrel cluster and rails page caching. So all static and cached files are served fast by nginx and anything not static gets sent to mongrel. Nginx(engine-x) is a lightweight webserver that serves static files *fast*. It also has
2007 Nov 08
byte-range requests
I''m trying to sent a file to the iphone (which requires byte-range request support) using the rails send_file method. However, this fails, I think because of mongrel. I think so because if I send the iphone a file handled by nginx, it plays it fine. But then when I serve the file with rails the iphone can''t play it. Any ideas? Alex
2009 Dec 22
puppet, mongel, nginx and new nodes
Hey All, This is probably a gotcha of some kind. That is to say I''ve missed a configuration somewhere. I''ve recently moved over to using mongrel as the puppet server type and having nginx proxy to one of four mongrel instances. What I''m seeing though is that when I try to run a new node (one that has been created post moving to mongrel/nginx) is that it returns with the
2006 Dec 03
mediatemple vs. nginx
Hello, thought I''d share my experience with rails on the grid server. They offer a 64 MB mongrel container 1 TB of bandwith and 1,000 grid processing units for $20 a month. In theory I love it because they already have done all the load balancing work for you. The DB is on another machine, you have access too 100s of machines on "the grid" and just pay extra
2006 Nov 04
hacking nginx to do some very basic logic.
Hi, I want to optimize my home page load as long as a user is not logged in. I currently use Rails fragment caching but still, I want to avoid going to Rails if the user is not logged in because the page to be rendered is really just static. I can''t use page caching really because I can''t apply any logic as that would require going to Rails. Could I use a cookie that gets