similar to: Request to edit

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "Request to edit"

2013 Jul 31
AWS AMI questions
Hi folks, I had a few questions in regards to the CentOS AMI: Are there instance backed versions of the AWS marketplace CentOS builds? It looks like there might have been at one point, but I'm not seeing them now, and since they're marked as being from the marketplace we're having some difficulties attaching the volumes to another system to create an instance backed version of it.
2020 Feb 27
Question about latest CentOS 7 AWS AMI
Hi, I'm seeing some strange behavior when trying to use the latest CentOS 7 AMI from the AWS marketplace. The AMI that we've been using previously is "ami-02eac2c0129f6376b" released January 30, 2019 at 6:40:58 PM Today I saw a new AMI with ID "ami-0c3b960f8440c7d71" that was released February 21, 2020 at 3:50:07 Both these AMIs are owned by AWS account
2017 Feb 02
AWS ami are out of date / support restricted instance subset
Hi all, the current AWS Marketplace CentOS7 AMIs (1602) are restricted to an outdated subset of EC2 instance types (at least m4.16xlarge and x1.* are missing). The AMIs are also based on 7.2.1511, which is now quite outdated. Are there any concrete plans to update the AMIs? Is this due to a lack of time, or are there other roadblocks that prevent an update? Cheers, Kad
2012 Dec 19
Hi list, I've noticed that instance-backed AMIs no longer seem to exist for the 'official' CentOS images, though the EBS ones are fine.. Looking at the wiki (, the AMIs listed on marketplace are slightly newer than what's listed on the wiki, so just wondering if something got overlooked after the last build? Cheers, -- Richard Clark richard at
2016 Feb 22
wiki addition for AWS
My wiki name: WarrenTurkal Page for addition: Proposed addition: I would like to add a column for the product code for the CentOS images listed with AWS marketplace URLs. I use the product code for "CENTOS-7 x86_64" to find the AMIs to start hosts with that image in each region of AWS. Thanks, wt
2015 Sep 28
CentOS 7 AMI on AWS GovCloud region
Hi, I'm working on building a cluster on AWS atop CentOS 7. For development, I've been working in the eu-west-1 (Ireland) region, where the AWS MarketPlace provides an official CentOS 7 AMI (ami-e4ff5c93). However, the production deployment is taking place in AWS's GovCloud region for regulatory reasons, and there, I couldn't find an official CentOS 7 AMI. Are there plans to
2014 Nov 03
Official AWS AMIs: eu-central-1 support?
Hello all, and thank you very much for the Centos 7 HVM AMI [1], greatly appreciated! This AMI does not work on the newly launched AWS Frankfurt region (eu-central-1). Any plans for fixing that? According to the AWS announcement [2], "The Region supports all sizes of T2, M3, C3, R3, and I2 instances". (We'll be running the CentOS 7 HVM AMI going forward, but looks like none of
2013 Aug 16
Support cloud-init or use-data in AWS marketplace official AMI?
Hi All, It's very helpful that CentOS release official AMIs in AWS EC2 marketplace. However, compare to official RedHat Linux and Amazon Linux AMIs in EC2, current official CentOS AMIs in marketplace does not support cloud-init or user-data scripts. which means that these AMIs doesn't support automation and dev-op operations. Since AWS CloudFormation also leverage user-data for initial
2016 Mar 02
wiki addition for AWS
On 22/02/16 22:58, Warren Turkal wrote: > My wiki name: WarrenTurkal > > Page for addition: > > Proposed addition: I would like to add a column for the product code > for the CentOS images listed with AWS marketplace URLs. I use the > product code for "CENTOS-7 x86_64" to find the AMIs to start hosts > with that image in each
2016 Mar 03
wiki addition for AWS
Unfortunately, I don't have edit access in the wiki. I can't even create my own personal info page. wt On Tue, Mar 1, 2016 at 4:32 PM, Karanbir Singh <mail-lists at> wrote: > On 22/02/16 22:58, Warren Turkal wrote: > > My wiki name: WarrenTurkal > > > > Page for addition: > > > > Proposed addition: I
2020 May 13
How to get CentOS 8 on AWS
On Tue, May 12, 2020 at 8:02 PM Paul Heinlein <heinlein at> wrote: > On Tue, 12 May 2020, Thomas Stephen Lee wrote: > > > Hi, > > > > I am user of CentOS 8. > > When can we expect an image on AWS? > > I am just learning AWS and would like to use CentOS 8 for that. > > I can't speak to AWS per se, but Digital Ocean has a CentOS 8
2014 Mar 08
Remove Centos from AWS marketplace This is a timebomb waiting to strike so many people who like do daily snapshot backups and keep them for few weeks and not realizing their snapshots are useless if they had accidentally mess up some boot related file earlier on. Another scenario you mess
2017 Jan 24
CentOS AMI's published to AWS
Greetings! Can someone please explain the process for publishing CentOS 7 AMI's to AWS? I see the "official" CentOS marketplace page here: However, if I select us-west-2 and launch based on the current AMI that was released on 2/26/2016, I see that it is CentOS 7.2.1511 at boot up. Do new AMI's get published on a particular
2013 Feb 01
Instance-backed CentOS AWS AMIs?
