Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "bash script fails conditional test"
2015 Apr 20
bash script fails conditional test
> "-e" means "if file exists". You should use "-n"
That did it!!
[root at web1:~] #./bin/check-cass.sh
Cassandra is running with pid: 26979
This is what the script looks like now:
pid=$(ps -ef | grep cassandra | grep -v grep | grep -i -v -e grep -e screen
-e s3fs|awk '{print $2}')
if [[ -n $pid ]]
echo "Cassandra is
2015 Apr 20
bash script fails conditional test
> You can probably replace that with a much cleaner pid=$(pidof cassandra).
Good to know! I hadn't heard of pidof before. However this is what I get
when I run it:
[root at web1:~] #pidof cassandra
[root at web1:~] #
Returns nothing. However:
[root at web1:~] #pidof java
27210 11418 10852
Gives me a few pids. Only one of which belongs to cassandra, as I have a
few java processes
2015 Mar 05
SELinux kills Cassandra based website
Hey all,
There's a website I help run that uses the Cassandra DB as its database. I
notice that if I run the web server in SELinux permissive mode, the site
works fine. But if I put it into enforcing mode, the site goes down with
this error:
Warning: require_once(/McFrazier/PhpBinaryCql/CqlClient.php): failed to
open stream: Permission denied in
2015 Mar 05
SELinux kills Cassandra based website
Hi Jeremy,
An easy way to start troubleshooting these is to look at the audit logs and
> see what SELInux is blocking. You have /McFrazier in the email.. if that's
> off the root tree than unless you've set permissions to allow httpd to look
> at tat folder, I bet that's one problem.
> if you run ls -Z you can see the labels that are present on those folders,
> that
2015 Jan 16
favorite cheap VPS services
Hey all,
I'm trying to learn how to use some of the big data stores. Specifically I
want to learn how to use CassandraDB and Hadoop. Originally I'd had the
idea of trying to setup a cassandra ring on the Amazon AWS free tier.
However it seems that neither will run on a t2.micro instance.
So I was wondering.. what are some really cheap VPS services that you like
to use for one off
2013 Feb 16
cheap cloud providors
Hey guys,
Apologies in advance if this question is in poor taste. But I've really
fallen in love with learning about the cassanrdra database. The only
problem is that it doesn't run very well on an t1.micro instance at amazon
and the larger sizes are quite expensive. An m1.small can do the trick,
while still not optimal. So I was wonder if there was any real value in the
cloud or even
2013 Feb 16
: cheap cloud providors
Try tilaa.nl virtual servers?
16.2.2013 22.40 "Tim Dunphy" <bluethundr at gmail.com> kirjoitti:
> Hey guys,
> Apologies in advance if this question is in poor taste. But I've really
> fallen in love with learning about the cassanrdra database. The only
> problem is that it doesn't run very well on an t1.micro instance at amazon
> and the larger sizes
2015 Aug 25
echo password into bash script
Hey guys,
I'm trying to echo my password into some commands inside of a bash script.
But I think I'm going about it incorrectly.
Here's the top part of my script:
for i in{5,6}
echo "xfring key up"
echo $dps_pass | $scp $PUB
2015 Mar 22
error building apr-util spec file
You're missing a -devel package. You should be building this in mock,
> then it will install the correct deps for you in a clean build environment.
These are the packages I have:
[root at repo:~] #rpm -qa | grep db4
I see I have two
2015 May 11
appdynamics php agent prevented by SELinux
> If rpm is configured for _that_ location of log files, I would remove the
> repository this rpm comes from from configuration and will remember to
> never-never ever use that repository for anything.
> Just my $0.02
Yeah I completely get where you're coming from there. However it's not an
RPM from a repo. I downloaded the rpm from the appdynamics site itself.
