similar to: Getting started with mod_security

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Getting started with mod_security"

2017 Jul 18
OpenVAS: confusion with 3rd party repos
Hi, I'm currently experimenting with OpenVAS, the vulnerability scanner which was forked from Nessus. I'm reading through various HOWTOs and tutorials, and it seems like I'm stuck very early in my fiddling process. All the CentOS-based tutorials I've found mention a third-party Atomic repo, and here's how the installation usually begins. # wget -q -O -
2018 Feb 24
Set LANG on CentOS 6 server
Hi, I'm having a weird problem on a CentOS 6 server. I installed the machine in french, so I have LANG=fr_FR.UTF8 defined. I'd like to define en_US.UTF8, because some output is better readable in english, like chkconfig --list. I replaced fr_FR.UTF8 in /etc/sysconfig/i18n and /boot/grub/grub.conf. Unfortunately, when I reboot the system, I still get this: # echo $LANG fr_FR.UTF-8 Any
2018 Nov 18
CentOS 7 + GNOME : all icon themes broken after update from CR
Hi, I just upgraded one of my CentOS 7 + GNOME desktops from the CR repo. After the upgrade, it seems like all of the icon themes are broken. Missing icons everywhere. Any idea what's going on here ? Cheers, Niki -- Microlinux - Solutions informatiques durables 7, place de l'?glise - 30730 Montpezat Site : Blog : Mail : info at
2018 May 01
HPLIP vs. CentOS
Hi, Our local school has recently acquired an HP PageWide Pro 477 professional printer. According to HP, the printer requires HPLIP 3.16.3 at least. Unfortunately, CentOS is only shipping HPLIP 3.15.9. So I downloaded and installed the hplip/hplipfull package from the HP site. Installing this thing and getting it to work is not exactly a trivial task, as I documented in my blog:
2020 Apr 26
Weird bug in 389 Directory Server : no spaces in admin console (CentOS 7)
Hi, I'm currently setting up 389 Directory Server on a server running CentOS 7, and I have a weird and somehow showstopping bug. All the spaces are suddenly missing in the admin console. Here's a screenshot so you can get the idea : So instead of "Standard branch for configuration information", I get
2020 Nov 06
Style Guide for ASCII Text Documents ?
Hi, Can anyone on this list recommend a good style guide for formatting technical documentation (HOWTOs related to CentOS servers) using ASCII text only ? Markdown and/or AsciiDOC are *not* an option, since these documents should be easily readable in a text console. Cheers from the sunny South of France, Niki -- Microlinux - Solutions informatiques durables 7, place de l'?glise - 30730
2015 Feb 09
Recommendations for good CentOS 7 documentation
Hi, I'm looking for recommendations for documentation about the specificities of RHEL/CentOS 7.x. It can be either online or in printed book format, and I'm fluent in german, french and english. I have a good books about 5.x: "RHEL 5 Unleashed" from Sams, "Foundations of CentOS Linux" and "The Definitive Guide to CentOS", both from Apress. Can anyone
2017 Sep 09
Flush memory on a server?
Hi, A few days ago I checked the health of my main public server running CentOS 7, a quad-core machine with 16 GB RAM. It had been running non-stop for 65 days, hosting only a handful of services (BIND, NTP, Apache, Postfix, Dovecot) for two domains. I was surprised to see that RAM consumption was relatively high, and apparently, the machine even had to swap at some time. I read up a bit on RAM
2018 May 09
Replacement for Pdftk under CentOS 7 ?
Hi, Two weeks ago I migrated all our local school's servers and clients from Slackware 14.1 to CentOS 7. Everything went perfectly, and now I'm busy sanding down some edges. The previous installation sported pdftk and a frontend (can't remember the name) which allowed some basic operations on PDF files such as splitting and concatenation. The school's staff used this application
2017 Sep 09
Flush memory on a server?