Hi list, I've noticed that instance-backed AMIs are not available in AWS MP (only the EBS ones are there). Still though, also the instance-backed AMIs are listed as published and available on your wiki: I've seen that the same question was asked already before but I'm not sure the answer given actually covered the whole question:
2015 Apr 30
CentOS Images on AWS with partitions on /dev/xvda1 are awkwared to resize
On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 11:33 PM, Kelly Prescott <kprescott at> wrote: > to follow-up, I will give an example. > Here is the listing for the official centos AMI: > > IMAGE ami-96a818fe aws-marketplace/CentOS 7 x86_64 (2014_09_29) EBS > HVM-b7ee8a69-ee97-4a49-9e68-afaee216db2e-ami-d2a117ba.2 aws-marketplace > available public [marketplace:
2016 Jan 28
When will CentOS 7.1 become available as an AWS AMI?
I am in need of some AWS instances of this version. There are "community" instances of 7.1 but I would strongly prefer an official release from CentOS team over trusting my base image to an unknown publisher. Is there any plan/projection of when CentOS will publish 7.1 to the AWS marketplace? -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2013 Nov 29
Official AWS Centos AMI and new instance types
Hello, list. Yesterday I tried changing the instance type of my c1.medium instances on AWS to c3.large and I wasn't able to do so. It looks like the official Centos AMI on market place is still not ready for c3.large. This is the error message I received: "The instance configuration for this AWS Marketplace product is not supported. Please see
2016 Aug 01
Why does AWS instance always lost around 500MB memory
Hi, I launched an AWS instance `t2.medium` (use CentOS 7 image "ami-7abd0209", product code:, which is supposed to have 4GB Memory in total, but turn out it is only "3.5GB". ``` $ free -h total used free shared buff/cache available Mem: 3.5G 441M 1.4G 16M
2020 Jul 10
Availability of CentOS 7/8 AMIs through AWS Marketplace
Hi there, Long-time user of CentOS 7 AMIs from the AWS Marketplace. I see that the latest CentOS 7 and all CentOS 8 AMIs are only available outside of the Marketplace ("These images are published outside of the AWS Market Place and are shared directly" - I'm really keen to understand if this is short-term situation, or if this is the indefinite
2018 Aug 30
TUTORIAL: How to Install Apache Web Server in CentOS 7.5 (1805) Linux in Amazon AWS Cloud with URL/HTTP/HTTPS Redirection
TUTORIAL: How to Install Apache Web Server in CentOS 7.5 (1805) Linux in Amazon AWS Cloud with URL/HTTP/HTTPS Redirection AUTHOR OF THIS TUTORIAL: MR. TURRITOPSIS DOHRNII TEO EN MING (ZHANG ENMING) @ TIME TRAVELLER AGE: 40 YEARS OLD COUNTRY OF RESIDENCE: SINGAPORE DATE: 30TH AUGUST 2018 THURSDAY TIME: 10:49 AM SINGAPORE TIME Greenwich Mean Time+8 1. Sign up for Amazon AWS Cloud or Google Cloud