2015 May 11
appdynamics php agent prevented by SELinux
> That's a rather odd (personally, I think bad) place for a log (or
> even logfile lock) and I'm not at all surprised that selinux is
> keeping your application from writing there. I would check to see if
> there is a setup/configuration option for your application to put
> the log files and related in a more standard location (/var/log,
> /var/run), where it is less
2015 Apr 19
bash script fails conditional test
On Sun, 2015-04-19 at 13:15 -0400, Tim Dunphy wrote:
> Hey all,
> I wrote a very basic script to determine if cassandra db is running. I'm
> setting a variable called 'pid' to the output of a ps | grep like to grab
> the pid of the cassandra process.
Insert an extra line after #!/bin/bash
set -xv
which will show helpful debug messages.
2014 Aug 31
mairadb doesn't prompt for user/pass
I discovered today that CentOS 7 has replaced MySQL with MariaDB. Which is
fine, it's seems really similar. And I was already aware that it was
written by the original team that wrote mysql.
It's cool that the mysql command still gets you in!
This is the version I have:
[root at web1:~] #mysql --version
mysql Ver 15.1 Distrib 5.5.37-MariaDB, for Linux (x86_64) using readline
2015 May 11
appdynamics php agent prevented by SELinux
Hey guys,
I've got another C7 problem I was hoping to solve. I
installed appdynamics-php-agent- on a C7.1 host.
It's failing to communicate with it's controller on another host. And this
is the interesting part. Whether or not I have SELinux enabled, I have
apache reporting SELinux problems.
[root at web1:~] #getenforce
May 10 20:47:56 web1 python[25735]:
2014 Aug 30
why does centos 7 want to install mariadb instead of mysql ?
Hey all,
I just got around to trying out CentOS 7. And for some reason when I
attempt to install mysql-server, instead I'm offered mariadb? I'm using
epel and remi as my repos.
[root at web1:/etc/yum.repos.d] #cat /etc/redhat-release
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.0 (Maipo)
[root at web1:/etc/yum.repos.d] #yum repolist
Loaded plugins: amazon-id, rhui-lb
repo id
2015 May 12
appdynamics php agent prevented by SELinux
Well, I was having a heck of a time with the rpm install in terms of
customizing the install directory.
So I thought the easy way out might be to go for a source install. Which I
tried and this was the output from the install:
[root at web1:/opt/AppDynamics/appdynamics-php-agent] #./install.sh
appd.jokefire.com 443 beta.jokefire.com "Web Front End" web1.jokefire.com
Install script for
2015 May 10
mariadb fails to start under C7
Hey all,
I just unstalled MariaDB version 10 from the mariadb repositories under a
CentOS 7 host.
The install went fine!
[root at nfsdb1 ~]# rpm -qa | grep -i mariadb
However, when I go to start up the service, I'm
2015 Jan 22
SELinux permissions for apache
> The easiest answer is to edit the Selinux config file. By default it is
> set to enforce, which really locks it down.
> cd /etc/selinux
> edit the config file and change SELUNIX=enforcing to SELUNIX=permissive
> Save the file and restart httpd, you should be fine..
Yeah dude, exactly. Except I actually do want to start using it. I've been
disabling SELINUX forever
2015 Jan 22
SELinux permissions for apache
Hey Jeremy,
> Have you tried changing the folder where it's writing into with these
> lables? httpd_sys_content_rw_t or httpd_user_content_rw_t
Adding 'rw' to the command did the trick. I tried httpd_sys_content_rw_t and
that works fine! Thanks for the tip!
On Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 1:19 PM, Jeremy Hoel <jthoel at gmail.com> wrote:
> Have you tried changing
2015 May 24
specify port on check_memcached.pl
Hey guys,
I'm trying use check_memcached.pl to monitor a couple of memcached services
running on two ports.
I have my command definition setup like this:
# 'check_memcached' command definition
define command {
command_name check_memcached
command_line $USER1$/check_memcached.pl -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -p $ARG1$
And I have my service definitions setup like this:
# Define a