Le 09/09/2017 ? 15:14, Robert Nichols a ?crit : > Every system that runs continuously for more that a few days will have > some pages that were used once when some long-running process started > and were never referenced again. Those pages will eventually migrate out > to swap, and that's the best place for them. Right now, I see that this > system has been up for 16 days and
2019 Jun 20
Postgrey not working
Le 19/06/2019 ? 22:05, Phil Perry a ?crit?: > Try following the Postgrey guide on the Wiki: > > > > > Works for me (allowing for the switch to systemd) I've followed this document, and still no joy. Niki -- Microlinux - Solutions informatiques durables 7, place de l'?glise - 30730
2017 Jun 16
Markdown editor for CentOS 7?
Le 16/06/2017 ? 13:25, Yamaban a ?crit : > First, there are "preview" plugins for vim, you might want to look at > them first: > Hi, Thanks very much for your advice! This is a real life-changer for me. I had to fiddle a couple hours with Node.js and tweaking Vim until Markdown was handled correctly, but now I have a really nice
2015 Mar 11
SquidAnalyzer: minor trouble building RPM
Hi, I'm using the SquidAnalyzer network analysis tool in combination with Squid. Up until now, I've been running Slackware Linux on my servers. I built a custom package that installs SquidAnalyzer to /var/www/vhosts/squidreport/html. Then I setup an Apache virtual host for SquidAnalyzer's pages. Since I'm migrating my servers from Slackware to CentOS, I'd like to build a
2019 Dec 26
Nginx on CentOS 7: which one for production?
Hi, I'm currently fiddling with Nginx to get acquainted with its various quirks and idiosyncrasies. I have a public CentOS 7 sandbox server, and I've tried various setups. Install the binary from EPEL, install various binaries from SCLo, build from source. I wonder which version is recommended for production use on CentOS 7. Any suggestions? Cheers & happy Christmas holidays,
2018 Jul 09
CentOS 7 + MATE : Folder contents not refreshed in file manager
Hi, I just migrated my workstation running CentOS 7 from KDE to MATE. It looks like I'm having the same problem with the Caja file manager than with Dolphin. Folder contents don't get refreshed automatically, and I have to hit F5. For example, when I download a file (say, a compressed archive) from the Internet, I have to hit F5 to see the file in Caja. And when I extract the archive, I
2015 Feb 18
CentOS 7: software RAID 5 array with 4 disks and no spares?
Le 18/02/2015 09:24, Michael Volz a ?crit : > Hi Niki, > > md127 apparently only uses 81.95GB per disk. Maybe one of the partitions has the wrong size. What's the output of lsblk? [root at nestor:~] # lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT sda 8:0 0 232,9G 0 disk ??sda1 8:1 0 3,9G 0 part ? ??md126 9:126 0 3,9G 0 raid1 [SWAP] ??sda2 8:2
2018 Oct 07
"WARNING: fdisk GPT support is currently new"
Hi, I'm currently teaching Linux system administration to a class at the local "chambre de commerce". The course is based mainly on a minimal CentOS 7 installation. Usually my preferred tool for handling manual GPT partitioning is gdisk, which is not installed on a minimal install. I just gave the good old fdisk a spin, which enables GPT partition table creation with the
2016 Nov 24
Dnsmasq and /etc/hosts
Le 24/11/2016 ? 10:22, Yamaban a ?crit : > Hmmm, looks like the "lookup question" from amandine(server) is not > resolved in the same way it is resoved from bernadette or raymonde > (clients). After some more fiddling, I guess I found a solution to my problem. If we formulate the problem differently, we can say that the clients use the information provided by Dnsmasq, but the
2018 Feb 28
Squid and HTTPS interception on CentOS 7 ?
Hi, I've been running Squid successfully on CentOS 7 (and before that on 6 and 5), and it's always been running nicely. I've been using it mostly as a transparent proxy filter in school networks. So far, I've only been able to filter HTTP. Do any of you do transparent HTTPS filtering ? Any suggestions, advice, caveats, do's and don'ts ? Cheers from the snowy South of
2019 May 02
Problem with libkexiv2 ?
Hi, I'm currently installing a dozen CentOS 7 + KDE desktops in our local school. I've already installed a minimal X11 + WindowMaker, and now I want to install KDE on top of that, but the installation fails. There's some broken dependency in the repos. I've narrowed the problem down to the libkexiv2 package. Here's that I get. # yum install libkexiv2 ... --> Running