similar to: vncserver on centos 7

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "vncserver on centos 7"

2015 Apr 03
vncserver on CentOS 7
I am trying to setup a centos 7.1 vncserver I cannot believe they went from a relatively easy process in 6 to the "crazyness" that is 7. I did the following: yum install tigervnc-server cp /lib/systemd/system/vncserver at .service /etc/systemd/system systemctl daemon-reload edit /etc/systemd.system/vncserver at .service
2015 Apr 03
vncserver on CentOS 7
>You should: >cp /lib/systemd/system/vncserver at .service <> /lib/systemd/system/vncserver@:#.service >Where # is the vnc port 590# to open. Like /lib/systemd/system/vncserver@:4.service to start a vncserver on port 5904. > Then use `systemctl start vncserver@:4' to start that VNC server. Remember to edit the
2020 Nov 12
CentOS 8 vncserver
I am trying to get vncserver working on CentOS 8. Fully updated. On the console - logged in as a normal user I run: export DISPLAY=:0.0 xhost + /usr/bin/x0vncserver -display :0 -rfbport 5901 -passwordfile /home/silentm/.vnc/passwd I get this error: Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 key/usr/bin/x0vncserver: unable to open display ":0" Based on the error I changed the DISPLAY=:0 and tried
2017 May 25
Centos7 Cant start vncserver
OK, first time configuring vncserver on Centos7. I have read through a bunch of old messages here on vncserver and thought I had it. Obviously not. 1) cp /usr/lib/systemd/system/vncserver at .service /etc/systemd/system/vncserver at .service 2) vi /etc/systemd/system/vncserver at .service I changed <USER> in both places to root 3) systemctl daemon-reload 4) systemctl
2008 Aug 08
vncserver on IPv6 IPv6 support in VNC Server E4.1.7/P4.1.2 VNC Server E4.1.7 & P4.1.2 are fully IPv6-aware, but is shipped with IPv6 support disabled by default, for security reasons. IPv6 can be enabled by setting "InTransports=IPv6,IPv4" (the default being IPv4 only), either on the command-line when starting vncserver under Unix Ok.
2005 Apr 24
Vncserver not serving up my gnome desktop, just a fancy terminal!
I have the vncserver running on CentOS 4, but when I log in using vncviewer from another box, I don't see my gnome desktop, just a fancy terminal. I suspect I need to edit the ~/.vnc "xstartup file, but what do I add to fix this. On all other distros I have tried, the vncserver serves up my gnome desktop by default. -- Lee Parmeter Emperor, linXos - The Flying Penguin
2007 Jan 31
Accessing vncserver
On my Centos server I have vncserver running. ( # ps -A shows Xvnc), however I cannot access it from other computers on the LAN. Do I need to make a firewall change? Todd -- Ariste Software 2200 D Street Ext Petaluma, CA 94952 (707) 773-4523
2014 Oct 01
VNCServer Startup Config
hi all, I've inherited a server with CentOS 6.4 the VNC Server starts up with the OS and its screen resolution is set to 800x600. I found that I can set the resolution by specifying the -geometry switch, but I can't find where the call to start the vncserver is set in order to change it. I know that it's not in /etc/xinetd.d (the only file there is rsync) here are the contents of
2016 Jun 02
vnc on C7
I am trying to get a remote screen on C7. I did the following on C7 server: yum install tigervnc-server cp /lib/systemd/system/vncserver at .service /etc/systemd/system/vncserver@:1.service systemctl daemon-reload edit /etc/systemd/system/vncserver@:1.service and replace <USER> with myuser su - myuser run
2015 Dec 10
VNC on centOS
Hi, I have recently installed centOS 7 and trying to start vnc server on it. Somehow, I am unable to make vncserver working. I have modified iptable rules and xstartup file but it did not help. Has anyone else faced this problem earlier? Any help would be appreciated. Regards Hersh
2014 Jul 09
CentOS7: vncserver - desktop resolution
Hi, I just installed CentOS7 and managed to start the vncserver service, but once I connect to the machine, the desktop resolution isn't the one which I set in the vncserver@:3.service file located in /lib/systemd/system/ directory. The content of the mention file: ---------------------------------------- [Unit] Description=Remote desktop service (VNC)
2015 Apr 03
vncserver on CentOS 7
> Is the port opened in the firewall? I stopped firewalld with "systemctl stop firewalld" Jerry On Fri, Apr 3, 2015 at 2:46 PM, Jerry Geis <geisj at> wrote: > I am trying to setup a centos 7.1 vncserver > > I cannot believe they went from a relatively easy process in 6 to the > "crazyness" that is 7. > > I did the following:
2008 Jul 22
VNC server problem
HI all, i am configuring VNC server in CentOS 5.1. i have enables this two lines in /etc/sysconfig/vncserver file VNCSERVERS="2:vnc" VNCSERVERARGS[2]="-geometry 1024x768 -depth 24" here i have created a user vnc and set the password using vncpasswd cmd. then i started the vncserver # vncserver New 'localhost.localdomain:1 (gopinath)' desktop is
2013 Mar 14
vncserver doesn't start. Why?
I have been using tigervnc-server with CentOS6.2 since last summer. I worked well. Two days ago, I installed CentOS6.2 with Software development environment in a new PC and after "yum -y install update", tried to insall tigervnc-server using "yum -y install tgervnc-server" Installation itself has finished without any touble but vncserver didnot start with the message like
2018 Aug 01
Strange vncserver behavior
I got vncserver working per: Then I went to set up a second instance, and have that for logging on to root: ========== cp /lib/systemd/system/vncserver at .service /etc/systemd/system/vncserver@:2.service vi /etc/systemd/system/vncserver@\:2.service replace <USER> with root systemctl daemon-reload systemctl start
2008 Jan 02
Hi all, When using the "vncserver :1" and then "vncviewer :1" to see it so far so good. then when I run a program I get the window outline until I move to the position I want and click - how can I just skip that step and lets say have my new program go full screen (in the vnc window). Is that possible and how? THanks, Jerry
2017 May 25
Centos7 Cant start vncserver
Actually it is running: netstat -tuln | grep 590 tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp6 0 0 :::5901 :::* LISTEN tcp6 0 0 :::5902 :::* LISTEN tcp6 0 0 :::5903 :::* LISTEN
2009 Jun 04
Gnome-login to osol DomU fails, refusing valid credentials
i''ve managed to get 2009.06 installed in a Xen DomU on Linux Dom0. it''s currently ''up'' with a static IP, and i can successfully ssh into the box as either root or ''myuser''. all network/login settings seem to survive reboot. i''ve set up for VNC to the DomU. i can connect, and am at the Gnome login window. but, neither
2010 Mar 15
Get VNCserver to only listen on a particular IP address
Hi, Does anyone know if possible to get vncserver to only listen on one particular Ip address? Have two network interfaces (public + private) and just want the vncserver to listen on the private IP address 192.168.10 for example Thanks Keith
2009 Mar 21
Hello, I want to run some program with Wine in a headless server. However, I want to access it via VNC, so I am using Xvnc (vncserver is a wrapper script) from tightvnc as a X server. But I have a problem: wine doesn't detect the display of the X server. This is what happens: Code: [martin at urano ~]$ DISPLAY=:1 [martin at urano ~]$ vncserver :1 New 'X' desktop is urano:1 (...)